Contact us

    Rabolt Schlafkultur
    Betten-Rabolt Ludwig Rabolt GmbH
    Lange Straße 49-51
    76530 Baden-Baden
    Tel. +49 (0) 7221 9060-0


    Montag bis Freitag 09:30 - 18:30 Uhr
    Samstag                   09:30 - 17:00 Uhr

    Bitte beachten: Am 24.12.2022 + 31.12.2022 ist das Geschäft geschlossen!

Opening Hours

    Montag – Freitag:9.30 – 18.30 Uhr
    Samstag:9.30 – 17.00 Uhr


    Parkmöglichkeiten befinden sich 6 Stellplätze direkt bei uns auf dem Kundenparkplatz. Alternativ sind fußläufig das Festspielhaus Parkhaus und das Wagener Parkhaus gut erreichbar.

    Wir beraten sie auch außerordentlich bei Ihnen zuhause oder abends bis 21h nach Terminvereinbarung.

Unsere Marken

view Object
    [db_table] => views_view
    [base_table] => taxonomy_term_data
    [base_field] => tid
    [name] => unsere_marken
    [vid] => 9
    [description] => 
    [tag] => default
    [human_name] => Unsere Marken
    [core] => 7
    [api_version] => 
    [disabled] => 
    [built] => 1
    [executed] => 1
    [editing] => 
    [args] => Array

    [build_info] => Array
            [query] => SelectQuery Object
                    [fields:protected] => Array
                            [taxonomy_term_data_name] => Array
                                    [field] => name
                                    [table] => taxonomy_term_data
                                    [alias] => taxonomy_term_data_name

                            [taxonomy_term_data_vid] => Array
                                    [field] => vid
                                    [table] => taxonomy_term_data
                                    [alias] => taxonomy_term_data_vid

                            [tid] => Array
                                    [field] => tid
                                    [table] => taxonomy_term_data
                                    [alias] => tid

                            [taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name] => Array
                                    [field] => machine_name
                                    [table] => taxonomy_vocabulary
                                    [alias] => taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name


                    [expressions:protected] => Array
                            [field_data_field_logo_taxonomy_term_entity_type] => Array
                                    [expression] => 'taxonomy_term'
                                    [alias] => field_data_field_logo_taxonomy_term_entity_type
                                    [arguments] => Array



                    [tables:protected] => Array
                            [taxonomy_term_data] => Array
                                    [join type] => 
                                    [table] => taxonomy_term_data
                                    [alias] => taxonomy_term_data
                                    [condition] => 
                                    [arguments] => Array


                            [taxonomy_vocabulary] => Array
                                    [join type] => LEFT
                                    [table] => taxonomy_vocabulary
                                    [alias] => taxonomy_vocabulary
                                    [condition] => taxonomy_term_data.vid = taxonomy_vocabulary.vid
                                    [arguments] => Array



                    [order:protected] => Array

                    [group:protected] => Array

                    [where:protected] => DatabaseCondition Object
                            [conditions:protected] => Array
                                    [#conjunction] => AND
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [field] => DatabaseCondition Object
                                                    [conditions:protected] => Array
                                                            [#conjunction] => AND
                                                            [0] => Array
                                                                    [field] => DatabaseCondition Object
                                                                            [conditions:protected] => Array
                                                                                    [#conjunction] => AND
                                                                                    [0] => Array
                                                                                            [field] => taxonomy_vocabulary.machine_name
                                                                                            [value] => Array
                                                                                                    [0] => hersteller_marke

                                                                                            [operator] => in


                                                                            [arguments:protected] => Array
                                                                                    [:db_condition_placeholder_0] => hersteller_marke

                                                                            [changed:protected] => 
                                                                            [queryPlaceholderIdentifier:protected] => 662dc39b0eeb24.11968031
                                                                            [stringVersion:protected] =>  (taxonomy_vocabulary.machine_name IN  (:db_condition_placeholder_0)) 

                                                                    [value] => 
                                                                    [operator] => IS NULL


                                                    [arguments:protected] => Array
                                                            [:db_condition_placeholder_0] => hersteller_marke

                                                    [changed:protected] => 
                                                    [queryPlaceholderIdentifier:protected] => 662dc39b0eeb24.11968031
                                                    [stringVersion:protected] => ( (taxonomy_vocabulary.machine_name IN  (:db_condition_placeholder_0)) )

                                            [value] => 
                                            [operator] => IS NULL


                            [arguments:protected] => Array
                                    [:db_condition_placeholder_0] => hersteller_marke

                            [changed:protected] => 
                            [queryPlaceholderIdentifier:protected] => 662dc39b0eeb24.11968031
                            [stringVersion:protected] => (( (taxonomy_vocabulary.machine_name IN  (:db_condition_placeholder_0)) ))

                    [having:protected] => DatabaseCondition Object
                            [conditions:protected] => Array
                                    [#conjunction] => AND

                            [arguments:protected] => Array

                            [changed:protected] => 
                            [queryPlaceholderIdentifier:protected] => 662dc39b0eeb24.11968031
                            [stringVersion:protected] => 

                    [distinct:protected] => 
                    [range:protected] => 
                    [alterMetaData] => Array
                            [views_substitutions] => Array
                                    [***ADMINISTER_NODES***] => 0
                                    [***VIEW_OWN_UNPUBLISHED_NODES***] => 0
                                    [***BYPASS_NODE_ACCESS***] => 0
                                    [***CURRENT_USER***] => 0
                                    [***CURRENT_VERSION***] => 7.94
                                    [***CURRENT_TIME***] => 1714275226
                                    [***CURRENT_LANGUAGE***] => en
                                    [***DEFAULT_LANGUAGE***] => de

                            [view] => view Object

                    [alterTags] => Array
                            [views] => 1
                            [views_unsere_marken] => 1
                            [taxonomy_term_access] => 1
                            [term_access] => 1

                    [union:protected] => Array

                    [prepared:protected] => 1
                    [forUpdate:protected] => 
                    [connection:protected] => DatabaseConnection_mysql Object
                            [needsCleanup:protected] => 
                            [reservedKeyWords:DatabaseConnection_mysql:private] => Array
                                    [0] => accessible
                                    [1] => add
                                    [2] => admin
                                    [3] => all
                                    [4] => alter
                                    [5] => analyze
                                    [6] => and
                                    [7] => as
                                    [8] => asc
                                    [9] => asensitive
                                    [10] => before
                                    [11] => between
                                    [12] => bigint
                                    [13] => binary
                                    [14] => blob
                                    [15] => both
                                    [16] => by
                                    [17] => call
                                    [18] => cascade
                                    [19] => case
                                    [20] => change
                                    [21] => char
                                    [22] => character
                                    [23] => check
                                    [24] => collate
                                    [25] => column
                                    [26] => condition
                                    [27] => constraint
                                    [28] => continue
                                    [29] => convert
                                    [30] => create
                                    [31] => cross
                                    [32] => cube
                                    [33] => cume_dist
                                    [34] => current_date
                                    [35] => current_time
                                    [36] => current_timestamp
                                    [37] => current_user
                                    [38] => cursor
                                    [39] => database
                                    [40] => databases
                                    [41] => day_hour
                                    [42] => day_microsecond
                                    [43] => day_minute
                                    [44] => day_second
                                    [45] => dec
                                    [46] => decimal
                                    [47] => declare
                                    [48] => default
                                    [49] => delayed
                                    [50] => delete
                                    [51] => dense_rank
                                    [52] => desc
                                    [53] => describe
                                    [54] => deterministic
                                    [55] => distinct
                                    [56] => distinctrow
                                    [57] => div
                                    [58] => double
                                    [59] => drop
                                    [60] => dual
                                    [61] => each
                                    [62] => else
                                    [63] => elseif
                                    [64] => empty
                                    [65] => enclosed
                                    [66] => escaped
                                    [67] => except
                                    [68] => exists
                                    [69] => exit
                                    [70] => explain
                                    [71] => false
                                    [72] => fetch
                                    [73] => first_value
                                    [74] => float
                                    [75] => float4
                                    [76] => float8
                                    [77] => for
                                    [78] => force
                                    [79] => foreign
                                    [80] => from
                                    [81] => fulltext
                                    [82] => function
                                    [83] => generated
                                    [84] => get
                                    [85] => grant
                                    [86] => group
                                    [87] => grouping
                                    [88] => groups
                                    [89] => having
                                    [90] => high_priority
                                    [91] => hour_microsecond
                                    [92] => hour_minute
                                    [93] => hour_second
                                    [94] => if
                                    [95] => ignore
                                    [96] => in
                                    [97] => index
                                    [98] => infile
                                    [99] => inner
                                    [100] => inout
                                    [101] => insensitive
                                    [102] => insert
                                    [103] => int
                                    [104] => int1
                                    [105] => int2
                                    [106] => int3
                                    [107] => int4
                                    [108] => int8
                                    [109] => integer
                                    [110] => interval
                                    [111] => into
                                    [112] => io_after_gtids
                                    [113] => io_before_gtids
                                    [114] => is
                                    [115] => iterate
                                    [116] => join
                                    [117] => json_table
                                    [118] => key
                                    [119] => keys
                                    [120] => kill
                                    [121] => lag
                                    [122] => last_value
                                    [123] => lead
                                    [124] => leading
                                    [125] => leave
                                    [126] => left
                                    [127] => like
                                    [128] => limit
                                    [129] => linear
                                    [130] => lines
                                    [131] => load
                                    [132] => localtime
                                    [133] => localtimestamp
                                    [134] => lock
                                    [135] => long
                                    [136] => longblob
                                    [137] => longtext
                                    [138] => loop
                                    [139] => low_priority
                                    [140] => master_bind
                                    [141] => master_ssl_verify_server_cert
                                    [142] => match
                                    [143] => maxvalue
                                    [144] => mediumblob
                                    [145] => mediumint
                                    [146] => mediumtext
                                    [147] => middleint
                                    [148] => minute_microsecond
                                    [149] => minute_second
                                    [150] => mod
                                    [151] => modifies
                                    [152] => natural
                                    [153] => not
                                    [154] => no_write_to_binlog
                                    [155] => nth_value
                                    [156] => ntile
                                    [157] => null
                                    [158] => numeric
                                    [159] => of
                                    [160] => on
                                    [161] => optimize
                                    [162] => optimizer_costs
                                    [163] => option
                                    [164] => optionally
                                    [165] => or
                                    [166] => order
                                    [167] => out
                                    [168] => outer
                                    [169] => outfile
                                    [170] => over
                                    [171] => partition
                                    [172] => percent_rank
                                    [173] => persist
                                    [174] => persist_only
                                    [175] => precision
                                    [176] => primary
                                    [177] => procedure
                                    [178] => purge
                                    [179] => range
                                    [180] => rank
                                    [181] => read
                                    [182] => reads
                                    [183] => read_write
                                    [184] => real
                                    [185] => recursive
                                    [186] => references
                                    [187] => regexp
                                    [188] => release
                                    [189] => rename
                                    [190] => repeat
                                    [191] => replace
                                    [192] => require
                                    [193] => resignal
                                    [194] => restrict
                                    [195] => return
                                    [196] => revoke
                                    [197] => right
                                    [198] => rlike
                                    [199] => row
                                    [200] => rows
                                    [201] => row_number
                                    [202] => schema
                                    [203] => schemas
                                    [204] => second_microsecond
                                    [205] => select
                                    [206] => sensitive
                                    [207] => separator
                                    [208] => set
                                    [209] => show
                                    [210] => signal
                                    [211] => smallint
                                    [212] => spatial
                                    [213] => specific
                                    [214] => sql
                                    [215] => sqlexception
                                    [216] => sqlstate
                                    [217] => sqlwarning
                                    [218] => sql_big_result
                                    [219] => sql_calc_found_rows
                                    [220] => sql_small_result
                                    [221] => ssl
                                    [222] => starting
                                    [223] => stored
                                    [224] => straight_join
                                    [225] => system
                                    [226] => table
                                    [227] => terminated
                                    [228] => then
                                    [229] => tinyblob
                                    [230] => tinyint
                                    [231] => tinytext
                                    [232] => to
                                    [233] => trailing
                                    [234] => trigger
                                    [235] => true
                                    [236] => undo
                                    [237] => union
                                    [238] => unique
                                    [239] => unlock
                                    [240] => unsigned
                                    [241] => update
                                    [242] => usage
                                    [243] => use
                                    [244] => using
                                    [245] => utc_date
                                    [246] => utc_time
                                    [247] => utc_timestamp
                                    [248] => values
                                    [249] => varbinary
                                    [250] => varchar
                                    [251] => varcharacter
                                    [252] => varying
                                    [253] => virtual
                                    [254] => when
                                    [255] => where
                                    [256] => while
                                    [257] => window
                                    [258] => with
                                    [259] => write
                                    [260] => xor
                                    [261] => year_month
                                    [262] => zerofill

                            [target:protected] => default
                            [key:protected] => default
                            [logger:protected] => 
                            [transactionLayers:protected] => Array

                            [driverClasses:protected] => Array
                                    [SelectQuery] => SelectQuery
                                    [DatabaseSchema] => DatabaseSchema_mysql
                                    [InsertQuery] => InsertQuery_mysql
                                    [UpdateQuery] => UpdateQuery_mysql

                            [statementClass:protected] => DatabaseStatementBase
                            [transactionSupport:protected] => 1
                            [transactionalDDLSupport:protected] => 
                            [temporaryNameIndex:protected] => 0
                            [connection:protected] => PDO Object

                            [connectionOptions:protected] => Array
                                    [database] => leitersql1mann__
                                    [username] => tzTgu8
                                    [password] => kH9%t64y
                                    [host] => localhost
                                    [port] => 
                                    [driver] => mysql
                                    [prefix] => Array
                                            [default] => 


                            [schema:protected] => DatabaseSchema_mysql Object
                                    [connection:protected] => DatabaseConnection_mysql Object
                                    [placeholder:protected] => 0
                                    [defaultSchema:protected] => public
                                    [uniqueIdentifier:protected] => 662dc39aefbcb8.89258515

                            [prefixes:protected] => Array
                                    [default] => 

                            [prefixSearch:protected] => Array
                                    [0] => {
                                    [1] => }

                            [prefixReplace:protected] => Array
                                    [0] => `
                                    [1] => `

                            [escapedNames:protected] => Array
                                    [cache_bootstrap] => cache_bootstrap
                                    [cache] => cache
                                    [base.nid] => base.nid
                                    [vid] => vid
                                    [uid] => uid
                                    [title] => title
                                    [log] => log
                                    [status] => status
                                    [comment] => comment
                                    [promote] => promote
                                    [sticky] => sticky
                                    [nid] => nid
                                    [type] => type
                                    [language] => language
                                    [created] => created
                                    [changed] => changed
                                    [tnid] => tnid
                                    [translate] => translate
                                    [timestamp] => timestamp
                                    [node] => node
                                    [node_revision] => node_revision
                                    [cache_field] => cache_field
                                    [m.entity_type] => m.entity_type
                                    [m.revision_id] => m.revision_id
                                    [entity_id] => entity_id
                                    [revision_id] => revision_id
                                    [data] => data
                                    [metatag] => metatag
                                    [webform] => webform
                                    [rid] => rid
                                    [webform_roles] => webform_roles
                                    [webform_emails] => webform_emails
                                    [webform_component] => webform_component
                                    [webform_conditional] => webform_conditional
                                    [ml.link_path] => ml.link_path
                                    [ml.language] => ml.language
                                    [weight] => weight
                                    [menu_links] => menu_links
                                    [menu_router] => menu_router
                                    [cache_menu] => cache_menu
                                    [cache_path] => cache_path
                                    [cache_rules] => cache_rules
                                    [form_id] => form_id
                                    [captcha_points] => captcha_points
                                    [cache_features] => cache_features
                                    [sid] => sid
                                    [ip_address] => ip_address
                                    [solution] => solution
                                    [attempts] => attempts
                                    [csid] => csid
                                    [token] => token
                                    [captcha_sessions] => captcha_sessions
                                    [cache_metatag] => cache_metatag
                                    [cache_token] => cache_token
                                    [b.theme] => b.theme
                                    [b.status] => b.status
                                    [block] => block
                                    [name] => name
                                    [views_view] => views_view
                                    [cache_views] => cache_views
                                    [fc.field_name] => fc.field_name
                                    [] =>
                                    [fc.storage_active] => fc.storage_active
                                    [fc.deleted] => fc.deleted
                                    [field_config] => field_config
                                    [node.status] => node.status
                                    [node.language] => node.language
                                    [node.type] => node.type
                                    [s.type] => s.type
                                    [s.objectid] => s.objectid
                                    [t.language] => t.language
                                    [s.textgroup] => s.textgroup
                                    [translation] => translation
                                    [i18n_status] => i18n_status
                                    [i18n_string] => i18n_string
                                    [locales_target] => locales_target
                                    [taxonomy_vocabulary.machine_name] => taxonomy_vocabulary.machine_name
                                    [tid] => tid
                                    [machine_name] => machine_name
                                    [taxonomy_term_data] => taxonomy_term_data
                                    [taxonomy_vocabulary] => taxonomy_vocabulary
                                    [base.tid] => base.tid
                                    [description] => description
                                    [format] => format
                                    [i18n_tsid] => i18n_tsid
                                    [m.entity_id] => m.entity_id
                                    [base.vid] => base.vid
                                    [hierarchy] => hierarchy
                                    [module] => module
                                    [i18n_mode] => i18n_mode
                                    [s.context] => s.context

                            [escapedAliases:protected] => Array
                                    [revision] => revision
                                    [vid] => vid
                                    [base] => base
                                    [uid] => uid
                                    [title] => title
                                    [log] => log
                                    [status] => status
                                    [comment] => comment
                                    [promote] => promote
                                    [sticky] => sticky
                                    [nid] => nid
                                    [type] => type
                                    [language] => language
                                    [created] => created
                                    [changed] => changed
                                    [tnid] => tnid
                                    [translate] => translate
                                    [revision_timestamp] => revision_timestamp
                                    [revision_uid] => revision_uid
                                    [m] => m
                                    [entity_id] => entity_id
                                    [revision_id] => revision_id
                                    [data] => data
                                    [webform] => webform
                                    [webform_roles] => webform_roles
                                    [rid] => rid
                                    [webform_emails] => webform_emails
                                    [webform_component] => webform_component
                                    [webform_conditional] => webform_conditional
                                    [ml] => ml
                                    [link_weight] => link_weight
                                    [t__0] => t__0
                                    [c] => c
                                    [token] => token
                                    [b] => b
                                    [fc] => fc
                                    [expression] => expression
                                    [node] => node
                                    [subquery] => subquery
                                    [node_created] => node_created
                                    [field_data_field_miniaturansicht_node_entity_type] => field_data_field_miniaturansicht_node_entity_type
                                    [field_data_field_adresse_node_entity_type] => field_data_field_adresse_node_entity_type
                                    [field_data_field_telefon_node_entity_type] => field_data_field_telefon_node_entity_type
                                    [s] => s
                                    [t] => t
                                    [translation] => translation
                                    [i18n_status] => i18n_status
                                    [taxonomy_term_data] => taxonomy_term_data
                                    [taxonomy_term_data_name] => taxonomy_term_data_name
                                    [taxonomy_term_data_vid] => taxonomy_term_data_vid
                                    [tid] => tid
                                    [taxonomy_vocabulary] => taxonomy_vocabulary
                                    [taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name] => taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name
                                    [field_data_field_logo_taxonomy_term_entity_type] => field_data_field_logo_taxonomy_term_entity_type
                                    [name] => name
                                    [description] => description
                                    [format] => format
                                    [weight] => weight
                                    [i18n_tsid] => i18n_tsid
                                    [v] => v
                                    [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_machine_name
                                    [machine_name] => machine_name
                                    [hierarchy] => hierarchy
                                    [module] => module
                                    [i18n_mode] => i18n_mode
                                    [base_i18n_mode] => base_i18n_mode
                                    [base_language] => base_language

                            [unprefixedTablesMap:protected] => Array


                    [connectionTarget:protected] => default
                    [connectionKey:protected] => default
                    [queryOptions:protected] => Array
                            [return] => 1

                    [uniqueIdentifier:protected] => 662dc39b0eeb24.11968031
                    [nextPlaceholder:protected] => 1
                    [comments:protected] => Array


            [count_query] => SelectQuery Object
                    [fields:protected] => Array
                            [taxonomy_term_data_name] => Array
                                    [field] => name
                                    [table] => taxonomy_term_data
                                    [alias] => taxonomy_term_data_name

                            [taxonomy_term_data_vid] => Array
                                    [field] => vid
                                    [table] => taxonomy_term_data
                                    [alias] => taxonomy_term_data_vid

                            [tid] => Array
                                    [field] => tid
                                    [table] => taxonomy_term_data
                                    [alias] => tid

                            [taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name] => Array
                                    [field] => machine_name
                                    [table] => taxonomy_vocabulary
                                    [alias] => taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name


                    [expressions:protected] => Array
                            [field_data_field_logo_taxonomy_term_entity_type] => Array
                                    [expression] => 'taxonomy_term'
                                    [alias] => field_data_field_logo_taxonomy_term_entity_type
                                    [arguments] => Array



                    [tables:protected] => Array
                            [taxonomy_term_data] => Array
                                    [join type] => 
                                    [table] => taxonomy_term_data
                                    [alias] => taxonomy_term_data
                                    [condition] => 
                                    [arguments] => Array


                            [taxonomy_vocabulary] => Array
                                    [join type] => LEFT
                                    [table] => taxonomy_vocabulary
                                    [alias] => taxonomy_vocabulary
                                    [condition] => taxonomy_term_data.vid = taxonomy_vocabulary.vid
                                    [arguments] => Array



                    [order:protected] => Array

                    [group:protected] => Array

                    [where:protected] => DatabaseCondition Object
                            [conditions:protected] => Array
                                    [#conjunction] => AND
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [field] => DatabaseCondition Object
                                                    [conditions:protected] => Array
                                                            [#conjunction] => AND
                                                            [0] => Array
                                                                    [field] => DatabaseCondition Object
                                                                            [conditions:protected] => Array
                                                                                    [#conjunction] => AND
                                                                                    [0] => Array
                                                                                            [field] => taxonomy_vocabulary.machine_name
                                                                                            [value] => Array
                                                                                                    [0] => hersteller_marke

                                                                                            [operator] => in


                                                                            [arguments:protected] => Array

                                                                            [changed:protected] => 1
                                                                            [queryPlaceholderIdentifier:protected] => 
                                                                            [stringVersion:protected] => 

                                                                    [value] => 
                                                                    [operator] => IS NULL


                                                    [arguments:protected] => Array

                                                    [changed:protected] => 1
                                                    [queryPlaceholderIdentifier:protected] => 
                                                    [stringVersion:protected] => 

                                            [value] => 
                                            [operator] => IS NULL


                            [arguments:protected] => Array

                            [changed:protected] => 1
                            [queryPlaceholderIdentifier:protected] => 
                            [stringVersion:protected] => 

                    [having:protected] => DatabaseCondition Object
                            [conditions:protected] => Array
                                    [#conjunction] => AND

                            [arguments:protected] => Array

                            [changed:protected] => 1
                            [queryPlaceholderIdentifier:protected] => 
                            [stringVersion:protected] => 

                    [distinct:protected] => 
                    [range:protected] => 
                    [alterMetaData] => Array
                            [views_substitutions] => Array
                                    [***ADMINISTER_NODES***] => 0
                                    [***VIEW_OWN_UNPUBLISHED_NODES***] => 0
                                    [***BYPASS_NODE_ACCESS***] => 0
                                    [***CURRENT_USER***] => 0
                                    [***CURRENT_VERSION***] => 7.94
                                    [***CURRENT_TIME***] => 1714275226
                                    [***CURRENT_LANGUAGE***] => en
                                    [***DEFAULT_LANGUAGE***] => de

                            [view] => view Object

                    [alterTags] => Array
                            [views] => 1
                            [views_unsere_marken] => 1
                            [taxonomy_term_access] => 1
                            [term_access] => 1

                    [union:protected] => Array

                    [prepared:protected] => 1
                    [forUpdate:protected] => 
                    [connection:protected] => DatabaseConnection_mysql Object
                            [needsCleanup:protected] => 
                            [reservedKeyWords:DatabaseConnection_mysql:private] => Array
                                    [0] => accessible
                                    [1] => add
                                    [2] => admin
                                    [3] => all
                                    [4] => alter
                                    [5] => analyze
                                    [6] => and
                                    [7] => as
                                    [8] => asc
                                    [9] => asensitive
                                    [10] => before
                                    [11] => between
                                    [12] => bigint
                                    [13] => binary
                                    [14] => blob
                                    [15] => both
                                    [16] => by
                                    [17] => call
                                    [18] => cascade
                                    [19] => case
                                    [20] => change
                                    [21] => char
                                    [22] => character
                                    [23] => check
                                    [24] => collate
                                    [25] => column
                                    [26] => condition
                                    [27] => constraint
                                    [28] => continue
                                    [29] => convert
                                    [30] => create
                                    [31] => cross
                                    [32] => cube
                                    [33] => cume_dist
                                    [34] => current_date
                                    [35] => current_time
                                    [36] => current_timestamp
                                    [37] => current_user
                                    [38] => cursor
                                    [39] => database
                                    [40] => databases
                                    [41] => day_hour
                                    [42] => day_microsecond
                                    [43] => day_minute
                                    [44] => day_second
                                    [45] => dec
                                    [46] => decimal
                                    [47] => declare
                                    [48] => default
                                    [49] => delayed
                                    [50] => delete
                                    [51] => dense_rank
                                    [52] => desc
                                    [53] => describe
                                    [54] => deterministic
                                    [55] => distinct
                                    [56] => distinctrow
                                    [57] => div
                                    [58] => double
                                    [59] => drop
                                    [60] => dual
                                    [61] => each
                                    [62] => else
                                    [63] => elseif
                                    [64] => empty
                                    [65] => enclosed
                                    [66] => escaped
                                    [67] => except
                                    [68] => exists
                                    [69] => exit
                                    [70] => explain
                                    [71] => false
                                    [72] => fetch
                                    [73] => first_value
                                    [74] => float
                                    [75] => float4
                                    [76] => float8
                                    [77] => for
                                    [78] => force
                                    [79] => foreign
                                    [80] => from
                                    [81] => fulltext
                                    [82] => function
                                    [83] => generated
                                    [84] => get
                                    [85] => grant
                                    [86] => group
                                    [87] => grouping
                                    [88] => groups
                                    [89] => having
                                    [90] => high_priority
                                    [91] => hour_microsecond
                                    [92] => hour_minute
                                    [93] => hour_second
                                    [94] => if
                                    [95] => ignore
                                    [96] => in
                                    [97] => index
                                    [98] => infile
                                    [99] => inner
                                    [100] => inout
                                    [101] => insensitive
                                    [102] => insert
                                    [103] => int
                                    [104] => int1
                                    [105] => int2
                                    [106] => int3
                                    [107] => int4
                                    [108] => int8
                                    [109] => integer
                                    [110] => interval
                                    [111] => into
                                    [112] => io_after_gtids
                                    [113] => io_before_gtids
                                    [114] => is
                                    [115] => iterate
                                    [116] => join
                                    [117] => json_table
                                    [118] => key
                                    [119] => keys
                                    [120] => kill
                                    [121] => lag
                                    [122] => last_value
                                    [123] => lead
                                    [124] => leading
                                    [125] => leave
                                    [126] => left
                                    [127] => like
                                    [128] => limit
                                    [129] => linear
                                    [130] => lines
                                    [131] => load
                                    [132] => localtime
                                    [133] => localtimestamp
                                    [134] => lock
                                    [135] => long
                                    [136] => longblob
                                    [137] => longtext
                                    [138] => loop
                                    [139] => low_priority
                                    [140] => master_bind
                                    [141] => master_ssl_verify_server_cert
                                    [142] => match
                                    [143] => maxvalue
                                    [144] => mediumblob
                                    [145] => mediumint
                                    [146] => mediumtext
                                    [147] => middleint
                                    [148] => minute_microsecond
                                    [149] => minute_second
                                    [150] => mod
                                    [151] => modifies
                                    [152] => natural
                                    [153] => not
                                    [154] => no_write_to_binlog
                                    [155] => nth_value
                                    [156] => ntile
                                    [157] => null
                                    [158] => numeric
                                    [159] => of
                                    [160] => on
                                    [161] => optimize
                                    [162] => optimizer_costs
                                    [163] => option
                                    [164] => optionally
                                    [165] => or
                                    [166] => order
                                    [167] => out
                                    [168] => outer
                                    [169] => outfile
                                    [170] => over
                                    [171] => partition
                                    [172] => percent_rank
                                    [173] => persist
                                    [174] => persist_only
                                    [175] => precision
                                    [176] => primary
                                    [177] => procedure
                                    [178] => purge
                                    [179] => range
                                    [180] => rank
                                    [181] => read
                                    [182] => reads
                                    [183] => read_write
                                    [184] => real
                                    [185] => recursive
                                    [186] => references
                                    [187] => regexp
                                    [188] => release
                                    [189] => rename
                                    [190] => repeat
                                    [191] => replace
                                    [192] => require
                                    [193] => resignal
                                    [194] => restrict
                                    [195] => return
                                    [196] => revoke
                                    [197] => right
                                    [198] => rlike
                                    [199] => row
                                    [200] => rows
                                    [201] => row_number
                                    [202] => schema
                                    [203] => schemas
                                    [204] => second_microsecond
                                    [205] => select
                                    [206] => sensitive
                                    [207] => separator
                                    [208] => set
                                    [209] => show
                                    [210] => signal
                                    [211] => smallint
                                    [212] => spatial
                                    [213] => specific
                                    [214] => sql
                                    [215] => sqlexception
                                    [216] => sqlstate
                                    [217] => sqlwarning
                                    [218] => sql_big_result
                                    [219] => sql_calc_found_rows
                                    [220] => sql_small_result
                                    [221] => ssl
                                    [222] => starting
                                    [223] => stored
                                    [224] => straight_join
                                    [225] => system
                                    [226] => table
                                    [227] => terminated
                                    [228] => then
                                    [229] => tinyblob
                                    [230] => tinyint
                                    [231] => tinytext
                                    [232] => to
                                    [233] => trailing
                                    [234] => trigger
                                    [235] => true
                                    [236] => undo
                                    [237] => union
                                    [238] => unique
                                    [239] => unlock
                                    [240] => unsigned
                                    [241] => update
                                    [242] => usage
                                    [243] => use
                                    [244] => using
                                    [245] => utc_date
                                    [246] => utc_time
                                    [247] => utc_timestamp
                                    [248] => values
                                    [249] => varbinary
                                    [250] => varchar
                                    [251] => varcharacter
                                    [252] => varying
                                    [253] => virtual
                                    [254] => when
                                    [255] => where
                                    [256] => while
                                    [257] => window
                                    [258] => with
                                    [259] => write
                                    [260] => xor
                                    [261] => year_month
                                    [262] => zerofill

                            [target:protected] => default
                            [key:protected] => default
                            [logger:protected] => 
                            [transactionLayers:protected] => Array

                            [driverClasses:protected] => Array
                                    [SelectQuery] => SelectQuery
                                    [DatabaseSchema] => DatabaseSchema_mysql
                                    [InsertQuery] => InsertQuery_mysql
                                    [UpdateQuery] => UpdateQuery_mysql

                            [statementClass:protected] => DatabaseStatementBase
                            [transactionSupport:protected] => 1
                            [transactionalDDLSupport:protected] => 
                            [temporaryNameIndex:protected] => 0
                            [connection:protected] => PDO Object

                            [connectionOptions:protected] => Array
                                    [database] => leitersql1mann__
                                    [username] => tzTgu8
                                    [password] => kH9%t64y
                                    [host] => localhost
                                    [port] => 
                                    [driver] => mysql
                                    [prefix] => Array
                                            [default] => 


                            [schema:protected] => DatabaseSchema_mysql Object
                                    [connection:protected] => DatabaseConnection_mysql Object
                                    [placeholder:protected] => 0
                                    [defaultSchema:protected] => public
                                    [uniqueIdentifier:protected] => 662dc39aefbcb8.89258515

                            [prefixes:protected] => Array
                                    [default] => 

                            [prefixSearch:protected] => Array
                                    [0] => {
                                    [1] => }

                            [prefixReplace:protected] => Array
                                    [0] => `
                                    [1] => `

                            [escapedNames:protected] => Array
                                    [cache_bootstrap] => cache_bootstrap
                                    [cache] => cache
                                    [base.nid] => base.nid
                                    [vid] => vid
                                    [uid] => uid
                                    [title] => title
                                    [log] => log
                                    [status] => status
                                    [comment] => comment
                                    [promote] => promote
                                    [sticky] => sticky
                                    [nid] => nid
                                    [type] => type
                                    [language] => language
                                    [created] => created
                                    [changed] => changed
                                    [tnid] => tnid
                                    [translate] => translate
                                    [timestamp] => timestamp
                                    [node] => node
                                    [node_revision] => node_revision
                                    [cache_field] => cache_field
                                    [m.entity_type] => m.entity_type
                                    [m.revision_id] => m.revision_id
                                    [entity_id] => entity_id
                                    [revision_id] => revision_id
                                    [data] => data
                                    [metatag] => metatag
                                    [webform] => webform
                                    [rid] => rid
                                    [webform_roles] => webform_roles
                                    [webform_emails] => webform_emails
                                    [webform_component] => webform_component
                                    [webform_conditional] => webform_conditional
                                    [ml.link_path] => ml.link_path
                                    [ml.language] => ml.language
                                    [weight] => weight
                                    [menu_links] => menu_links
                                    [menu_router] => menu_router
                                    [cache_menu] => cache_menu
                                    [cache_path] => cache_path
                                    [cache_rules] => cache_rules
                                    [form_id] => form_id
                                    [captcha_points] => captcha_points
                                    [cache_features] => cache_features
                                    [sid] => sid
                                    [ip_address] => ip_address
                                    [solution] => solution
                                    [attempts] => attempts
                                    [csid] => csid
                                    [token] => token
                                    [captcha_sessions] => captcha_sessions
                                    [cache_metatag] => cache_metatag
                                    [cache_token] => cache_token
                                    [b.theme] => b.theme
                                    [b.status] => b.status
                                    [block] => block
                                    [name] => name
                                    [views_view] => views_view
                                    [cache_views] => cache_views
                                    [fc.field_name] => fc.field_name
                                    [] =>
                                    [fc.storage_active] => fc.storage_active
                                    [fc.deleted] => fc.deleted
                                    [field_config] => field_config
                                    [node.status] => node.status
                                    [node.language] => node.language
                                    [node.type] => node.type
                                    [s.type] => s.type
                                    [s.objectid] => s.objectid
                                    [t.language] => t.language
                                    [s.textgroup] => s.textgroup
                                    [translation] => translation
                                    [i18n_status] => i18n_status
                                    [i18n_string] => i18n_string
                                    [locales_target] => locales_target
                                    [taxonomy_vocabulary.machine_name] => taxonomy_vocabulary.machine_name
                                    [tid] => tid
                                    [machine_name] => machine_name
                                    [taxonomy_term_data] => taxonomy_term_data
                                    [taxonomy_vocabulary] => taxonomy_vocabulary
                                    [base.tid] => base.tid
                                    [description] => description
                                    [format] => format
                                    [i18n_tsid] => i18n_tsid
                                    [m.entity_id] => m.entity_id
                                    [base.vid] => base.vid
                                    [hierarchy] => hierarchy
                                    [module] => module
                                    [i18n_mode] => i18n_mode
                                    [s.context] => s.context

                            [escapedAliases:protected] => Array
                                    [revision] => revision
                                    [vid] => vid
                                    [base] => base
                                    [uid] => uid
                                    [title] => title
                                    [log] => log
                                    [status] => status
                                    [comment] => comment
                                    [promote] => promote
                                    [sticky] => sticky
                                    [nid] => nid
                                    [type] => type
                                    [language] => language
                                    [created] => created
                                    [changed] => changed
                                    [tnid] => tnid
                                    [translate] => translate
                                    [revision_timestamp] => revision_timestamp
                                    [revision_uid] => revision_uid
                                    [m] => m
                                    [entity_id] => entity_id
                                    [revision_id] => revision_id
                                    [data] => data
                                    [webform] => webform
                                    [webform_roles] => webform_roles
                                    [rid] => rid
                                    [webform_emails] => webform_emails
                                    [webform_component] => webform_component
                                    [webform_conditional] => webform_conditional
                                    [ml] => ml
                                    [link_weight] => link_weight
                                    [t__0] => t__0
                                    [c] => c
                                    [token] => token
                                    [b] => b
                                    [fc] => fc
                                    [expression] => expression
                                    [node] => node
                                    [subquery] => subquery
                                    [node_created] => node_created
                                    [field_data_field_miniaturansicht_node_entity_type] => field_data_field_miniaturansicht_node_entity_type
                                    [field_data_field_adresse_node_entity_type] => field_data_field_adresse_node_entity_type
                                    [field_data_field_telefon_node_entity_type] => field_data_field_telefon_node_entity_type
                                    [s] => s
                                    [t] => t
                                    [translation] => translation
                                    [i18n_status] => i18n_status
                                    [taxonomy_term_data] => taxonomy_term_data
                                    [taxonomy_term_data_name] => taxonomy_term_data_name
                                    [taxonomy_term_data_vid] => taxonomy_term_data_vid
                                    [tid] => tid
                                    [taxonomy_vocabulary] => taxonomy_vocabulary
                                    [taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name] => taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name
                                    [field_data_field_logo_taxonomy_term_entity_type] => field_data_field_logo_taxonomy_term_entity_type
                                    [name] => name
                                    [description] => description
                                    [format] => format
                                    [weight] => weight
                                    [i18n_tsid] => i18n_tsid
                                    [v] => v
                                    [vocabulary_machine_name] => vocabulary_machine_name
                                    [machine_name] => machine_name
                                    [hierarchy] => hierarchy
                                    [module] => module
                                    [i18n_mode] => i18n_mode
                                    [base_i18n_mode] => base_i18n_mode
                                    [base_language] => base_language

                            [unprefixedTablesMap:protected] => Array


                    [connectionTarget:protected] => default
                    [connectionKey:protected] => default
                    [queryOptions:protected] => Array
                            [return] => 1

                    [uniqueIdentifier:protected] => 662dc39b0eee41.92521759
                    [nextPlaceholder:protected] => 0
                    [comments:protected] => Array


            [query_args] => Array


    [use_ajax] => 
    [result] => Array
            [0] => stdClass Object
                    [taxonomy_term_data_name] => Abyss
                    [taxonomy_term_data_vid] => 2
                    [tid] => 481
                    [taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name] => hersteller_marke
                    [field_data_field_logo_taxonomy_term_entity_type] => taxonomy_term
                    [_field_data] => Array
                            [tid] => Array
                                    [entity_type] => taxonomy_term
                                    [entity] => stdClass Object
                                            [tid] => 481
                                            [vid] => 2
                                            [name] => Abyss
                                            [description] => 
                                            [format] => full_html
                                            [weight] => 0
                                            [language] => und
                                            [i18n_tsid] => 0
                                            [vocabulary_machine_name] => hersteller_marke
                                            [field_logo] => Array
                                                    [und] => Array
                                                            [0] => Array
                                                                    [fid] => 1378
                                                                    [uid] => 39
                                                                    [filename] => Abyss.jpg
                                                                    [uri] => public://Abyss.jpg
                                                                    [filemime] => image/jpeg
                                                                    [filesize] => 6505
                                                                    [status] => 1
                                                                    [timestamp] => 1575492737
                                                                    [alt] => 
                                                                    [title] => 
                                                                    [width] => 188
                                                                    [height] => 122






                    [field_field_logo] => Array
                            [0] => Array
                                    [rendered] => Array
                                            [#theme] => image_url_formatter
                                            [#item] => Array
                                                    [fid] => 1378
                                                    [uid] => 39
                                                    [filename] => Abyss.jpg
                                                    [uri] => public://Abyss.jpg
                                                    [filemime] => image/jpeg
                                                    [filesize] => 6505
                                                    [status] => 1
                                                    [timestamp] => 1575492737
                                                    [alt] => 
                                                    [title] => 
                                                    [width] => 188
                                                    [height] => 122

                                            [#image_style] => hersteller_logos
                                            [#path] => 
                                            [#url_type] => 0
                                            [#access] => 1

                                    [raw] => Array
                                            [fid] => 1378
                                            [uid] => 39
                                            [filename] => Abyss.jpg
                                            [uri] => public://Abyss.jpg
                                            [filemime] => image/jpeg
                                            [filesize] => 6505
                                            [status] => 1
                                            [timestamp] => 1575492737
                                            [alt] => 
                                            [title] => 
                                            [width] => 188
                                            [height] => 122



                    [taxonomy_term_data_description] => 

            [1] => stdClass Object
                    [taxonomy_term_data_name] => bassetti
                    [taxonomy_term_data_vid] => 2
                    [tid] => 27
                    [taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name] => hersteller_marke
                    [field_data_field_logo_taxonomy_term_entity_type] => taxonomy_term
                    [_field_data] => Array
                            [tid] => Array
                                    [entity_type] => taxonomy_term
                                    [entity] => stdClass Object
                                            [tid] => 27
                                            [vid] => 2
                                            [name] => bassetti
                                            [description] => 
                                            [format] => filtered_html
                                            [weight] => 0
                                            [language] => und
                                            [i18n_tsid] => 0
                                            [vocabulary_machine_name] => hersteller_marke
                                            [field_logo] => Array
                                                    [und] => Array
                                                            [0] => Array
                                                                    [fid] => 1377
                                                                    [uid] => 39
                                                                    [filename] => bassetti.jpg
                                                                    [uri] => public://bassetti.jpg
                                                                    [filemime] => image/jpeg
                                                                    [filesize] => 9210
                                                                    [status] => 1
                                                                    [timestamp] => 1575492529
                                                                    [alt] => 
                                                                    [title] => 
                                                                    [width] => 190
                                                                    [height] => 122






                    [field_field_logo] => Array
                            [0] => Array
                                    [rendered] => Array
                                            [#theme] => image_url_formatter
                                            [#item] => Array
                                                    [fid] => 1377
                                                    [uid] => 39
                                                    [filename] => bassetti.jpg
                                                    [uri] => public://bassetti.jpg
                                                    [filemime] => image/jpeg
                                                    [filesize] => 9210
                                                    [status] => 1
                                                    [timestamp] => 1575492529
                                                    [alt] => 
                                                    [title] => 
                                                    [width] => 190
                                                    [height] => 122

                                            [#image_style] => hersteller_logos
                                            [#path] => 
                                            [#url_type] => 0
                                            [#access] => 1

                                    [raw] => Array
                                            [fid] => 1377
                                            [uid] => 39
                                            [filename] => bassetti.jpg
                                            [uri] => public://bassetti.jpg
                                            [filemime] => image/jpeg
                                            [filesize] => 9210
                                            [status] => 1
                                            [timestamp] => 1575492529
                                            [alt] => 
                                            [title] => 
                                            [width] => 190
                                            [height] => 122



                    [taxonomy_term_data_description] => 

            [2] => stdClass Object
                    [taxonomy_term_data_name] => Carl Ross
                    [taxonomy_term_data_vid] => 2
                    [tid] => 482
                    [taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name] => hersteller_marke
                    [field_data_field_logo_taxonomy_term_entity_type] => taxonomy_term
                    [_field_data] => Array
                            [tid] => Array
                                    [entity_type] => taxonomy_term
                                    [entity] => stdClass Object
                                            [tid] => 482
                                            [vid] => 2
                                            [name] => Carl Ross
                                            [description] => 
                                            [format] => full_html
                                            [weight] => 0
                                            [language] => und
                                            [i18n_tsid] => 0
                                            [vocabulary_machine_name] => hersteller_marke
                                            [field_logo] => Array
                                                    [und] => Array
                                                            [0] => Array
                                                                    [fid] => 1379
                                                                    [uid] => 39
                                                                    [filename] => CarlRoss.jpg
                                                                    [uri] => public://CarlRoss.jpg
                                                                    [filemime] => image/jpeg
                                                                    [filesize] => 5331
                                                                    [status] => 1
                                                                    [timestamp] => 1575492861
                                                                    [alt] => 
                                                                    [title] => 
                                                                    [width] => 188
                                                                    [height] => 122






                    [field_field_logo] => Array
                            [0] => Array
                                    [rendered] => Array
                                            [#theme] => image_url_formatter
                                            [#item] => Array
                                                    [fid] => 1379
                                                    [uid] => 39
                                                    [filename] => CarlRoss.jpg
                                                    [uri] => public://CarlRoss.jpg
                                                    [filemime] => image/jpeg
                                                    [filesize] => 5331
                                                    [status] => 1
                                                    [timestamp] => 1575492861
                                                    [alt] => 
                                                    [title] => 
                                                    [width] => 188
                                                    [height] => 122

                                            [#image_style] => hersteller_logos
                                            [#path] => 
                                            [#url_type] => 0
                                            [#access] => 1

                                    [raw] => Array
                                            [fid] => 1379
                                            [uid] => 39
                                            [filename] => CarlRoss.jpg
                                            [uri] => public://CarlRoss.jpg
                                            [filemime] => image/jpeg
                                            [filesize] => 5331
                                            [status] => 1
                                            [timestamp] => 1575492861
                                            [alt] => 
                                            [title] => 
                                            [width] => 188
                                            [height] => 122



                    [taxonomy_term_data_description] => 

            [3] => stdClass Object
                    [taxonomy_term_data_name] => Carma
                    [taxonomy_term_data_vid] => 2
                    [tid] => 43
                    [taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name] => hersteller_marke
                    [field_data_field_logo_taxonomy_term_entity_type] => taxonomy_term
                    [_field_data] => Array
                            [tid] => Array
                                    [entity_type] => taxonomy_term
                                    [entity] => stdClass Object
                                            [tid] => 43
                                            [vid] => 2
                                            [name] => Carma
                                            [description] => 
                                            [format] => filtered_html
                                            [weight] => 0
                                            [language] => und
                                            [i18n_tsid] => 0
                                            [vocabulary_machine_name] => hersteller_marke
                                            [field_logo] => Array
                                                    [und] => Array
                                                            [0] => Array
                                                                    [fid] => 102
                                                                    [uid] => 1
                                                                    [filename] => Carma Plaids.jpg
                                                                    [uri] => public://Carma Plaids_0.jpg
                                                                    [filemime] => image/jpeg
                                                                    [filesize] => 3404
                                                                    [status] => 1
                                                                    [timestamp] => 1424334397
                                                                    [alt] => 
                                                                    [title] => 
                                                                    [width] => 188
                                                                    [height] => 122






                    [field_field_logo] => Array
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                                            [#image_style] => hersteller_logos
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                                    [raw] => Array
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                    [taxonomy_term_data_description] => 

            [14] => stdClass Object
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                                            [format] => filtered_html
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                                            [#image_style] => hersteller_logos
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                                    [raw] => Array
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                    [taxonomy_term_data_description] => 

            [15] => stdClass Object
                    [taxonomy_term_data_name] => Hasena
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                                            [#image_style] => hersteller_logos
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                                    [raw] => Array
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                                            [timestamp] => 1424334612
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                                            [title] => 
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                    [taxonomy_term_data_description] => 

            [16] => stdClass Object
                    [taxonomy_term_data_name] => Janine
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                                    [entity_type] => taxonomy_term
                                    [entity] => stdClass Object
                                            [tid] => 24
                                            [vid] => 2
                                            [name] => Janine
                                            [description] => 

traumhafte Bettwäsche

[format] => filtered_html [weight] => 0 [language] => und [i18n_tsid] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => hersteller_marke [field_logo] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 519 [uid] => 39 [filename] => Janine.jpg [uri] => public://Janine.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 9753 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1435687623 [alt] => [title] => [width] => 188 [height] => 122 ) ) ) ) ) ) [field_field_logo] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [rendered] => Array ( [#theme] => image_url_formatter [#item] => Array ( [fid] => 519 [uid] => 39 [filename] => Janine.jpg [uri] => public://Janine.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 9753 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1435687623 [alt] => [title] => [width] => 188 [height] => 122 ) [#image_style] => hersteller_logos [#path] => [#url_type] => 0 [#access] => 1 ) [raw] => Array ( [fid] => 519 [uid] => 39 [filename] => Janine.jpg [uri] => public://Janine.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 9753 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1435687623 [alt] => [title] => [width] => 188 [height] => 122 ) ) ) [taxonomy_term_data_description] =>

traumhafte Bettwäsche

) [17] => stdClass Object ( [taxonomy_term_data_name] => JOOP! [taxonomy_term_data_vid] => 2 [tid] => 26 [taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name] => hersteller_marke [field_data_field_logo_taxonomy_term_entity_type] => taxonomy_term [_field_data] => Array ( [tid] => Array ( [entity_type] => taxonomy_term [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 26 [vid] => 2 [name] => JOOP! [description] => [format] => filtered_html [weight] => 0 [language] => und [i18n_tsid] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => hersteller_marke [field_logo] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 1364 [uid] => 39 [filename] => JOOP1.jpg [uri] => public://JOOP1_0.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 6353 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1575488050 [alt] => [title] => [width] => 188 [height] => 122 ) ) ) ) ) ) [field_field_logo] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [rendered] => Array ( [#theme] => image_url_formatter [#item] => Array ( [fid] => 1364 [uid] => 39 [filename] => JOOP1.jpg [uri] => public://JOOP1_0.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 6353 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1575488050 [alt] => [title] => [width] => 188 [height] => 122 ) [#image_style] => hersteller_logos [#path] => [#url_type] => 0 [#access] => 1 ) [raw] => Array ( [fid] => 1364 [uid] => 39 [filename] => JOOP1.jpg [uri] => public://JOOP1_0.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 6353 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1575488050 [alt] => [title] => [width] => 188 [height] => 122 ) ) ) [taxonomy_term_data_description] => ) [18] => stdClass Object ( [taxonomy_term_data_name] => Kauffmann [taxonomy_term_data_vid] => 2 [tid] => 398 [taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name] => hersteller_marke [field_data_field_logo_taxonomy_term_entity_type] => taxonomy_term [_field_data] => Array ( [tid] => Array ( [entity_type] => taxonomy_term [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 398 [vid] => 2 [name] => Kauffmann [description] => [format] => filtered_html [weight] => 0 [language] => und [i18n_tsid] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => hersteller_marke [field_logo] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 113 [uid] => 1 [filename] => Kauffmann.jpg [uri] => public://Kauffmann.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 3558 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1424334727 [alt] => [title] => [width] => 188 [height] => 122 ) ) ) ) ) ) [field_field_logo] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [rendered] => Array ( [#theme] => image_url_formatter [#item] => Array ( [fid] => 113 [uid] => 1 [filename] => Kauffmann.jpg [uri] => public://Kauffmann.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 3558 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1424334727 [alt] => [title] => [width] => 188 [height] => 122 ) [#image_style] => hersteller_logos [#path] => [#url_type] => 0 [#access] => 1 ) [raw] => Array ( [fid] => 113 [uid] => 1 [filename] => Kauffmann.jpg [uri] => public://Kauffmann.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 3558 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1424334727 [alt] => [title] => [width] => 188 [height] => 122 ) ) ) [taxonomy_term_data_description] => ) [19] => stdClass Object ( [taxonomy_term_data_name] => Kirchner Betten [taxonomy_term_data_vid] => 2 [tid] => 11 [taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name] => hersteller_marke [field_data_field_logo_taxonomy_term_entity_type] => taxonomy_term [_field_data] => Array ( [tid] => Array ( [entity_type] => taxonomy_term [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 11 [vid] => 2 [name] => Kirchner Betten [description] => [format] => filtered_html [weight] => 0 [language] => und [i18n_tsid] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => hersteller_marke [field_logo] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 114 [uid] => 1 [filename] => Kirchner_Betten.jpg [uri] => public://Kirchner_Betten.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 2553 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1424334728 [alt] => [title] => [width] => 188 [height] => 122 ) ) ) ) ) ) [field_field_logo] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [rendered] => Array ( [#theme] => image_url_formatter [#item] => Array ( [fid] => 114 [uid] => 1 [filename] => Kirchner_Betten.jpg [uri] => public://Kirchner_Betten.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 2553 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1424334728 [alt] => [title] => [width] => 188 [height] => 122 ) [#image_style] => hersteller_logos [#path] => [#url_type] => 0 [#access] => 1 ) [raw] => Array ( [fid] => 114 [uid] => 1 [filename] => Kirchner_Betten.jpg [uri] => public://Kirchner_Betten.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 2553 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1424334728 [alt] => [title] => [width] => 188 [height] => 122 ) ) ) [taxonomy_term_data_description] => ) [20] => stdClass Object ( [taxonomy_term_data_name] => Morgenstern [taxonomy_term_data_vid] => 2 [tid] => 39 [taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name] => hersteller_marke [field_data_field_logo_taxonomy_term_entity_type] => taxonomy_term [_field_data] => Array ( [tid] => Array ( [entity_type] => taxonomy_term [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 39 [vid] => 2 [name] => Morgenstern [description] => [format] => filtered_html [weight] => 0 [language] => und [i18n_tsid] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => hersteller_marke [field_logo] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 1367 [uid] => 39 [filename] => Morgenstern Bademantel.jpg [uri] => public://Morgenstern Bademantel_0.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 6344 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1575488464 [alt] => [title] => [width] => 188 [height] => 122 ) ) ) ) ) ) [field_field_logo] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [rendered] => Array ( [#theme] => image_url_formatter [#item] => Array ( [fid] => 1367 [uid] => 39 [filename] => Morgenstern Bademantel.jpg [uri] => public://Morgenstern Bademantel_0.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 6344 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1575488464 [alt] => [title] => [width] => 188 [height] => 122 ) [#image_style] => hersteller_logos [#path] => [#url_type] => 0 [#access] => 1 ) [raw] => Array ( [fid] => 1367 [uid] => 39 [filename] => Morgenstern Bademantel.jpg [uri] => public://Morgenstern Bademantel_0.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 6344 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1575488464 [alt] => [title] => [width] => 188 [height] => 122 ) ) ) [taxonomy_term_data_description] => ) [21] => stdClass Object ( [taxonomy_term_data_name] => MÖVE [taxonomy_term_data_vid] => 2 [tid] => 38 [taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name] => hersteller_marke [field_data_field_logo_taxonomy_term_entity_type] => taxonomy_term [_field_data] => Array ( [tid] => Array ( [entity_type] => taxonomy_term [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 38 [vid] => 2 [name] => MÖVE [description] => [format] => filtered_html [weight] => 0 [language] => und [i18n_tsid] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => hersteller_marke [field_logo] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 1368 [uid] => 39 [filename] => Möve.jpg [uri] => public://Möve_0.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 6895 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1575488641 [alt] => [title] => [width] => 188 [height] => 122 ) ) ) ) ) ) [field_field_logo] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [rendered] => Array ( [#theme] => image_url_formatter [#item] => Array ( [fid] => 1368 [uid] => 39 [filename] => Möve.jpg [uri] => public://Möve_0.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 6895 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1575488641 [alt] => [title] => [width] => 188 [height] => 122 ) [#image_style] => hersteller_logos [#path] => [#url_type] => 0 [#access] => 1 ) [raw] => Array ( [fid] => 1368 [uid] => 39 [filename] => Möve.jpg [uri] => public://Möve_0.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 6895 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1575488641 [alt] => [title] => [width] => 188 [height] => 122 ) ) ) [taxonomy_term_data_description] => ) [22] => stdClass Object ( [taxonomy_term_data_name] => Pichler [taxonomy_term_data_vid] => 2 [tid] => 40 [taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name] => hersteller_marke [field_data_field_logo_taxonomy_term_entity_type] => taxonomy_term [_field_data] => Array ( [tid] => Array ( [entity_type] => taxonomy_term [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 40 [vid] => 2 [name] => Pichler [description] => [format] => filtered_html [weight] => 0 [language] => und [i18n_tsid] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => hersteller_marke [field_logo] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 1370 [uid] => 39 [filename] => pichler Tischwäsche.jpg [uri] => public://pichler Tischwäsche_0.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 7684 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1575488780 [alt] => [title] => [width] => 188 [height] => 122 ) ) ) ) ) ) [field_field_logo] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [rendered] => Array ( [#theme] => image_url_formatter [#item] => Array ( [fid] => 1370 [uid] => 39 [filename] => pichler Tischwäsche.jpg [uri] => public://pichler Tischwäsche_0.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 7684 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1575488780 [alt] => [title] => [width] => 188 [height] => 122 ) [#image_style] => hersteller_logos [#path] => [#url_type] => 0 [#access] => 1 ) [raw] => Array ( [fid] => 1370 [uid] => 39 [filename] => pichler Tischwäsche.jpg [uri] => public://pichler Tischwäsche_0.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 7684 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1575488780 [alt] => [title] => [width] => 188 [height] => 122 ) ) ) [taxonomy_term_data_description] => ) [23] => stdClass Object ( [taxonomy_term_data_name] => Reichert Möbelwerkstätte [taxonomy_term_data_vid] => 2 [tid] => 15 [taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name] => hersteller_marke [field_data_field_logo_taxonomy_term_entity_type] => taxonomy_term [_field_data] => Array ( [tid] => Array ( [entity_type] => taxonomy_term [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 15 [vid] => 2 [name] => Reichert Möbelwerkstätte [description] =>

Betten mit Komforthöhe

[format] => filtered_html [weight] => 0 [language] => und [i18n_tsid] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => hersteller_marke [field_logo] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 516 [uid] => 39 [filename] => Reichert Betten.jpg [uri] => public://Reichert Betten_0.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 9473 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1435686833 [alt] => [title] => [width] => 188 [height] => 122 ) ) ) ) ) ) [field_field_logo] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [rendered] => Array ( [#theme] => image_url_formatter [#item] => Array ( [fid] => 516 [uid] => 39 [filename] => Reichert Betten.jpg [uri] => public://Reichert Betten_0.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 9473 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1435686833 [alt] => [title] => [width] => 188 [height] => 122 ) [#image_style] => hersteller_logos [#path] => [#url_type] => 0 [#access] => 1 ) [raw] => Array ( [fid] => 516 [uid] => 39 [filename] => Reichert Betten.jpg [uri] => public://Reichert Betten_0.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 9473 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1435686833 [alt] => [title] => [width] => 188 [height] => 122 ) ) ) [taxonomy_term_data_description] =>

Betten mit Komforthöhe

) [24] => stdClass Object ( [taxonomy_term_data_name] => Rhomtuft [taxonomy_term_data_vid] => 2 [tid] => 35 [taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name] => hersteller_marke [field_data_field_logo_taxonomy_term_entity_type] => taxonomy_term [_field_data] => Array ( [tid] => Array ( [entity_type] => taxonomy_term [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 35 [vid] => 2 [name] => Rhomtuft [description] => [format] => filtered_html [weight] => 0 [language] => und [i18n_tsid] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => hersteller_marke [field_logo] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 512 [uid] => 39 [filename] => Rhomtuft.jpg [uri] => public://Rhomtuft.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 7487 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1435676816 [alt] => [title] => [width] => 188 [height] => 122 ) ) ) ) ) ) [field_field_logo] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [rendered] => Array ( [#theme] => image_url_formatter [#item] => Array ( [fid] => 512 [uid] => 39 [filename] => Rhomtuft.jpg [uri] => public://Rhomtuft.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 7487 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1435676816 [alt] => [title] => [width] => 188 [height] => 122 ) [#image_style] => hersteller_logos [#path] => [#url_type] => 0 [#access] => 1 ) [raw] => Array ( [fid] => 512 [uid] => 39 [filename] => Rhomtuft.jpg [uri] => public://Rhomtuft.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 7487 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1435676816 [alt] => [title] => [width] => 188 [height] => 122 ) ) ) [taxonomy_term_data_description] => ) [25] => stdClass Object ( [taxonomy_term_data_name] => Ritter Decken [taxonomy_term_data_vid] => 2 [tid] => 45 [taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name] => hersteller_marke [field_data_field_logo_taxonomy_term_entity_type] => taxonomy_term [_field_data] => Array ( [tid] => Array ( [entity_type] => taxonomy_term [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 45 [vid] => 2 [name] => Ritter Decken [description] => [format] => filtered_html [weight] => 0 [language] => und [i18n_tsid] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => hersteller_marke [field_logo] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 118 [uid] => 1 [filename] => Ritter Decken.jpg [uri] => public://Ritter Decken.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 2925 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1424334736 [alt] => [title] => [width] => 188 [height] => 122 ) ) ) ) ) ) [field_field_logo] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [rendered] => Array ( [#theme] => image_url_formatter [#item] => Array ( [fid] => 118 [uid] => 1 [filename] => Ritter Decken.jpg [uri] => public://Ritter Decken.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 2925 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1424334736 [alt] => [title] => [width] => 188 [height] => 122 ) [#image_style] => hersteller_logos [#path] => [#url_type] => 0 [#access] => 1 ) [raw] => Array ( [fid] => 118 [uid] => 1 [filename] => Ritter Decken.jpg [uri] => public://Ritter Decken.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 2925 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1424334736 [alt] => [title] => [width] => 188 [height] => 122 ) ) ) [taxonomy_term_data_description] => ) [26] => stdClass Object ( [taxonomy_term_data_name] => Ross [taxonomy_term_data_vid] => 2 [tid] => 42 [taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name] => hersteller_marke [field_data_field_logo_taxonomy_term_entity_type] => taxonomy_term [_field_data] => Array ( [tid] => Array ( [entity_type] => taxonomy_term [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 42 [vid] => 2 [name] => Ross [description] =>

Handtücher, Badematten und Geschirrtücher

[format] => filtered_html [weight] => 0 [language] => und [i18n_tsid] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => hersteller_marke [field_logo] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 517 [uid] => 39 [filename] => Ross.jpg [uri] => public://Ross.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 8334 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1435687076 [alt] => [title] => [width] => 188 [height] => 122 ) ) ) ) ) ) [field_field_logo] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [rendered] => Array ( [#theme] => image_url_formatter [#item] => Array ( [fid] => 517 [uid] => 39 [filename] => Ross.jpg [uri] => public://Ross.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 8334 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1435687076 [alt] => [title] => [width] => 188 [height] => 122 ) [#image_style] => hersteller_logos [#path] => [#url_type] => 0 [#access] => 1 ) [raw] => Array ( [fid] => 517 [uid] => 39 [filename] => Ross.jpg [uri] => public://Ross.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 8334 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1435687076 [alt] => [title] => [width] => 188 [height] => 122 ) ) ) [taxonomy_term_data_description] =>

Handtücher, Badematten und Geschirrtücher

) [27] => stdClass Object ( [taxonomy_term_data_name] => RÖWA [taxonomy_term_data_vid] => 2 [tid] => 2 [taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name] => hersteller_marke [field_data_field_logo_taxonomy_term_entity_type] => taxonomy_term [_field_data] => Array ( [tid] => Array ( [entity_type] => taxonomy_term [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 2 [vid] => 2 [name] => RÖWA [description] => [format] => filtered_html [weight] => 0 [language] => und [i18n_tsid] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => hersteller_marke [field_logo] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 1372 [uid] => 39 [filename] => roewa.jpg [uri] => public://roewa_0.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 12292 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1575489049 [alt] => [title] => [width] => 188 [height] => 126 ) ) ) ) ) ) [field_field_logo] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [rendered] => Array ( [#theme] => image_url_formatter [#item] => Array ( [fid] => 1372 [uid] => 39 [filename] => roewa.jpg [uri] => public://roewa_0.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 12292 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1575489049 [alt] => [title] => [width] => 188 [height] => 126 ) [#image_style] => hersteller_logos [#path] => [#url_type] => 0 [#access] => 1 ) [raw] => Array ( [fid] => 1372 [uid] => 39 [filename] => roewa.jpg [uri] => public://roewa_0.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 12292 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1575489049 [alt] => [title] => [width] => 188 [height] => 126 ) ) ) [taxonomy_term_data_description] => ) [28] => stdClass Object ( [taxonomy_term_data_name] => Rummel [taxonomy_term_data_vid] => 2 [tid] => 3 [taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name] => hersteller_marke [field_data_field_logo_taxonomy_term_entity_type] => taxonomy_term [_field_data] => Array ( [tid] => Array ( [entity_type] => taxonomy_term [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 3 [vid] => 2 [name] => Rummel [description] => [format] => filtered_html [weight] => 0 [language] => und [i18n_tsid] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => hersteller_marke [field_logo] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 120 [uid] => 1 [filename] => Rummel.jpg [uri] => public://Rummel.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 3705 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1424334742 [alt] => [title] => [width] => 188 [height] => 122 ) ) ) ) ) ) [field_field_logo] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [rendered] => Array ( [#theme] => image_url_formatter [#item] => Array ( [fid] => 120 [uid] => 1 [filename] => Rummel.jpg [uri] => public://Rummel.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 3705 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1424334742 [alt] => [title] => [width] => 188 [height] => 122 ) [#image_style] => hersteller_logos [#path] => [#url_type] => 0 [#access] => 1 ) [raw] => Array ( [fid] => 120 [uid] => 1 [filename] => Rummel.jpg [uri] => public://Rummel.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 3705 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1424334742 [alt] => [title] => [width] => 188 [height] => 122 ) ) ) [taxonomy_term_data_description] => ) [29] => stdClass Object ( [taxonomy_term_data_name] => Sander [taxonomy_term_data_vid] => 2 [tid] => 41 [taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name] => hersteller_marke [field_data_field_logo_taxonomy_term_entity_type] => taxonomy_term [_field_data] => Array ( [tid] => Array ( [entity_type] => taxonomy_term [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 41 [vid] => 2 [name] => Sander [description] =>

Tischdecken, Tischläufer, Mitteldecken, Servietten, Zierkissen

[format] => filtered_html [weight] => 0 [language] => und [i18n_tsid] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => hersteller_marke [field_logo] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 1371 [uid] => 39 [filename] => sander.jpg [uri] => public://sander_0.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 6712 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1575488937 [alt] => [title] => [width] => 188 [height] => 122 ) ) ) ) ) ) [field_field_logo] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [rendered] => Array ( [#theme] => image_url_formatter [#item] => Array ( [fid] => 1371 [uid] => 39 [filename] => sander.jpg [uri] => public://sander_0.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 6712 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1575488937 [alt] => [title] => [width] => 188 [height] => 122 ) [#image_style] => hersteller_logos [#path] => [#url_type] => 0 [#access] => 1 ) [raw] => Array ( [fid] => 1371 [uid] => 39 [filename] => sander.jpg [uri] => public://sander_0.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 6712 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1575488937 [alt] => [title] => [width] => 188 [height] => 122 ) ) ) [taxonomy_term_data_description] =>

Tischdecken, Tischläufer, Mitteldecken, Servietten, Zierkissen

) [30] => stdClass Object ( [taxonomy_term_data_name] => Schlossberg [taxonomy_term_data_vid] => 2 [tid] => 30 [taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name] => hersteller_marke [field_data_field_logo_taxonomy_term_entity_type] => taxonomy_term [_field_data] => Array ( [tid] => Array ( [entity_type] => taxonomy_term [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 30 [vid] => 2 [name] => Schlossberg [description] => [format] => filtered_html [weight] => 0 [language] => und [i18n_tsid] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => hersteller_marke [field_logo] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 1375 [uid] => 39 [filename] => Schlossberg.jpg [uri] => public://Schlossberg_0.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 8680 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1575489670 [alt] => [title] => [width] => 190 [height] => 122 ) ) ) ) ) ) [field_field_logo] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [rendered] => Array ( [#theme] => image_url_formatter [#item] => Array ( [fid] => 1375 [uid] => 39 [filename] => Schlossberg.jpg [uri] => public://Schlossberg_0.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 8680 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1575489670 [alt] => [title] => [width] => 190 [height] => 122 ) [#image_style] => hersteller_logos [#path] => [#url_type] => 0 [#access] => 1 ) [raw] => Array ( [fid] => 1375 [uid] => 39 [filename] => Schlossberg.jpg [uri] => public://Schlossberg_0.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 8680 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1575489670 [alt] => [title] => [width] => 190 [height] => 122 ) ) ) [taxonomy_term_data_description] => ) [31] => stdClass Object ( [taxonomy_term_data_name] => Schramm [taxonomy_term_data_vid] => 2 [tid] => 4 [taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name] => hersteller_marke [field_data_field_logo_taxonomy_term_entity_type] => taxonomy_term [_field_data] => Array ( [tid] => Array ( [entity_type] => taxonomy_term [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 4 [vid] => 2 [name] => Schramm [description] => [format] => filtered_html [weight] => 0 [language] => und [i18n_tsid] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => hersteller_marke [field_logo] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 1374 [uid] => 39 [filename] => Schramm Werkstätten GmbH.jpg [uri] => public://Schramm Werkstätten GmbH_0.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 6821 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1575489276 [alt] => [title] => [width] => 188 [height] => 122 ) ) ) ) ) ) [field_field_logo] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [rendered] => Array ( [#theme] => image_url_formatter [#item] => Array ( [fid] => 1374 [uid] => 39 [filename] => Schramm Werkstätten GmbH.jpg [uri] => public://Schramm Werkstätten GmbH_0.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 6821 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1575489276 [alt] => [title] => [width] => 188 [height] => 122 ) [#image_style] => hersteller_logos [#path] => [#url_type] => 0 [#access] => 1 ) [raw] => Array ( [fid] => 1374 [uid] => 39 [filename] => Schramm Werkstätten GmbH.jpg [uri] => public://Schramm Werkstätten GmbH_0.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 6821 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1575489276 [alt] => [title] => [width] => 188 [height] => 122 ) ) ) [taxonomy_term_data_description] => ) [32] => stdClass Object ( [taxonomy_term_data_name] => Signet [taxonomy_term_data_vid] => 2 [tid] => 8 [taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name] => hersteller_marke [field_data_field_logo_taxonomy_term_entity_type] => taxonomy_term [_field_data] => Array ( [tid] => Array ( [entity_type] => taxonomy_term [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 8 [vid] => 2 [name] => Signet [description] => [format] => filtered_html [weight] => 0 [language] => und [i18n_tsid] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => hersteller_marke [field_logo] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 123 [uid] => 1 [filename] => signet.jpg [uri] => public://signet.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 3270 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1424334856 [alt] => [title] => [width] => 188 [height] => 122 ) ) ) ) ) ) [field_field_logo] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [rendered] => Array ( [#theme] => image_url_formatter [#item] => Array ( [fid] => 123 [uid] => 1 [filename] => signet.jpg [uri] => public://signet.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 3270 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1424334856 [alt] => [title] => [width] => 188 [height] => 122 ) [#image_style] => hersteller_logos [#path] => [#url_type] => 0 [#access] => 1 ) [raw] => Array ( [fid] => 123 [uid] => 1 [filename] => signet.jpg [uri] => public://signet.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 3270 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1424334856 [alt] => [title] => [width] => 188 [height] => 122 ) ) ) [taxonomy_term_data_description] => ) [33] => stdClass Object ( [taxonomy_term_data_name] => Tempur [taxonomy_term_data_vid] => 2 [tid] => 6 [taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name] => hersteller_marke [field_data_field_logo_taxonomy_term_entity_type] => taxonomy_term [_field_data] => Array ( [tid] => Array ( [entity_type] => taxonomy_term [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 6 [vid] => 2 [name] => Tempur [description] => [format] => filtered_html [weight] => 0 [language] => und [i18n_tsid] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => hersteller_marke [field_logo] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 1376 [uid] => 39 [filename] => Tempur.JPG [uri] => public://Tempur_0.JPG [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 7847 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1575492155 [alt] => [title] => [width] => 188 [height] => 122 ) ) ) ) ) ) [field_field_logo] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [rendered] => Array ( [#theme] => image_url_formatter [#item] => Array ( [fid] => 1376 [uid] => 39 [filename] => Tempur.JPG [uri] => public://Tempur_0.JPG [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 7847 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1575492155 [alt] => [title] => [width] => 188 [height] => 122 ) [#image_style] => hersteller_logos [#path] => [#url_type] => 0 [#access] => 1 ) [raw] => Array ( [fid] => 1376 [uid] => 39 [filename] => Tempur.JPG [uri] => public://Tempur_0.JPG [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 7847 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1575492155 [alt] => [title] => [width] => 188 [height] => 122 ) ) ) [taxonomy_term_data_description] => ) [34] => stdClass Object ( [taxonomy_term_data_name] => Traumina [taxonomy_term_data_vid] => 2 [tid] => 19 [taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name] => hersteller_marke [field_data_field_logo_taxonomy_term_entity_type] => taxonomy_term [_field_data] => Array ( [tid] => Array ( [entity_type] => taxonomy_term [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 19 [vid] => 2 [name] => Traumina [description] => [format] => filtered_html [weight] => 0 [language] => und [i18n_tsid] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => hersteller_marke [field_logo] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 125 [uid] => 1 [filename] => Traumina.jpg [uri] => public://Traumina.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 4520 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1424334859 [alt] => [title] => [width] => 188 [height] => 122 ) ) ) ) ) ) [field_field_logo] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [rendered] => Array ( [#theme] => image_url_formatter [#item] => Array ( [fid] => 125 [uid] => 1 [filename] => Traumina.jpg [uri] => public://Traumina.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 4520 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1424334859 [alt] => [title] => [width] => 188 [height] => 122 ) [#image_style] => hersteller_logos [#path] => [#url_type] => 0 [#access] => 1 ) [raw] => Array ( [fid] => 125 [uid] => 1 [filename] => Traumina.jpg [uri] => public://Traumina.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 4520 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1424334859 [alt] => [title] => [width] => 188 [height] => 122 ) ) ) [taxonomy_term_data_description] => ) [35] => stdClass Object ( [taxonomy_term_data_name] => Treca Interiors Paris [taxonomy_term_data_vid] => 2 [tid] => 399 [taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name] => hersteller_marke [field_data_field_logo_taxonomy_term_entity_type] => taxonomy_term [_field_data] => Array ( [tid] => Array ( [entity_type] => taxonomy_term [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 399 [vid] => 2 [name] => Treca Interiors Paris [description] => [format] => filtered_html [weight] => 0 [language] => und [i18n_tsid] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => hersteller_marke [field_logo] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 126 [uid] => 1 [filename] => Treca Interiors Paris.jpg [uri] => public://Treca Interiors Paris.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 2333 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1424334862 [alt] => [title] => [width] => 188 [height] => 122 ) ) ) ) ) ) [field_field_logo] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [rendered] => Array ( [#theme] => image_url_formatter [#item] => Array ( [fid] => 126 [uid] => 1 [filename] => Treca Interiors Paris.jpg [uri] => public://Treca Interiors Paris.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 2333 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1424334862 [alt] => [title] => [width] => 188 [height] => 122 ) [#image_style] => hersteller_logos [#path] => [#url_type] => 0 [#access] => 1 ) [raw] => Array ( [fid] => 126 [uid] => 1 [filename] => Treca Interiors Paris.jpg [uri] => public://Treca Interiors Paris.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 2333 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1424334862 [alt] => [title] => [width] => 188 [height] => 122 ) ) ) [taxonomy_term_data_description] => ) [36] => stdClass Object ( [taxonomy_term_data_name] => Velda [taxonomy_term_data_vid] => 2 [tid] => 17 [taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name] => hersteller_marke [field_data_field_logo_taxonomy_term_entity_type] => taxonomy_term [_field_data] => Array ( [tid] => Array ( [entity_type] => taxonomy_term [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 17 [vid] => 2 [name] => Velda [description] =>

Komfortable Boxspring Betten

[format] => filtered_html [weight] => 0 [language] => und [i18n_tsid] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => hersteller_marke [field_logo] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 513 [uid] => 39 [filename] => Velda Boxspring Betten.jpg [uri] => public://Velda Boxspring Betten.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 13342 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1435677013 [alt] => [title] => [width] => 188 [height] => 122 ) ) ) ) ) ) [field_field_logo] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [rendered] => Array ( [#theme] => image_url_formatter [#item] => Array ( [fid] => 513 [uid] => 39 [filename] => Velda Boxspring Betten.jpg [uri] => public://Velda Boxspring Betten.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 13342 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1435677013 [alt] => [title] => [width] => 188 [height] => 122 ) [#image_style] => hersteller_logos [#path] => [#url_type] => 0 [#access] => 1 ) [raw] => Array ( [fid] => 513 [uid] => 39 [filename] => Velda Boxspring Betten.jpg [uri] => public://Velda Boxspring Betten.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 13342 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1435677013 [alt] => [title] => [width] => 188 [height] => 122 ) ) ) [taxonomy_term_data_description] =>

Komfortable Boxspring Betten

) [37] => stdClass Object ( [taxonomy_term_data_name] => Zack [taxonomy_term_data_vid] => 2 [tid] => 10 [taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name] => hersteller_marke [field_data_field_logo_taxonomy_term_entity_type] => taxonomy_term [_field_data] => Array ( [tid] => Array ( [entity_type] => taxonomy_term [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 10 [vid] => 2 [name] => Zack [description] => [format] => filtered_html [weight] => 0 [language] => und [i18n_tsid] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => hersteller_marke [field_logo] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 128 [uid] => 1 [filename] => Zack Design.jpg [uri] => public://Zack Design.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 3884 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1424334867 [alt] => [title] => [width] => 188 [height] => 122 ) ) ) ) ) ) [field_field_logo] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [rendered] => Array ( [#theme] => image_url_formatter [#item] => Array ( [fid] => 128 [uid] => 1 [filename] => Zack Design.jpg [uri] => public://Zack Design.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 3884 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1424334867 [alt] => [title] => [width] => 188 [height] => 122 ) [#image_style] => hersteller_logos [#path] => [#url_type] => 0 [#access] => 1 ) [raw] => Array ( [fid] => 128 [uid] => 1 [filename] => Zack Design.jpg [uri] => public://Zack Design.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 3884 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1424334867 [alt] => [title] => [width] => 188 [height] => 122 ) ) ) [taxonomy_term_data_description] => ) [38] => stdClass Object ( [taxonomy_term_data_name] => Zoeppritz [taxonomy_term_data_vid] => 2 [tid] => 44 [taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name] => hersteller_marke [field_data_field_logo_taxonomy_term_entity_type] => taxonomy_term [_field_data] => Array ( [tid] => Array ( [entity_type] => taxonomy_term [entity] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 44 [vid] => 2 [name] => Zoeppritz [description] => [format] => filtered_html [weight] => 0 [language] => und [i18n_tsid] => 0 [vocabulary_machine_name] => hersteller_marke [field_logo] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 129 [uid] => 1 [filename] => zoeppritz.jpg [uri] => public://zoeppritz.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 3044 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1424334869 [alt] => [title] => [width] => 188 [height] => 122 ) ) ) ) ) ) [field_field_logo] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [rendered] => Array ( [#theme] => image_url_formatter [#item] => Array ( [fid] => 129 [uid] => 1 [filename] => zoeppritz.jpg [uri] => public://zoeppritz.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 3044 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1424334869 [alt] => [title] => [width] => 188 [height] => 122 ) [#image_style] => hersteller_logos [#path] => [#url_type] => 0 [#access] => 1 ) [raw] => Array ( [fid] => 129 [uid] => 1 [filename] => zoeppritz.jpg [uri] => public://zoeppritz.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 3044 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1424334869 [alt] => [title] => [width] => 188 [height] => 122 ) ) ) [taxonomy_term_data_description] => ) ) [current_page] => [items_per_page] => [offset] => [total_rows] => [attachment_before] => [attachment_after] => [exposed_input] => Array ( ) [exposed_raw_input] => Array ( ) [old_view] => Array ( [0] => ) [parent_views] => Array ( ) [is_attachment] => [current_display] => block [query] => views_plugin_query_default Object ( [table_queue] => Array ( [taxonomy_term_data] => Array ( [alias] => taxonomy_term_data [table] => taxonomy_term_data [relationship] => taxonomy_term_data [join] => ) [taxonomy_vocabulary] => Array ( [table] => taxonomy_vocabulary [num] => 1 [alias] => taxonomy_vocabulary [join] => views_join Object ( [table] => taxonomy_vocabulary [left_table] => taxonomy_term_data [left_field] => vid [field] => vid [extra] => [type] => LEFT [definition] => Array ( [left_field] => vid [field] => vid [table] => taxonomy_vocabulary [left_table] => taxonomy_term_data ) [extra_type] => AND [adjusted] => 1 ) [relationship] => taxonomy_term_data ) ) [tables] => Array ( [taxonomy_term_data] => Array ( [taxonomy_term_data] => Array ( [count] => 1 [alias] => taxonomy_term_data ) [taxonomy_vocabulary] => Array ( [count] => 1 [alias] => taxonomy_vocabulary ) ) ) [relationships] => Array ( [taxonomy_term_data] => Array ( [link] => [table] => taxonomy_term_data [alias] => taxonomy_term_data [base] => taxonomy_term_data ) ) [where] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [conditions] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [field] => taxonomy_vocabulary.machine_name [value] => Array ( [0] => hersteller_marke ) [operator] => in ) ) [args] => Array ( ) [type] => AND ) ) [having] => Array ( ) [group_operator] => AND [orderby] => Array ( ) [groupby] => Array ( ) [fields] => Array ( [taxonomy_term_data_name] => Array ( [field] => name [table] => taxonomy_term_data [alias] => taxonomy_term_data_name ) [taxonomy_term_data_vid] => Array ( [field] => vid [table] => taxonomy_term_data [alias] => taxonomy_term_data_vid ) [tid] => Array ( [field] => tid [table] => taxonomy_term_data [alias] => tid ) [taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name] => Array ( [field] => machine_name [table] => taxonomy_vocabulary [alias] => taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name ) [field_data_field_logo_taxonomy_term_entity_type] => Array ( [field] => 'taxonomy_term' [table] => [alias] => field_data_field_logo_taxonomy_term_entity_type ) ) [header] => Array ( ) [distinct] => [has_aggregate] => [get_count_optimized] => [pager] => views_plugin_pager_none Object ( [current_page] => [total_items] => 39 [view] => view Object *RECURSION* [display] => views_display Object ( [handler] => views_plugin_display_block Object ( [view] => view Object *RECURSION* [handlers] => Array ( [field] => Array ( [name] => views_handler_field_taxonomy Object ( [field_alias] => taxonomy_term_data_name [aliases] => Array ( [vid] => taxonomy_term_data_vid [tid] => tid [name] => taxonomy_term_data_name [vocabulary_machine_name] => taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name ) [original_value] => Zoeppritz [additional_fields] => Array ( [vid] => vid [tid] => tid [name] => name [vocabulary_machine_name] => Array ( [table] => taxonomy_vocabulary [field] => machine_name ) ) [last_render_index:protected] => 38 [view] => view Object *RECURSION* [query] => views_plugin_query_default Object *RECURSION* [handler_type] => field [table_alias] => taxonomy_term_data [real_field] => name [relationship] => [options] => Array ( [id] => name [table] => taxonomy_term_data [field] => name [relationship] => none [group_type] => group [ui_name] => [label] => [exclude] => 0 [alter] => Array ( [alter_text] => 0 [text] => [make_link] => 0 [path] => [absolute] => 0 [external] => 0 [replace_spaces] => 0 [unwanted_characters] => [path_case] => none [trim_whitespace] => 0 [alt] => [rel] => [link_class] => [prefix] => [suffix] => [target] => [nl2br] => 0 [max_length] => [word_boundary] => 0 [ellipsis] => 0 [more_link] => 0 [more_link_text] => [more_link_path] => [strip_tags] => 0 [trim] => 0 [preserve_tags] => [html] => 0 ) [element_type] => [element_class] => [element_label_type] => [element_label_class] => [element_label_colon] => [element_wrapper_type] => [element_wrapper_class] => [element_default_classes] => 1 [empty] => [hide_empty] => 0 [empty_zero] => 0 [hide_alter_empty] => 1 [link_to_taxonomy] => 0 [convert_spaces] => 0 ) [definition] => Array ( [handler] => views_handler_field_taxonomy [click sortable] => 1 [group] => Taxonomy term [title] => Name [help] => The taxonomy term name. ) [is_handler] => 1 [localization_keys] => Array ( [0] => default [1] => field [2] => taxonomy_term_data [3] => name ) [table] => taxonomy_term_data [field] => name [position] => 0 [last_render] => Zoeppritz [last_render_text] => Zoeppritz ) [field_logo] => views_handler_field_field Object ( [items] => Array ( ) [field_info] => Array ( [translatable] => 0 [entity_types] => Array ( ) [settings] => Array ( [uri_scheme] => public [default_image] => 1 ) [storage] => Array ( [type] => field_sql_storage [settings] => Array ( ) [module] => field_sql_storage [active] => 1 [details] => Array ( [sql] => Array ( [FIELD_LOAD_CURRENT] => Array ( [field_data_field_logo] => Array ( [fid] => field_logo_fid [alt] => field_logo_alt [title] => field_logo_title [width] => field_logo_width [height] => field_logo_height ) ) [FIELD_LOAD_REVISION] => Array ( [field_revision_field_logo] => Array ( [fid] => field_logo_fid [alt] => field_logo_alt [title] => field_logo_title [width] => field_logo_width [height] => field_logo_height ) ) ) ) ) [foreign keys] => Array ( [fid] => Array ( [table] => file_managed [columns] => Array ( [fid] => fid ) ) ) [indexes] => Array ( [fid] => Array ( [0] => fid ) ) [id] => 9 [field_name] => field_logo [type] => image [module] => image [active] => 1 [locked] => 0 [cardinality] => 1 [deleted] => 0 [columns] => Array ( [fid] => Array ( [description] => The {file_managed}.fid being referenced in this field. [type] => int [not null] => [unsigned] => 1 ) [alt] => Array ( [description] => Alternative image text, for the image's 'alt' attribute. [type] => varchar [length] => 512 [not null] => ) [title] => Array ( [description] => Image title text, for the image's 'title' attribute. [type] => varchar [length] => 1024 [not null] => ) [width] => Array ( [description] => The width of the image in pixels. [type] => int [unsigned] => 1 ) [height] => Array ( [description] => The height of the image in pixels. [type] => int [unsigned] => 1 ) ) [bundles] => Array ( [node] => Array ( [0] => filialen ) [taxonomy_term] => Array ( [0] => hersteller_marke [1] => lieferant ) ) ) [multiple] => [limit_values] => [base_table] => taxonomy_term_data [instance] => [field_alias] => tid [aliases] => Array ( [entity_type] => field_data_field_logo_taxonomy_term_entity_type ) [original_value] => [additional_fields] => Array ( [0] => delta [1] => language [2] => bundle [3] => field_logo_fid [4] => field_logo_alt [5] => field_logo_title [6] => field_logo_width [7] => field_logo_height ) [last_render_index:protected] => 38 [view] => view Object *RECURSION* [query] => views_plugin_query_default Object *RECURSION* [handler_type] => field [table_alias] => [real_field] => field_logo_fid [relationship] => [options] => Array ( [id] => field_logo [table] => field_data_field_logo [field] => field_logo [relationship] => none [group_type] => group [ui_name] => [label] => [exclude] => 1 [alter] => Array ( [alter_text] => 0 [text] => [make_link] => 0 [path] => [absolute] => 0 [external] => 0 [replace_spaces] => 0 [unwanted_characters] => [path_case] => none [trim_whitespace] => 0 [alt] => [rel] => [link_class] => [prefix] => [suffix] => [target] => [nl2br] => 0 [max_length] => [word_boundary] => 1 [ellipsis] => 1 [more_link] => 0 [more_link_text] => [more_link_path] => [strip_tags] => 0 [trim] => 0 [preserve_tags] => [html] => 0 ) [element_type] => [element_class] => [element_label_type] => [element_label_class] => [element_label_colon] => [element_wrapper_type] => [element_wrapper_class] => [element_default_classes] => 1 [empty] => [hide_empty] => 0 [empty_zero] => 0 [hide_alter_empty] => 1 [click_sort_column] => fid [type] => image_url [settings] => Array ( [url_type] => 0 [image_style] => hersteller_logos [image_link] => ) [group_column] => [group_columns] => Array ( ) [group_rows] => 1 [delta_limit] => all [delta_offset] => 0 [delta_reversed] => [delta_first_last] => [delta_random] => [multi_type] => separator [separator] => , [field_api_classes] => 0 ) [definition] => Array ( [table] => field_data_field_logo [handler] => views_handler_field_field [click sortable] => 1 [field_name] => field_logo [real field] => field_logo_fid [additional fields] => Array ( [0] => delta [1] => language [2] => bundle [3] => field_logo_fid [4] => field_logo_alt [5] => field_logo_title [6] => field_logo_width [7] => field_logo_height ) [entity_tables] => Array ( [node] => node [node_revision] => node [taxonomy_term_data] => taxonomy_term ) [element type] => div [is revision] => [group] => Field [title] => Logo [title short] => Logo [help] => Appears in: node:filialen, taxonomy_term:hersteller_marke, taxonomy_term:lieferant. Also known as: Content: Logo, Taxonomy term: Logo. ) [is_handler] => 1 [localization_keys] => Array ( [0] => default [1] => field [2] => field_data_field_logo [3] => field_logo ) [table] => field_data_field_logo [field] => field_logo [position] => 1 [base_table_alias] => taxonomy_term_data [last_render] => [last_render_text] => ) [tid] => views_handler_field_numeric Object ( [field_alias] => tid [aliases] => Array ( ) [original_value] => 44 [additional_fields] => Array ( ) [last_render_index:protected] => 38 [view] => view Object *RECURSION* [query] => views_plugin_query_default Object *RECURSION* [handler_type] => field [table_alias] => taxonomy_term_data [real_field] => tid [relationship] => [options] => Array ( [id] => tid [table] => taxonomy_term_data [field] => tid [relationship] => none [group_type] => group [ui_name] => [label] => [exclude] => 0 [alter] => Array ( [alter_text] => 0 [text] => [make_link] => 0 [path] => [absolute] => 0 [external] => 0 [replace_spaces] => 0 [unwanted_characters] => [path_case] => none [trim_whitespace] => 0 [alt] => [rel] => [link_class] => [prefix] => [suffix] => [target] => [nl2br] => 0 [max_length] => [word_boundary] => 1 [ellipsis] => 1 [more_link] => 0 [more_link_text] => [more_link_path] => [strip_tags] => 0 [trim] => 0 [preserve_tags] => [html] => 0 ) [element_type] => [element_class] => [element_label_type] => [element_label_class] => [element_label_colon] => [element_wrapper_type] => [element_wrapper_class] => [element_default_classes] => 1 [empty] => [hide_empty] => 0 [empty_zero] => 0 [hide_alter_empty] => 1 [set_precision] => [precision] => 0 [decimal] => . [separator] => [format_plural] => 0 [format_plural_singular] => 1 [format_plural_plural] => @count [prefix] => [suffix] => ) [definition] => Array ( [handler] => views_handler_field_numeric [click sortable] => 1 [group] => Taxonomy term [title] => Term ID [help] => The tid of a taxonomy term. ) [is_handler] => 1 [localization_keys] => Array ( [0] => default [1] => field [2] => taxonomy_term_data [3] => tid ) [table] => taxonomy_term_data [field] => tid [position] => 2 [last_render] => 44 [last_render_text] => 44 [last_tokens] => Array ( [%q] => node/44 [[name]] => Zoeppritz [[field_logo]] => [[tid]] => 44 ) ) ) [argument] => Array ( ) [sort] => Array ( ) [filter] => Array ( [machine_name] => views_handler_filter_vocabulary_machine_name Object ( [value_form_type] => checkboxes [value_options] => [value] => Array ( [hersteller_marke] => hersteller_marke ) [operator] => in [group_info] => All [always_multiple] => [no_operator] => [always_required] => [view] => view Object *RECURSION* [query] => views_plugin_query_default Object *RECURSION* [handler_type] => filter [table_alias] => taxonomy_vocabulary [real_field] => machine_name [relationship] => [options] => Array ( [id] => machine_name [table] => taxonomy_vocabulary [field] => machine_name [relationship] => none [group_type] => group [ui_name] => [operator] => in [value] => Array ( [hersteller_marke] => hersteller_marke ) [group] => 1 [exposed] => [expose] => Array ( [operator_id] => [label] => [description] => [use_operator] => [operator_label] => [operator] => [limit_operators] => [available_operators] => Array ( ) [identifier] => [required] => [remember] => [multiple] => [remember_roles] => Array ( [2] => 2 ) [reduce] => ) [is_grouped] => [group_info] => Array ( [label] => [description] => [identifier] => [optional] => 1 [widget] => select [multiple] => [remember] => 0 [default_group] => All [default_group_multiple] => Array ( ) [group_items] => Array ( ) ) ) [definition] => Array ( [help] => Filter the results of "Taxonomy: Term" to a particular vocabulary. [handler] => views_handler_filter_vocabulary_machine_name [group] => Taxonomy vocabulary [title] => Machine name ) [is_handler] => 1 [value_title] => Options [localization_keys] => Array ( [0] => default [1] => filter [2] => taxonomy_vocabulary [3] => machine_name ) [table] => taxonomy_vocabulary [field] => machine_name [position] => 0 ) ) [relationship] => Array ( ) [header] => Array ( ) [footer] => Array ( ) [empty] => Array ( ) ) [extender] => Array ( ) [display] => views_display Object *RECURSION* [plugin_type] => display [plugin_name] => block [options] => Array ( [defaults] => Array ( [access] => 1 [cache] => 1 [query] => 1 [title] => 1 [css_class] => 1 [display_description] => [use_ajax] => 1 [hide_attachment_summary] => 1 [hide_admin_links] => 1 [pager] => 1 [pager_options] => 1 [use_more] => 1 [use_more_always] => 1 [open_new_window] => [use_more_text] => 1 [exposed_form] => 1 [exposed_form_options] => 1 [link_display] => 1 [link_url] => [group_by] => 1 [style_plugin] => 1 [style_options] => 1 [row_plugin] => 1 [row_options] => 1 [header] => 1 [footer] => 1 [empty] => 1 [relationships] => 1 [fields] => 1 [sorts] => 1 [arguments] => 1 [filters] => 1 [filter_groups] => 1 ) [title] => [enabled] => 1 [display_comment] => [css_class] => [display_description] => [use_ajax] => [hide_attachment_summary] => [hide_admin_links] => [items_per_page] => 10 [offset] => 0 [use_pager] => [use_more] => [use_more_always] => [use_more_text] => more [link_display] => [link_url] => [group_by] => [field_language] => ***CURRENT_LANGUAGE*** [field_language_add_to_query] => 1 [access] => Array ( [type] => none ) [cache] => Array ( [type] => none ) [query] => Array ( [type] => views_query [options] => Array ( ) ) [exposed_form] => Array ( [type] => basic [options] => Array ( ) ) [pager] => Array ( [type] => full [options] => Array ( ) ) [style_plugin] => default [style_options] => Array ( ) [row_plugin] => fields [row_options] => Array ( ) [exposed_block] => [header] => Array ( ) [footer] => Array ( ) [empty] => Array ( ) [relationships] => Array ( ) [fields] => Array ( ) [sorts] => Array ( ) [arguments] => Array ( ) [filter_groups] => Array ( [operator] => AND [groups] => Array ( [1] => AND ) ) [filters] => Array ( ) [block_description] => [block_caching] => -1 ) [definition] => Array ( [title] => Block [help] => Display the view as a block. [handler] => views_plugin_display_block [theme] => views_view [uses hook block] => 1 [contextual links locations] => Array ( [0] => block ) [use ajax] => 1 [use pager] => 1 [use more] => 1 [accept attachments] => 1 [admin] => Block [help topic] => display-block [module] => views [theme path] => sites/all/modules/views/theme [theme file] => [path] => sites/all/modules/views/plugins [file] => [parent] => parent [name] => block [contextual links] => Array ( [views_ui] => Array ( [parent path] => admin/structure/views/view [argument properties] => Array ( [0] => name ) ) ) ) [is_plugin] => 1 [localization_keys] => Array ( [0] => block ) [default_display] => views_plugin_display_default Object ( [view] => view Object *RECURSION* [handlers] => Array ( ) [extender] => Array ( ) [display] => views_display Object ( [handler] => views_plugin_display_default Object *RECURSION* [display_options] => Array ( [query] => Array ( [type] => views_query [options] => Array ( ) ) [access] => Array ( [type] => perm ) [cache] => Array ( [type] => none ) [exposed_form] => Array ( [type] => basic ) [pager] => Array ( [type] => none [options] => Array ( [offset] => 0 ) ) [style_plugin] => default [row_plugin] => fields [fields] => Array ( [name] => Array ( [id] => name [table] => taxonomy_term_data [field] => name [relationship] => none [group_type] => group [ui_name] => [label] => [exclude] => 0 [alter] => Array ( [alter_text] => 0 [text] => [make_link] => 0 [path] => [absolute] => 0 [external] => 0 [replace_spaces] => 0 [path_case] => none [trim_whitespace] => 0 [alt] => [rel] => [link_class] => [prefix] => [suffix] => [target] => [nl2br] => 0 [max_length] => [word_boundary] => 0 [ellipsis] => 0 [more_link] => 0 [more_link_text] => [more_link_path] => [strip_tags] => 0 [trim] => 0 [preserve_tags] => [html] => 0 ) [element_type] => [element_class] => [element_label_type] => [element_label_class] => [element_label_colon] => [element_wrapper_type] => [element_wrapper_class] => [element_default_classes] => 1 [empty] => [hide_empty] => 0 [empty_zero] => 0 [hide_alter_empty] => 1 [link_to_taxonomy] => 0 [convert_spaces] => 0 ) [field_logo] => Array ( [id] => field_logo [table] => field_data_field_logo [field] => field_logo [relationship] => none [group_type] => group [ui_name] => [label] => [exclude] => 1 [alter] => Array ( [alter_text] => 0 [text] => [make_link] => 0 [path] => [absolute] => 0 [external] => 0 [replace_spaces] => 0 [path_case] => none [trim_whitespace] => 0 [alt] => [rel] => [link_class] => [prefix] => [suffix] => [target] => [nl2br] => 0 [max_length] => [word_boundary] => 1 [ellipsis] => 1 [more_link] => 0 [more_link_text] => [more_link_path] => [strip_tags] => 0 [trim] => 0 [preserve_tags] => [html] => 0 ) [element_type] => [element_class] => [element_label_type] => [element_label_class] => [element_label_colon] => [element_wrapper_type] => [element_wrapper_class] => [element_default_classes] => 1 [empty] => [hide_empty] => 0 [empty_zero] => 0 [hide_alter_empty] => 1 [click_sort_column] => fid [type] => image_url [settings] => Array ( [url_type] => 0 [image_style] => hersteller_logos [image_link] => ) [group_column] => [group_columns] => Array ( ) [group_rows] => 1 [delta_limit] => all [delta_offset] => 0 [delta_reversed] => [delta_first_last] => [delta_random] => [multi_type] => separator [separator] => , [field_api_classes] => 0 ) [tid] => Array ( [id] => tid [table] => taxonomy_term_data [field] => tid [relationship] => none [group_type] => group [ui_name] => [label] => [exclude] => 0 [alter] => Array ( [alter_text] => 0 [text] => [make_link] => 0 [path] => [absolute] => 0 [external] => 0 [replace_spaces] => 0 [path_case] => none [trim_whitespace] => 0 [alt] => [rel] => [link_class] => [prefix] => [suffix] => [target] => [nl2br] => 0 [max_length] => [word_boundary] => 1 [ellipsis] => 1 [more_link] => 0 [more_link_text] => [more_link_path] => [strip_tags] => 0 [trim] => 0 [preserve_tags] => [html] => 0 ) [element_type] => [element_class] => [element_label_type] => [element_label_class] => [element_label_colon] => [element_wrapper_type] => [element_wrapper_class] => [element_default_classes] => 1 [empty] => [hide_empty] => 0 [empty_zero] => 0 [hide_alter_empty] => 1 [set_precision] => [precision] => 0 [decimal] => . [separator] => [format_plural] => 0 [format_plural_singular] => 1 [format_plural_plural] => @count [prefix] => [suffix] => ) ) [filters] => Array ( [machine_name] => Array ( [id] => machine_name [table] => taxonomy_vocabulary [field] => machine_name [value] => Array ( [hersteller_marke] => hersteller_marke ) ) ) [sorts] => Array ( ) [title] => Unsere Marken ) [db_table] => views_display [vid] => 9 [id] => default [display_title] => Master [display_plugin] => default [position] => 1 ) [plugin_type] => display [plugin_name] => default [options] => Array ( [title] => Unsere Marken [enabled] => 1 [display_comment] => [css_class] => [display_description] => [use_ajax] => [hide_attachment_summary] => [hide_admin_links] => [items_per_page] => 10 [offset] => 0 [use_pager] => [use_more] => [use_more_always] => [use_more_text] => more [link_display] => [link_url] => [group_by] => [field_language] => ***CURRENT_LANGUAGE*** [field_language_add_to_query] => 1 [access] => Array ( [type] => perm ) [cache] => Array ( [type] => none ) [query] => Array ( [type] => views_query [options] => Array ( ) ) [exposed_form] => Array ( [type] => basic [options] => Array ( ) ) [pager] => Array ( [type] => none [options] => Array ( [offset] => 0 ) ) [style_plugin] => default [style_options] => Array ( ) [row_plugin] => fields [row_options] => Array ( ) [exposed_block] => [header] => Array ( ) [footer] => Array ( ) [empty] => Array ( ) [relationships] => Array ( ) [fields] => Array ( [name] => Array ( [id] => name [table] => taxonomy_term_data [field] => name [relationship] => none [group_type] => group [ui_name] => [label] => [exclude] => 0 [alter] => Array ( [alter_text] => 0 [text] => [make_link] => 0 [path] => [absolute] => 0 [external] => 0 [replace_spaces] => 0 [path_case] => none [trim_whitespace] => 0 [alt] => [rel] => [link_class] => [prefix] => [suffix] => [target] => [nl2br] => 0 [max_length] => [word_boundary] => 0 [ellipsis] => 0 [more_link] => 0 [more_link_text] => [more_link_path] => [strip_tags] => 0 [trim] => 0 [preserve_tags] => [html] => 0 ) [element_type] => [element_class] => [element_label_type] => [element_label_class] => [element_label_colon] => [element_wrapper_type] => [element_wrapper_class] => [element_default_classes] => 1 [empty] => [hide_empty] => 0 [empty_zero] => 0 [hide_alter_empty] => 1 [link_to_taxonomy] => 0 [convert_spaces] => 0 ) [field_logo] => Array ( [id] => field_logo [table] => field_data_field_logo [field] => field_logo [relationship] => none [group_type] => group [ui_name] => [label] => [exclude] => 1 [alter] => Array ( [alter_text] => 0 [text] => [make_link] => 0 [path] => [absolute] => 0 [external] => 0 [replace_spaces] => 0 [path_case] => none [trim_whitespace] => 0 [alt] => [rel] => [link_class] => [prefix] => [suffix] => [target] => [nl2br] => 0 [max_length] => [word_boundary] => 1 [ellipsis] => 1 [more_link] => 0 [more_link_text] => [more_link_path] => [strip_tags] => 0 [trim] => 0 [preserve_tags] => [html] => 0 ) [element_type] => [element_class] => [element_label_type] => [element_label_class] => [element_label_colon] => [element_wrapper_type] => [element_wrapper_class] => [element_default_classes] => 1 [empty] => [hide_empty] => 0 [empty_zero] => 0 [hide_alter_empty] => 1 [click_sort_column] => fid [type] => image_url [settings] => Array ( [url_type] => 0 [image_style] => hersteller_logos [image_link] => ) [group_column] => [group_columns] => Array ( ) [group_rows] => 1 [delta_limit] => all [delta_offset] => 0 [delta_reversed] => [delta_first_last] => [delta_random] => [multi_type] => separator [separator] => , [field_api_classes] => 0 ) [tid] => Array ( [id] => tid [table] => taxonomy_term_data [field] => tid [relationship] => none [group_type] => group [ui_name] => [label] => [exclude] => 0 [alter] => Array ( [alter_text] => 0 [text] => [make_link] => 0 [path] => [absolute] => 0 [external] => 0 [replace_spaces] => 0 [path_case] => none [trim_whitespace] => 0 [alt] => [rel] => [link_class] => [prefix] => [suffix] => [target] => [nl2br] => 0 [max_length] => [word_boundary] => 1 [ellipsis] => 1 [more_link] => 0 [more_link_text] => [more_link_path] => [strip_tags] => 0 [trim] => 0 [preserve_tags] => [html] => 0 ) [element_type] => [element_class] => [element_label_type] => [element_label_class] => [element_label_colon] => [element_wrapper_type] => [element_wrapper_class] => [element_default_classes] => 1 [empty] => [hide_empty] => 0 [empty_zero] => 0 [hide_alter_empty] => 1 [set_precision] => [precision] => 0 [decimal] => . [separator] => [format_plural] => 0 [format_plural_singular] => 1 [format_plural_plural] => @count [prefix] => [suffix] => ) ) [sorts] => Array ( ) [arguments] => Array ( ) [filter_groups] => Array ( [operator] => AND [groups] => Array ( [1] => AND ) ) [filters] => Array ( [machine_name] => Array ( [id] => machine_name [table] => taxonomy_vocabulary [field] => machine_name [value] => Array ( [hersteller_marke] => hersteller_marke ) ) ) ) [definition] => Array ( [title] => Master [help] => Default settings for this view. [handler] => views_plugin_display_default [theme] => views_view [no ui] => 1 [no remove] => 1 [js] => Array ( [0] => misc/form.js [1] => misc/collapse.js [2] => misc/textarea.js [3] => misc/tabledrag.js [4] => misc/autocomplete.js [5] => sites/all/modules/ctools/js/dependent.js ) [use ajax] => 1 [use pager] => 1 [use more] => 1 [accept attachments] => 1 [help topic] => display-default [module] => views [theme path] => sites/all/modules/views/theme [theme file] => [path] => sites/all/modules/views/plugins [file] => [parent] => parent [name] => default [contextual links] => Array ( [views_ui] => Array ( [parent path] => admin/structure/views/view [argument properties] => Array ( [0] => name ) ) ) ) [is_plugin] => 1 [localization_keys] => Array ( [0] => default ) ) ) [display_options] => Array ( [query] => Array ( [type] => views_query [options] => Array ( ) ) ) [db_table] => views_display [vid] => 9 [id] => block [display_title] => Block [display_plugin] => block [position] => 2 ) [plugin_type] => pager [plugin_name] => none [options] => Array ( [offset] => 0 [items_per_page] => 0 ) [definition] => Array ( [title] => Display all items [help] => Display all items that this view might find [handler] => views_plugin_pager_none [help topic] => pager-none [uses options] => 1 [type] => basic [module] => views [theme path] => sites/all/modules/views/theme [theme file] => [path] => sites/all/modules/views/plugins [file] => [parent] => parent [name] => none ) [is_plugin] => 1 ) [field_aliases] => Array ( [taxonomy_term_data] => Array ( [name] => taxonomy_term_data_name [vid] => taxonomy_term_data_vid [tid] => tid ) [taxonomy_vocabulary] => Array ( [machine_name] => taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name ) [] => Array ( ['taxonomy_term'] => field_data_field_logo_taxonomy_term_entity_type ) ) [tags] => Array ( ) [no_distinct] => [pure_distinct] => [view] => view Object *RECURSION* [display] => [plugin_type] => query [plugin_name] => views_query [options] => Array ( [disable_sql_rewrite] => [distinct] => [pure_distinct] => [slave] => [query_comment] => [query_tags] => Array ( ) ) [definition] => Array ( [title] => SQL Query [help] => Query will be generated and run using the Drupal database API. [handler] => views_plugin_query_default [module] => views [theme path] => sites/all/modules/views/theme [theme file] => [path] => sites/all/modules/views/plugins [file] => [parent] => parent [name] => views_query ) [is_plugin] => 1 [base_table] => taxonomy_term_data [base_field] => tid [count_field] => Array ( [table] => taxonomy_term_data [field] => tid [alias] => tid [count] => 1 ) ) [display_handler] => views_plugin_display_block Object ( [view] => view Object *RECURSION* [handlers] => Array ( [field] => Array ( [name] => views_handler_field_taxonomy Object ( [field_alias] => taxonomy_term_data_name [aliases] => Array ( [vid] => taxonomy_term_data_vid [tid] => tid [name] => taxonomy_term_data_name [vocabulary_machine_name] => taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name ) [original_value] => Zoeppritz [additional_fields] => Array ( [vid] => vid [tid] => tid [name] => name [vocabulary_machine_name] => Array ( [table] => taxonomy_vocabulary [field] => machine_name ) ) [last_render_index:protected] => 38 [view] => view Object *RECURSION* [query] => views_plugin_query_default Object ( [table_queue] => Array ( [taxonomy_term_data] => Array ( [alias] => taxonomy_term_data [table] => taxonomy_term_data [relationship] => taxonomy_term_data [join] => ) [taxonomy_vocabulary] => Array ( [table] => taxonomy_vocabulary [num] => 1 [alias] => taxonomy_vocabulary [join] => views_join Object ( [table] => taxonomy_vocabulary [left_table] => taxonomy_term_data [left_field] => vid [field] => vid [extra] => [type] => LEFT [definition] => Array ( [left_field] => vid [field] => vid [table] => taxonomy_vocabulary [left_table] => taxonomy_term_data ) [extra_type] => AND [adjusted] => 1 ) [relationship] => taxonomy_term_data ) ) [tables] => Array ( [taxonomy_term_data] => Array ( [taxonomy_term_data] => Array ( [count] => 1 [alias] => taxonomy_term_data ) [taxonomy_vocabulary] => Array ( [count] => 1 [alias] => taxonomy_vocabulary ) ) ) [relationships] => Array ( [taxonomy_term_data] => Array ( [link] => [table] => taxonomy_term_data [alias] => taxonomy_term_data [base] => taxonomy_term_data ) ) [where] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [conditions] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [field] => taxonomy_vocabulary.machine_name [value] => Array ( [0] => hersteller_marke ) [operator] => in ) ) [args] => Array ( ) [type] => AND ) ) [having] => Array ( ) [group_operator] => AND [orderby] => Array ( ) [groupby] => Array ( ) [fields] => Array ( [taxonomy_term_data_name] => Array ( [field] => name [table] => taxonomy_term_data [alias] => taxonomy_term_data_name ) [taxonomy_term_data_vid] => Array ( [field] => vid [table] => taxonomy_term_data [alias] => taxonomy_term_data_vid ) [tid] => Array ( [field] => tid [table] => taxonomy_term_data [alias] => tid ) [taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name] => Array ( [field] => machine_name [table] => taxonomy_vocabulary [alias] => taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name ) [field_data_field_logo_taxonomy_term_entity_type] => Array ( [field] => 'taxonomy_term' [table] => [alias] => field_data_field_logo_taxonomy_term_entity_type ) ) [header] => Array ( ) [distinct] => [has_aggregate] => [get_count_optimized] => [pager] => views_plugin_pager_none Object ( [current_page] => [total_items] => 39 [view] => view Object *RECURSION* [display] => views_display Object ( [handler] => views_plugin_display_block Object *RECURSION* [display_options] => Array ( [query] => Array ( [type] => views_query [options] => Array ( ) ) ) [db_table] => views_display [vid] => 9 [id] => block [display_title] => Block [display_plugin] => block [position] => 2 ) [plugin_type] => pager [plugin_name] => none [options] => Array ( [offset] => 0 [items_per_page] => 0 ) [definition] => Array ( [title] => Display all items [help] => Display all items that this view might find [handler] => views_plugin_pager_none [help topic] => pager-none [uses options] => 1 [type] => basic [module] => views [theme path] => sites/all/modules/views/theme [theme file] => [path] => sites/all/modules/views/plugins [file] => [parent] => parent [name] => none ) [is_plugin] => 1 ) [field_aliases] => Array ( [taxonomy_term_data] => Array ( [name] => taxonomy_term_data_name [vid] => taxonomy_term_data_vid [tid] => tid ) [taxonomy_vocabulary] => Array ( [machine_name] => taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name ) [] => Array ( ['taxonomy_term'] => field_data_field_logo_taxonomy_term_entity_type ) ) [tags] => Array ( ) [no_distinct] => [pure_distinct] => [view] => view Object *RECURSION* [display] => [plugin_type] => query [plugin_name] => views_query [options] => Array ( [disable_sql_rewrite] => [distinct] => [pure_distinct] => [slave] => [query_comment] => [query_tags] => Array ( ) ) [definition] => Array ( [title] => SQL Query [help] => Query will be generated and run using the Drupal database API. [handler] => views_plugin_query_default [module] => views [theme path] => sites/all/modules/views/theme [theme file] => [path] => sites/all/modules/views/plugins [file] => [parent] => parent [name] => views_query ) [is_plugin] => 1 [base_table] => taxonomy_term_data [base_field] => tid [count_field] => Array ( [table] => taxonomy_term_data [field] => tid [alias] => tid [count] => 1 ) ) [handler_type] => field [table_alias] => taxonomy_term_data [real_field] => name [relationship] => [options] => Array ( [id] => name [table] => taxonomy_term_data [field] => name [relationship] => none [group_type] => group [ui_name] => [label] => [exclude] => 0 [alter] => Array ( [alter_text] => 0 [text] => [make_link] => 0 [path] => [absolute] => 0 [external] => 0 [replace_spaces] => 0 [unwanted_characters] => [path_case] => none [trim_whitespace] => 0 [alt] => [rel] => [link_class] => [prefix] => [suffix] => [target] => [nl2br] => 0 [max_length] => [word_boundary] => 0 [ellipsis] => 0 [more_link] => 0 [more_link_text] => [more_link_path] => [strip_tags] => 0 [trim] => 0 [preserve_tags] => [html] => 0 ) [element_type] => [element_class] => [element_label_type] => [element_label_class] => [element_label_colon] => [element_wrapper_type] => [element_wrapper_class] => [element_default_classes] => 1 [empty] => [hide_empty] => 0 [empty_zero] => 0 [hide_alter_empty] => 1 [link_to_taxonomy] => 0 [convert_spaces] => 0 ) [definition] => Array ( [handler] => views_handler_field_taxonomy [click sortable] => 1 [group] => Taxonomy term [title] => Name [help] => The taxonomy term name. ) [is_handler] => 1 [localization_keys] => Array ( [0] => default [1] => field [2] => taxonomy_term_data [3] => name ) [table] => taxonomy_term_data [field] => name [position] => 0 [last_render] => Zoeppritz [last_render_text] => Zoeppritz ) [field_logo] => views_handler_field_field Object ( [items] => Array ( ) [field_info] => Array ( [translatable] => 0 [entity_types] => Array ( ) [settings] => Array ( [uri_scheme] => public [default_image] => 1 ) [storage] => Array ( [type] => field_sql_storage [settings] => Array ( ) [module] => field_sql_storage [active] => 1 [details] => Array ( [sql] => Array ( [FIELD_LOAD_CURRENT] => Array ( [field_data_field_logo] => Array ( [fid] => field_logo_fid [alt] => field_logo_alt [title] => field_logo_title [width] => field_logo_width [height] => field_logo_height ) ) [FIELD_LOAD_REVISION] => Array ( [field_revision_field_logo] => Array ( [fid] => field_logo_fid [alt] => field_logo_alt [title] => field_logo_title [width] => field_logo_width [height] => field_logo_height ) ) ) ) ) [foreign keys] => Array ( [fid] => Array ( [table] => file_managed [columns] => Array ( [fid] => fid ) ) ) [indexes] => Array ( [fid] => Array ( [0] => fid ) ) [id] => 9 [field_name] => field_logo [type] => image [module] => image [active] => 1 [locked] => 0 [cardinality] => 1 [deleted] => 0 [columns] => Array ( [fid] => Array ( [description] => The {file_managed}.fid being referenced in this field. [type] => int [not null] => [unsigned] => 1 ) [alt] => Array ( [description] => Alternative image text, for the image's 'alt' attribute. [type] => varchar [length] => 512 [not null] => ) [title] => Array ( [description] => Image title text, for the image's 'title' attribute. [type] => varchar [length] => 1024 [not null] => ) [width] => Array ( [description] => The width of the image in pixels. [type] => int [unsigned] => 1 ) [height] => Array ( [description] => The height of the image in pixels. [type] => int [unsigned] => 1 ) ) [bundles] => Array ( [node] => Array ( [0] => filialen ) [taxonomy_term] => Array ( [0] => hersteller_marke [1] => lieferant ) ) ) [multiple] => [limit_values] => [base_table] => taxonomy_term_data [instance] => [field_alias] => tid [aliases] => Array ( [entity_type] => field_data_field_logo_taxonomy_term_entity_type ) [original_value] => [additional_fields] => Array ( [0] => delta [1] => language [2] => bundle [3] => field_logo_fid [4] => field_logo_alt [5] => field_logo_title [6] => field_logo_width [7] => field_logo_height ) [last_render_index:protected] => 38 [view] => view Object *RECURSION* [query] => views_plugin_query_default Object ( [table_queue] => Array ( [taxonomy_term_data] => Array ( [alias] => taxonomy_term_data [table] => taxonomy_term_data [relationship] => taxonomy_term_data [join] => ) [taxonomy_vocabulary] => Array ( [table] => taxonomy_vocabulary [num] => 1 [alias] => taxonomy_vocabulary [join] => views_join Object ( [table] => taxonomy_vocabulary [left_table] => taxonomy_term_data [left_field] => vid [field] => vid [extra] => [type] => LEFT [definition] => Array ( [left_field] => vid [field] => vid [table] => taxonomy_vocabulary [left_table] => taxonomy_term_data ) [extra_type] => AND [adjusted] => 1 ) [relationship] => taxonomy_term_data ) ) [tables] => Array ( [taxonomy_term_data] => Array ( [taxonomy_term_data] => Array ( [count] => 1 [alias] => taxonomy_term_data ) [taxonomy_vocabulary] => Array ( [count] => 1 [alias] => taxonomy_vocabulary ) ) ) [relationships] => Array ( [taxonomy_term_data] => Array ( [link] => [table] => taxonomy_term_data [alias] => taxonomy_term_data [base] => taxonomy_term_data ) ) [where] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [conditions] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [field] => taxonomy_vocabulary.machine_name [value] => Array ( [0] => hersteller_marke ) [operator] => in ) ) [args] => Array ( ) [type] => AND ) ) [having] => Array ( ) [group_operator] => AND [orderby] => Array ( ) [groupby] => Array ( ) [fields] => Array ( [taxonomy_term_data_name] => Array ( [field] => name [table] => taxonomy_term_data [alias] => taxonomy_term_data_name ) [taxonomy_term_data_vid] => Array ( [field] => vid [table] => taxonomy_term_data [alias] => taxonomy_term_data_vid ) [tid] => Array ( [field] => tid [table] => taxonomy_term_data [alias] => tid ) [taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name] => Array ( [field] => machine_name [table] => taxonomy_vocabulary [alias] => taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name ) [field_data_field_logo_taxonomy_term_entity_type] => Array ( [field] => 'taxonomy_term' [table] => [alias] => field_data_field_logo_taxonomy_term_entity_type ) ) [header] => Array ( ) [distinct] => [has_aggregate] => [get_count_optimized] => [pager] => views_plugin_pager_none Object ( [current_page] => [total_items] => 39 [view] => view Object *RECURSION* [display] => views_display Object ( [handler] => views_plugin_display_block Object *RECURSION* [display_options] => Array ( [query] => Array ( [type] => views_query [options] => Array ( ) ) ) [db_table] => views_display [vid] => 9 [id] => block [display_title] => Block [display_plugin] => block [position] => 2 ) [plugin_type] => pager [plugin_name] => none [options] => Array ( [offset] => 0 [items_per_page] => 0 ) [definition] => Array ( [title] => Display all items [help] => Display all items that this view might find [handler] => views_plugin_pager_none [help topic] => pager-none [uses options] => 1 [type] => basic [module] => views [theme path] => sites/all/modules/views/theme [theme file] => [path] => sites/all/modules/views/plugins [file] => [parent] => parent [name] => none ) [is_plugin] => 1 ) [field_aliases] => Array ( [taxonomy_term_data] => Array ( [name] => taxonomy_term_data_name [vid] => taxonomy_term_data_vid [tid] => tid ) [taxonomy_vocabulary] => Array ( [machine_name] => taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name ) [] => Array ( ['taxonomy_term'] => field_data_field_logo_taxonomy_term_entity_type ) ) [tags] => Array ( ) [no_distinct] => [pure_distinct] => [view] => view Object *RECURSION* [display] => [plugin_type] => query [plugin_name] => views_query [options] => Array ( [disable_sql_rewrite] => [distinct] => [pure_distinct] => [slave] => [query_comment] => [query_tags] => Array ( ) ) [definition] => Array ( [title] => SQL Query [help] => Query will be generated and run using the Drupal database API. [handler] => views_plugin_query_default [module] => views [theme path] => sites/all/modules/views/theme [theme file] => [path] => sites/all/modules/views/plugins [file] => [parent] => parent [name] => views_query ) [is_plugin] => 1 [base_table] => taxonomy_term_data [base_field] => tid [count_field] => Array ( [table] => taxonomy_term_data [field] => tid [alias] => tid [count] => 1 ) ) [handler_type] => field [table_alias] => [real_field] => field_logo_fid [relationship] => [options] => Array ( [id] => field_logo [table] => field_data_field_logo [field] => field_logo [relationship] => none [group_type] => group [ui_name] => [label] => [exclude] => 1 [alter] => Array ( [alter_text] => 0 [text] => [make_link] => 0 [path] => [absolute] => 0 [external] => 0 [replace_spaces] => 0 [unwanted_characters] => [path_case] => none [trim_whitespace] => 0 [alt] => [rel] => [link_class] => [prefix] => [suffix] => [target] => [nl2br] => 0 [max_length] => [word_boundary] => 1 [ellipsis] => 1 [more_link] => 0 [more_link_text] => [more_link_path] => [strip_tags] => 0 [trim] => 0 [preserve_tags] => [html] => 0 ) [element_type] => [element_class] => [element_label_type] => [element_label_class] => [element_label_colon] => [element_wrapper_type] => [element_wrapper_class] => [element_default_classes] => 1 [empty] => [hide_empty] => 0 [empty_zero] => 0 [hide_alter_empty] => 1 [click_sort_column] => fid [type] => image_url [settings] => Array ( [url_type] => 0 [image_style] => hersteller_logos [image_link] => ) [group_column] => [group_columns] => Array ( ) [group_rows] => 1 [delta_limit] => all [delta_offset] => 0 [delta_reversed] => [delta_first_last] => [delta_random] => [multi_type] => separator [separator] => , [field_api_classes] => 0 ) [definition] => Array ( [table] => field_data_field_logo [handler] => views_handler_field_field [click sortable] => 1 [field_name] => field_logo [real field] => field_logo_fid [additional fields] => Array ( [0] => delta [1] => language [2] => bundle [3] => field_logo_fid [4] => field_logo_alt [5] => field_logo_title [6] => field_logo_width [7] => field_logo_height ) [entity_tables] => Array ( [node] => node [node_revision] => node [taxonomy_term_data] => taxonomy_term ) [element type] => div [is revision] => [group] => Field [title] => Logo [title short] => Logo [help] => Appears in: node:filialen, taxonomy_term:hersteller_marke, taxonomy_term:lieferant. Also known as: Content: Logo, Taxonomy term: Logo. ) [is_handler] => 1 [localization_keys] => Array ( [0] => default [1] => field [2] => field_data_field_logo [3] => field_logo ) [table] => field_data_field_logo [field] => field_logo [position] => 1 [base_table_alias] => taxonomy_term_data [last_render] => [last_render_text] => ) [tid] => views_handler_field_numeric Object ( [field_alias] => tid [aliases] => Array ( ) [original_value] => 44 [additional_fields] => Array ( ) [last_render_index:protected] => 38 [view] => view Object *RECURSION* [query] => views_plugin_query_default Object ( [table_queue] => Array ( [taxonomy_term_data] => Array ( [alias] => taxonomy_term_data [table] => taxonomy_term_data [relationship] => taxonomy_term_data [join] => ) [taxonomy_vocabulary] => Array ( [table] => taxonomy_vocabulary [num] => 1 [alias] => taxonomy_vocabulary [join] => views_join Object ( [table] => taxonomy_vocabulary [left_table] => taxonomy_term_data [left_field] => vid [field] => vid [extra] => [type] => LEFT [definition] => Array ( [left_field] => vid [field] => vid [table] => taxonomy_vocabulary [left_table] => taxonomy_term_data ) [extra_type] => AND [adjusted] => 1 ) [relationship] => taxonomy_term_data ) ) [tables] => Array ( [taxonomy_term_data] => Array ( [taxonomy_term_data] => Array ( [count] => 1 [alias] => taxonomy_term_data ) [taxonomy_vocabulary] => Array ( [count] => 1 [alias] => taxonomy_vocabulary ) ) ) [relationships] => Array ( [taxonomy_term_data] => Array ( [link] => [table] => taxonomy_term_data [alias] => taxonomy_term_data [base] => taxonomy_term_data ) ) [where] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [conditions] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [field] => taxonomy_vocabulary.machine_name [value] => Array ( [0] => hersteller_marke ) [operator] => in ) ) [args] => Array ( ) [type] => AND ) ) [having] => Array ( ) [group_operator] => AND [orderby] => Array ( ) [groupby] => Array ( ) [fields] => Array ( [taxonomy_term_data_name] => Array ( [field] => name [table] => taxonomy_term_data [alias] => taxonomy_term_data_name ) [taxonomy_term_data_vid] => Array ( [field] => vid [table] => taxonomy_term_data [alias] => taxonomy_term_data_vid ) [tid] => Array ( [field] => tid [table] => taxonomy_term_data [alias] => tid ) [taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name] => Array ( [field] => machine_name [table] => taxonomy_vocabulary [alias] => taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name ) [field_data_field_logo_taxonomy_term_entity_type] => Array ( [field] => 'taxonomy_term' [table] => [alias] => field_data_field_logo_taxonomy_term_entity_type ) ) [header] => Array ( ) [distinct] => [has_aggregate] => [get_count_optimized] => [pager] => views_plugin_pager_none Object ( [current_page] => [total_items] => 39 [view] => view Object *RECURSION* [display] => views_display Object ( [handler] => views_plugin_display_block Object *RECURSION* [display_options] => Array ( [query] => Array ( [type] => views_query [options] => Array ( ) ) ) [db_table] => views_display [vid] => 9 [id] => block [display_title] => Block [display_plugin] => block [position] => 2 ) [plugin_type] => pager [plugin_name] => none [options] => Array ( [offset] => 0 [items_per_page] => 0 ) [definition] => Array ( [title] => Display all items [help] => Display all items that this view might find [handler] => views_plugin_pager_none [help topic] => pager-none [uses options] => 1 [type] => basic [module] => views [theme path] => sites/all/modules/views/theme [theme file] => [path] => sites/all/modules/views/plugins [file] => [parent] => parent [name] => none ) [is_plugin] => 1 ) [field_aliases] => Array ( [taxonomy_term_data] => Array ( [name] => taxonomy_term_data_name [vid] => taxonomy_term_data_vid [tid] => tid ) [taxonomy_vocabulary] => Array ( [machine_name] => taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name ) [] => Array ( ['taxonomy_term'] => field_data_field_logo_taxonomy_term_entity_type ) ) [tags] => Array ( ) [no_distinct] => [pure_distinct] => [view] => view Object *RECURSION* [display] => [plugin_type] => query [plugin_name] => views_query [options] => Array ( [disable_sql_rewrite] => [distinct] => [pure_distinct] => [slave] => [query_comment] => [query_tags] => Array ( ) ) [definition] => Array ( [title] => SQL Query [help] => Query will be generated and run using the Drupal database API. [handler] => views_plugin_query_default [module] => views [theme path] => sites/all/modules/views/theme [theme file] => [path] => sites/all/modules/views/plugins [file] => [parent] => parent [name] => views_query ) [is_plugin] => 1 [base_table] => taxonomy_term_data [base_field] => tid [count_field] => Array ( [table] => taxonomy_term_data [field] => tid [alias] => tid [count] => 1 ) ) [handler_type] => field [table_alias] => taxonomy_term_data [real_field] => tid [relationship] => [options] => Array ( [id] => tid [table] => taxonomy_term_data [field] => tid [relationship] => none [group_type] => group [ui_name] => [label] => [exclude] => 0 [alter] => Array ( [alter_text] => 0 [text] => [make_link] => 0 [path] => [absolute] => 0 [external] => 0 [replace_spaces] => 0 [unwanted_characters] => [path_case] => none [trim_whitespace] => 0 [alt] => [rel] => [link_class] => [prefix] => [suffix] => [target] => [nl2br] => 0 [max_length] => [word_boundary] => 1 [ellipsis] => 1 [more_link] => 0 [more_link_text] => [more_link_path] => [strip_tags] => 0 [trim] => 0 [preserve_tags] => [html] => 0 ) [element_type] => [element_class] => [element_label_type] => [element_label_class] => [element_label_colon] => [element_wrapper_type] => [element_wrapper_class] => [element_default_classes] => 1 [empty] => [hide_empty] => 0 [empty_zero] => 0 [hide_alter_empty] => 1 [set_precision] => [precision] => 0 [decimal] => . [separator] => [format_plural] => 0 [format_plural_singular] => 1 [format_plural_plural] => @count [prefix] => [suffix] => ) [definition] => Array ( [handler] => views_handler_field_numeric [click sortable] => 1 [group] => Taxonomy term [title] => Term ID [help] => The tid of a taxonomy term. ) [is_handler] => 1 [localization_keys] => Array ( [0] => default [1] => field [2] => taxonomy_term_data [3] => tid ) [table] => taxonomy_term_data [field] => tid [position] => 2 [last_render] => 44 [last_render_text] => 44 [last_tokens] => Array ( [%q] => node/44 [[name]] => Zoeppritz [[field_logo]] => [[tid]] => 44 ) ) ) [argument] => Array ( ) [sort] => Array ( ) [filter] => Array ( [machine_name] => views_handler_filter_vocabulary_machine_name Object ( [value_form_type] => checkboxes [value_options] => [value] => Array ( [hersteller_marke] => hersteller_marke ) [operator] => in [group_info] => All [always_multiple] => [no_operator] => [always_required] => [view] => view Object *RECURSION* [query] => views_plugin_query_default Object ( [table_queue] => Array ( [taxonomy_term_data] => Array ( [alias] => taxonomy_term_data [table] => taxonomy_term_data [relationship] => taxonomy_term_data [join] => ) [taxonomy_vocabulary] => Array ( [table] => taxonomy_vocabulary [num] => 1 [alias] => taxonomy_vocabulary [join] => views_join Object ( [table] => taxonomy_vocabulary [left_table] => taxonomy_term_data [left_field] => vid [field] => vid [extra] => [type] => LEFT [definition] => Array ( [left_field] => vid [field] => vid [table] => taxonomy_vocabulary [left_table] => taxonomy_term_data ) [extra_type] => AND [adjusted] => 1 ) [relationship] => taxonomy_term_data ) ) [tables] => Array ( [taxonomy_term_data] => Array ( [taxonomy_term_data] => Array ( [count] => 1 [alias] => taxonomy_term_data ) [taxonomy_vocabulary] => Array ( [count] => 1 [alias] => taxonomy_vocabulary ) ) ) [relationships] => Array ( [taxonomy_term_data] => Array ( [link] => [table] => taxonomy_term_data [alias] => taxonomy_term_data [base] => taxonomy_term_data ) ) [where] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [conditions] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [field] => taxonomy_vocabulary.machine_name [value] => Array ( [0] => hersteller_marke ) [operator] => in ) ) [args] => Array ( ) [type] => AND ) ) [having] => Array ( ) [group_operator] => AND [orderby] => Array ( ) [groupby] => Array ( ) [fields] => Array ( [taxonomy_term_data_name] => Array ( [field] => name [table] => taxonomy_term_data [alias] => taxonomy_term_data_name ) [taxonomy_term_data_vid] => Array ( [field] => vid [table] => taxonomy_term_data [alias] => taxonomy_term_data_vid ) [tid] => Array ( [field] => tid [table] => taxonomy_term_data [alias] => tid ) [taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name] => Array ( [field] => machine_name [table] => taxonomy_vocabulary [alias] => taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name ) [field_data_field_logo_taxonomy_term_entity_type] => Array ( [field] => 'taxonomy_term' [table] => [alias] => field_data_field_logo_taxonomy_term_entity_type ) ) [header] => Array ( ) [distinct] => [has_aggregate] => [get_count_optimized] => [pager] => views_plugin_pager_none Object ( [current_page] => [total_items] => 39 [view] => view Object *RECURSION* [display] => views_display Object ( [handler] => views_plugin_display_block Object *RECURSION* [display_options] => Array ( [query] => Array ( [type] => views_query [options] => Array ( ) ) ) [db_table] => views_display [vid] => 9 [id] => block [display_title] => Block [display_plugin] => block [position] => 2 ) [plugin_type] => pager [plugin_name] => none [options] => Array ( [offset] => 0 [items_per_page] => 0 ) [definition] => Array ( [title] => Display all items [help] => Display all items that this view might find [handler] => views_plugin_pager_none [help topic] => pager-none [uses options] => 1 [type] => basic [module] => views [theme path] => sites/all/modules/views/theme [theme file] => [path] => sites/all/modules/views/plugins [file] => [parent] => parent [name] => none ) [is_plugin] => 1 ) [field_aliases] => Array ( [taxonomy_term_data] => Array ( [name] => taxonomy_term_data_name [vid] => taxonomy_term_data_vid [tid] => tid ) [taxonomy_vocabulary] => Array ( [machine_name] => taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name ) [] => Array ( ['taxonomy_term'] => field_data_field_logo_taxonomy_term_entity_type ) ) [tags] => Array ( ) [no_distinct] => [pure_distinct] => [view] => view Object *RECURSION* [display] => [plugin_type] => query [plugin_name] => views_query [options] => Array ( [disable_sql_rewrite] => [distinct] => [pure_distinct] => [slave] => [query_comment] => [query_tags] => Array ( ) ) [definition] => Array ( [title] => SQL Query [help] => Query will be generated and run using the Drupal database API. [handler] => views_plugin_query_default [module] => views [theme path] => sites/all/modules/views/theme [theme file] => [path] => sites/all/modules/views/plugins [file] => [parent] => parent [name] => views_query ) [is_plugin] => 1 [base_table] => taxonomy_term_data [base_field] => tid [count_field] => Array ( [table] => taxonomy_term_data [field] => tid [alias] => tid [count] => 1 ) ) [handler_type] => filter [table_alias] => taxonomy_vocabulary [real_field] => machine_name [relationship] => [options] => Array ( [id] => machine_name [table] => taxonomy_vocabulary [field] => machine_name [relationship] => none [group_type] => group [ui_name] => [operator] => in [value] => Array ( [hersteller_marke] => hersteller_marke ) [group] => 1 [exposed] => [expose] => Array ( [operator_id] => [label] => [description] => [use_operator] => [operator_label] => [operator] => [limit_operators] => [available_operators] => Array ( ) [identifier] => [required] => [remember] => [multiple] => [remember_roles] => Array ( [2] => 2 ) [reduce] => ) [is_grouped] => [group_info] => Array ( [label] => [description] => [identifier] => [optional] => 1 [widget] => select [multiple] => [remember] => 0 [default_group] => All [default_group_multiple] => Array ( ) [group_items] => Array ( ) ) ) [definition] => Array ( [help] => Filter the results of "Taxonomy: Term" to a particular vocabulary. [handler] => views_handler_filter_vocabulary_machine_name [group] => Taxonomy vocabulary [title] => Machine name ) [is_handler] => 1 [value_title] => Options [localization_keys] => Array ( [0] => default [1] => filter [2] => taxonomy_vocabulary [3] => machine_name ) [table] => taxonomy_vocabulary [field] => machine_name [position] => 0 ) ) [relationship] => Array ( ) [header] => Array ( ) [footer] => Array ( ) [empty] => Array ( ) ) [extender] => Array ( ) [display] => views_display Object ( [handler] => views_plugin_display_block Object *RECURSION* [display_options] => Array ( [query] => Array ( [type] => views_query [options] => Array ( ) ) ) [db_table] => views_display [vid] => 9 [id] => block [display_title] => Block [display_plugin] => block [position] => 2 ) [plugin_type] => display [plugin_name] => block [options] => Array ( [defaults] => Array ( [access] => 1 [cache] => 1 [query] => 1 [title] => 1 [css_class] => 1 [display_description] => [use_ajax] => 1 [hide_attachment_summary] => 1 [hide_admin_links] => 1 [pager] => 1 [pager_options] => 1 [use_more] => 1 [use_more_always] => 1 [open_new_window] => [use_more_text] => 1 [exposed_form] => 1 [exposed_form_options] => 1 [link_display] => 1 [link_url] => [group_by] => 1 [style_plugin] => 1 [style_options] => 1 [row_plugin] => 1 [row_options] => 1 [header] => 1 [footer] => 1 [empty] => 1 [relationships] => 1 [fields] => 1 [sorts] => 1 [arguments] => 1 [filters] => 1 [filter_groups] => 1 ) [title] => [enabled] => 1 [display_comment] => [css_class] => [display_description] => [use_ajax] => [hide_attachment_summary] => [hide_admin_links] => [items_per_page] => 10 [offset] => 0 [use_pager] => [use_more] => [use_more_always] => [use_more_text] => more [link_display] => [link_url] => [group_by] => [field_language] => ***CURRENT_LANGUAGE*** [field_language_add_to_query] => 1 [access] => Array ( [type] => none ) [cache] => Array ( [type] => none ) [query] => Array ( [type] => views_query [options] => Array ( ) ) [exposed_form] => Array ( [type] => basic [options] => Array ( ) ) [pager] => Array ( [type] => full [options] => Array ( ) ) [style_plugin] => default [style_options] => Array ( ) [row_plugin] => fields [row_options] => Array ( ) [exposed_block] => [header] => Array ( ) [footer] => Array ( ) [empty] => Array ( ) [relationships] => Array ( ) [fields] => Array ( ) [sorts] => Array ( ) [arguments] => Array ( ) [filter_groups] => Array ( [operator] => AND [groups] => Array ( [1] => AND ) ) [filters] => Array ( ) [block_description] => [block_caching] => -1 ) [definition] => Array ( [title] => Block [help] => Display the view as a block. [handler] => views_plugin_display_block [theme] => views_view [uses hook block] => 1 [contextual links locations] => Array ( [0] => block ) [use ajax] => 1 [use pager] => 1 [use more] => 1 [accept attachments] => 1 [admin] => Block [help topic] => display-block [module] => views [theme path] => sites/all/modules/views/theme [theme file] => [path] => sites/all/modules/views/plugins [file] => [parent] => parent [name] => block [contextual links] => Array ( [views_ui] => Array ( [parent path] => admin/structure/views/view [argument properties] => Array ( [0] => name ) ) ) ) [is_plugin] => 1 [localization_keys] => Array ( [0] => block ) [default_display] => views_plugin_display_default Object ( [view] => view Object *RECURSION* [handlers] => Array ( ) [extender] => Array ( ) [display] => views_display Object ( [handler] => views_plugin_display_default Object *RECURSION* [display_options] => Array ( [query] => Array ( [type] => views_query [options] => Array ( ) ) [access] => Array ( [type] => perm ) [cache] => Array ( [type] => none ) [exposed_form] => Array ( [type] => basic ) [pager] => Array ( [type] => none [options] => Array ( [offset] => 0 ) ) [style_plugin] => default [row_plugin] => fields [fields] => Array ( [name] => Array ( [id] => name [table] => taxonomy_term_data [field] => name [relationship] => none [group_type] => group [ui_name] => [label] => [exclude] => 0 [alter] => Array ( [alter_text] => 0 [text] => [make_link] => 0 [path] => [absolute] => 0 [external] => 0 [replace_spaces] => 0 [path_case] => none [trim_whitespace] => 0 [alt] => [rel] => [link_class] => [prefix] => [suffix] => [target] => [nl2br] => 0 [max_length] => [word_boundary] => 0 [ellipsis] => 0 [more_link] => 0 [more_link_text] => [more_link_path] => [strip_tags] => 0 [trim] => 0 [preserve_tags] => [html] => 0 ) [element_type] => [element_class] => [element_label_type] => [element_label_class] => [element_label_colon] => [element_wrapper_type] => [element_wrapper_class] => [element_default_classes] => 1 [empty] => [hide_empty] => 0 [empty_zero] => 0 [hide_alter_empty] => 1 [link_to_taxonomy] => 0 [convert_spaces] => 0 ) [field_logo] => Array ( [id] => field_logo [table] => field_data_field_logo [field] => field_logo [relationship] => none [group_type] => group [ui_name] => [label] => [exclude] => 1 [alter] => Array ( [alter_text] => 0 [text] => [make_link] => 0 [path] => [absolute] => 0 [external] => 0 [replace_spaces] => 0 [path_case] => none [trim_whitespace] => 0 [alt] => [rel] => [link_class] => [prefix] => [suffix] => [target] => [nl2br] => 0 [max_length] => [word_boundary] => 1 [ellipsis] => 1 [more_link] => 0 [more_link_text] => [more_link_path] => [strip_tags] => 0 [trim] => 0 [preserve_tags] => [html] => 0 ) [element_type] => [element_class] => [element_label_type] => [element_label_class] => [element_label_colon] => [element_wrapper_type] => [element_wrapper_class] => [element_default_classes] => 1 [empty] => [hide_empty] => 0 [empty_zero] => 0 [hide_alter_empty] => 1 [click_sort_column] => fid [type] => image_url [settings] => Array ( [url_type] => 0 [image_style] => hersteller_logos [image_link] => ) [group_column] => [group_columns] => Array ( ) [group_rows] => 1 [delta_limit] => all [delta_offset] => 0 [delta_reversed] => [delta_first_last] => [delta_random] => [multi_type] => separator [separator] => , [field_api_classes] => 0 ) [tid] => Array ( [id] => tid [table] => taxonomy_term_data [field] => tid [relationship] => none [group_type] => group [ui_name] => [label] => [exclude] => 0 [alter] => Array ( [alter_text] => 0 [text] => [make_link] => 0 [path] => [absolute] => 0 [external] => 0 [replace_spaces] => 0 [path_case] => none [trim_whitespace] => 0 [alt] => [rel] => [link_class] => [prefix] => [suffix] => [target] => [nl2br] => 0 [max_length] => [word_boundary] => 1 [ellipsis] => 1 [more_link] => 0 [more_link_text] => [more_link_path] => [strip_tags] => 0 [trim] => 0 [preserve_tags] => [html] => 0 ) [element_type] => [element_class] => [element_label_type] => [element_label_class] => [element_label_colon] => [element_wrapper_type] => [element_wrapper_class] => [element_default_classes] => 1 [empty] => [hide_empty] => 0 [empty_zero] => 0 [hide_alter_empty] => 1 [set_precision] => [precision] => 0 [decimal] => . [separator] => [format_plural] => 0 [format_plural_singular] => 1 [format_plural_plural] => @count [prefix] => [suffix] => ) ) [filters] => Array ( [machine_name] => Array ( [id] => machine_name [table] => taxonomy_vocabulary [field] => machine_name [value] => Array ( [hersteller_marke] => hersteller_marke ) ) ) [sorts] => Array ( ) [title] => Unsere Marken ) [db_table] => views_display [vid] => 9 [id] => default [display_title] => Master [display_plugin] => default [position] => 1 ) [plugin_type] => display [plugin_name] => default [options] => Array ( [title] => Unsere Marken [enabled] => 1 [display_comment] => [css_class] => [display_description] => [use_ajax] => [hide_attachment_summary] => [hide_admin_links] => [items_per_page] => 10 [offset] => 0 [use_pager] => [use_more] => [use_more_always] => [use_more_text] => more [link_display] => [link_url] => [group_by] => [field_language] => ***CURRENT_LANGUAGE*** [field_language_add_to_query] => 1 [access] => Array ( [type] => perm ) [cache] => Array ( [type] => none ) [query] => Array ( [type] => views_query [options] => Array ( ) ) [exposed_form] => Array ( [type] => basic [options] => Array ( ) ) [pager] => Array ( [type] => none [options] => Array ( [offset] => 0 ) ) [style_plugin] => default [style_options] => Array ( ) [row_plugin] => fields [row_options] => Array ( ) [exposed_block] => [header] => Array ( ) [footer] => Array ( ) [empty] => Array ( ) [relationships] => Array ( ) [fields] => Array ( [name] => Array ( [id] => name [table] => taxonomy_term_data [field] => name [relationship] => none [group_type] => group [ui_name] => [label] => [exclude] => 0 [alter] => Array ( [alter_text] => 0 [text] => [make_link] => 0 [path] => [absolute] => 0 [external] => 0 [replace_spaces] => 0 [path_case] => none [trim_whitespace] => 0 [alt] => [rel] => [link_class] => [prefix] => [suffix] => [target] => [nl2br] => 0 [max_length] => [word_boundary] => 0 [ellipsis] => 0 [more_link] => 0 [more_link_text] => [more_link_path] => [strip_tags] => 0 [trim] => 0 [preserve_tags] => [html] => 0 ) [element_type] => [element_class] => [element_label_type] => [element_label_class] => [element_label_colon] => [element_wrapper_type] => [element_wrapper_class] => [element_default_classes] => 1 [empty] => [hide_empty] => 0 [empty_zero] => 0 [hide_alter_empty] => 1 [link_to_taxonomy] => 0 [convert_spaces] => 0 ) [field_logo] => Array ( [id] => field_logo [table] => field_data_field_logo [field] => field_logo [relationship] => none [group_type] => group [ui_name] => [label] => [exclude] => 1 [alter] => Array ( [alter_text] => 0 [text] => [make_link] => 0 [path] => [absolute] => 0 [external] => 0 [replace_spaces] => 0 [path_case] => none [trim_whitespace] => 0 [alt] => [rel] => [link_class] => [prefix] => [suffix] => [target] => [nl2br] => 0 [max_length] => [word_boundary] => 1 [ellipsis] => 1 [more_link] => 0 [more_link_text] => [more_link_path] => [strip_tags] => 0 [trim] => 0 [preserve_tags] => [html] => 0 ) [element_type] => [element_class] => [element_label_type] => [element_label_class] => [element_label_colon] => [element_wrapper_type] => [element_wrapper_class] => [element_default_classes] => 1 [empty] => [hide_empty] => 0 [empty_zero] => 0 [hide_alter_empty] => 1 [click_sort_column] => fid [type] => image_url [settings] => Array ( [url_type] => 0 [image_style] => hersteller_logos [image_link] => ) [group_column] => [group_columns] => Array ( ) [group_rows] => 1 [delta_limit] => all [delta_offset] => 0 [delta_reversed] => [delta_first_last] => [delta_random] => [multi_type] => separator [separator] => , [field_api_classes] => 0 ) [tid] => Array ( [id] => tid [table] => taxonomy_term_data [field] => tid [relationship] => none [group_type] => group [ui_name] => [label] => [exclude] => 0 [alter] => Array ( [alter_text] => 0 [text] => [make_link] => 0 [path] => [absolute] => 0 [external] => 0 [replace_spaces] => 0 [path_case] => none [trim_whitespace] => 0 [alt] => [rel] => [link_class] => [prefix] => [suffix] => [target] => [nl2br] => 0 [max_length] => [word_boundary] => 1 [ellipsis] => 1 [more_link] => 0 [more_link_text] => [more_link_path] => [strip_tags] => 0 [trim] => 0 [preserve_tags] => [html] => 0 ) [element_type] => [element_class] => [element_label_type] => [element_label_class] => [element_label_colon] => [element_wrapper_type] => [element_wrapper_class] => [element_default_classes] => 1 [empty] => [hide_empty] => 0 [empty_zero] => 0 [hide_alter_empty] => 1 [set_precision] => [precision] => 0 [decimal] => . [separator] => [format_plural] => 0 [format_plural_singular] => 1 [format_plural_plural] => @count [prefix] => [suffix] => ) ) [sorts] => Array ( ) [arguments] => Array ( ) [filter_groups] => Array ( [operator] => AND [groups] => Array ( [1] => AND ) ) [filters] => Array ( [machine_name] => Array ( [id] => machine_name [table] => taxonomy_vocabulary [field] => machine_name [value] => Array ( [hersteller_marke] => hersteller_marke ) ) ) ) [definition] => Array ( [title] => Master [help] => Default settings for this view. [handler] => views_plugin_display_default [theme] => views_view [no ui] => 1 [no remove] => 1 [js] => Array ( [0] => misc/form.js [1] => misc/collapse.js [2] => misc/textarea.js [3] => misc/tabledrag.js [4] => misc/autocomplete.js [5] => sites/all/modules/ctools/js/dependent.js ) [use ajax] => 1 [use pager] => 1 [use more] => 1 [accept attachments] => 1 [help topic] => display-default [module] => views [theme path] => sites/all/modules/views/theme [theme file] => [path] => sites/all/modules/views/plugins [file] => [parent] => parent [name] => default [contextual links] => Array ( [views_ui] => Array ( [parent path] => admin/structure/views/view [argument properties] => Array ( [0] => name ) ) ) ) [is_plugin] => 1 [localization_keys] => Array ( [0] => default ) ) ) [display] => Array ( [default] => views_display Object ( [handler] => views_plugin_display_default Object ( [view] => view Object *RECURSION* [handlers] => Array ( ) [extender] => Array ( ) [display] => views_display Object *RECURSION* [plugin_type] => display [plugin_name] => default [options] => Array ( [title] => Unsere Marken [enabled] => 1 [display_comment] => [css_class] => [display_description] => [use_ajax] => [hide_attachment_summary] => [hide_admin_links] => [items_per_page] => 10 [offset] => 0 [use_pager] => [use_more] => [use_more_always] => [use_more_text] => more [link_display] => [link_url] => [group_by] => [field_language] => ***CURRENT_LANGUAGE*** [field_language_add_to_query] => 1 [access] => Array ( [type] => perm ) [cache] => Array ( [type] => none ) [query] => Array ( [type] => views_query [options] => Array ( ) ) [exposed_form] => Array ( [type] => basic [options] => Array ( ) ) [pager] => Array ( [type] => none [options] => Array ( [offset] => 0 ) ) [style_plugin] => default [style_options] => Array ( ) [row_plugin] => fields [row_options] => Array ( ) [exposed_block] => [header] => Array ( ) [footer] => Array ( ) [empty] => Array ( ) [relationships] => Array ( ) [fields] => Array ( [name] => Array ( [id] => name [table] => taxonomy_term_data [field] => name [relationship] => none [group_type] => group [ui_name] => [label] => [exclude] => 0 [alter] => Array ( [alter_text] => 0 [text] => [make_link] => 0 [path] => [absolute] => 0 [external] => 0 [replace_spaces] => 0 [path_case] => none [trim_whitespace] => 0 [alt] => [rel] => [link_class] => [prefix] => [suffix] => [target] => [nl2br] => 0 [max_length] => [word_boundary] => 0 [ellipsis] => 0 [more_link] => 0 [more_link_text] => [more_link_path] => [strip_tags] => 0 [trim] => 0 [preserve_tags] => [html] => 0 ) [element_type] => [element_class] => [element_label_type] => [element_label_class] => [element_label_colon] => [element_wrapper_type] => [element_wrapper_class] => [element_default_classes] => 1 [empty] => [hide_empty] => 0 [empty_zero] => 0 [hide_alter_empty] => 1 [link_to_taxonomy] => 0 [convert_spaces] => 0 ) [field_logo] => Array ( [id] => field_logo [table] => field_data_field_logo [field] => field_logo [relationship] => none [group_type] => group [ui_name] => [label] => [exclude] => 1 [alter] => Array ( [alter_text] => 0 [text] => [make_link] => 0 [path] => [absolute] => 0 [external] => 0 [replace_spaces] => 0 [path_case] => none [trim_whitespace] => 0 [alt] => [rel] => [link_class] => [prefix] => [suffix] => [target] => [nl2br] => 0 [max_length] => [word_boundary] => 1 [ellipsis] => 1 [more_link] => 0 [more_link_text] => [more_link_path] => [strip_tags] => 0 [trim] => 0 [preserve_tags] => [html] => 0 ) [element_type] => [element_class] => [element_label_type] => [element_label_class] => [element_label_colon] => [element_wrapper_type] => [element_wrapper_class] => [element_default_classes] => 1 [empty] => [hide_empty] => 0 [empty_zero] => 0 [hide_alter_empty] => 1 [click_sort_column] => fid [type] => image_url [settings] => Array ( [url_type] => 0 [image_style] => hersteller_logos [image_link] => ) [group_column] => [group_columns] => Array ( ) [group_rows] => 1 [delta_limit] => all [delta_offset] => 0 [delta_reversed] => [delta_first_last] => [delta_random] => [multi_type] => separator [separator] => , [field_api_classes] => 0 ) [tid] => Array ( [id] => tid [table] => taxonomy_term_data [field] => tid [relationship] => none [group_type] => group [ui_name] => [label] => [exclude] => 0 [alter] => Array ( [alter_text] => 0 [text] => [make_link] => 0 [path] => [absolute] => 0 [external] => 0 [replace_spaces] => 0 [path_case] => none [trim_whitespace] => 0 [alt] => [rel] => [link_class] => [prefix] => [suffix] => [target] => [nl2br] => 0 [max_length] => [word_boundary] => 1 [ellipsis] => 1 [more_link] => 0 [more_link_text] => [more_link_path] => [strip_tags] => 0 [trim] => 0 [preserve_tags] => [html] => 0 ) [element_type] => [element_class] => [element_label_type] => [element_label_class] => [element_label_colon] => [element_wrapper_type] => [element_wrapper_class] => [element_default_classes] => 1 [empty] => [hide_empty] => 0 [empty_zero] => 0 [hide_alter_empty] => 1 [set_precision] => [precision] => 0 [decimal] => . [separator] => [format_plural] => 0 [format_plural_singular] => 1 [format_plural_plural] => @count [prefix] => [suffix] => ) ) [sorts] => Array ( ) [arguments] => Array ( ) [filter_groups] => Array ( [operator] => AND [groups] => Array ( [1] => AND ) ) [filters] => Array ( [machine_name] => Array ( [id] => machine_name [table] => taxonomy_vocabulary [field] => machine_name [value] => Array ( [hersteller_marke] => hersteller_marke ) ) ) ) [definition] => Array ( [title] => Master [help] => Default settings for this view. [handler] => views_plugin_display_default [theme] => views_view [no ui] => 1 [no remove] => 1 [js] => Array ( [0] => misc/form.js [1] => misc/collapse.js [2] => misc/textarea.js [3] => misc/tabledrag.js [4] => misc/autocomplete.js [5] => sites/all/modules/ctools/js/dependent.js ) [use ajax] => 1 [use pager] => 1 [use more] => 1 [accept attachments] => 1 [help topic] => display-default [module] => views [theme path] => sites/all/modules/views/theme [theme file] => [path] => sites/all/modules/views/plugins [file] => [parent] => parent [name] => default [contextual links] => Array ( [views_ui] => Array ( [parent path] => admin/structure/views/view [argument properties] => Array ( [0] => name ) ) ) ) [is_plugin] => 1 [localization_keys] => Array ( [0] => default ) ) [display_options] => Array ( [query] => Array ( [type] => views_query [options] => Array ( ) ) [access] => Array ( [type] => perm ) [cache] => Array ( [type] => none ) [exposed_form] => Array ( [type] => basic ) [pager] => Array ( [type] => none [options] => Array ( [offset] => 0 ) ) [style_plugin] => default [row_plugin] => fields [fields] => Array ( [name] => Array ( [id] => name [table] => taxonomy_term_data [field] => name [relationship] => none [group_type] => group [ui_name] => [label] => [exclude] => 0 [alter] => Array ( [alter_text] => 0 [text] => [make_link] => 0 [path] => [absolute] => 0 [external] => 0 [replace_spaces] => 0 [path_case] => none [trim_whitespace] => 0 [alt] => [rel] => [link_class] => [prefix] => [suffix] => [target] => [nl2br] => 0 [max_length] => [word_boundary] => 0 [ellipsis] => 0 [more_link] => 0 [more_link_text] => [more_link_path] => [strip_tags] => 0 [trim] => 0 [preserve_tags] => [html] => 0 ) [element_type] => [element_class] => [element_label_type] => [element_label_class] => [element_label_colon] => [element_wrapper_type] => [element_wrapper_class] => [element_default_classes] => 1 [empty] => [hide_empty] => 0 [empty_zero] => 0 [hide_alter_empty] => 1 [link_to_taxonomy] => 0 [convert_spaces] => 0 ) [field_logo] => Array ( [id] => field_logo [table] => field_data_field_logo [field] => field_logo [relationship] => none [group_type] => group [ui_name] => [label] => [exclude] => 1 [alter] => Array ( [alter_text] => 0 [text] => [make_link] => 0 [path] => [absolute] => 0 [external] => 0 [replace_spaces] => 0 [path_case] => none [trim_whitespace] => 0 [alt] => [rel] => [link_class] => [prefix] => [suffix] => [target] => [nl2br] => 0 [max_length] => [word_boundary] => 1 [ellipsis] => 1 [more_link] => 0 [more_link_text] => [more_link_path] => [strip_tags] => 0 [trim] => 0 [preserve_tags] => [html] => 0 ) [element_type] => [element_class] => [element_label_type] => [element_label_class] => [element_label_colon] => [element_wrapper_type] => [element_wrapper_class] => [element_default_classes] => 1 [empty] => [hide_empty] => 0 [empty_zero] => 0 [hide_alter_empty] => 1 [click_sort_column] => fid [type] => image_url [settings] => Array ( [url_type] => 0 [image_style] => hersteller_logos [image_link] => ) [group_column] => [group_columns] => Array ( ) [group_rows] => 1 [delta_limit] => all [delta_offset] => 0 [delta_reversed] => [delta_first_last] => [delta_random] => [multi_type] => separator [separator] => , [field_api_classes] => 0 ) [tid] => Array ( [id] => tid [table] => taxonomy_term_data [field] => tid [relationship] => none [group_type] => group [ui_name] => [label] => [exclude] => 0 [alter] => Array ( [alter_text] => 0 [text] => [make_link] => 0 [path] => [absolute] => 0 [external] => 0 [replace_spaces] => 0 [path_case] => none [trim_whitespace] => 0 [alt] => [rel] => [link_class] => [prefix] => [suffix] => [target] => [nl2br] => 0 [max_length] => [word_boundary] => 1 [ellipsis] => 1 [more_link] => 0 [more_link_text] => [more_link_path] => [strip_tags] => 0 [trim] => 0 [preserve_tags] => [html] => 0 ) [element_type] => [element_class] => [element_label_type] => [element_label_class] => [element_label_colon] => [element_wrapper_type] => [element_wrapper_class] => [element_default_classes] => 1 [empty] => [hide_empty] => 0 [empty_zero] => 0 [hide_alter_empty] => 1 [set_precision] => [precision] => 0 [decimal] => . [separator] => [format_plural] => 0 [format_plural_singular] => 1 [format_plural_plural] => @count [prefix] => [suffix] => ) ) [filters] => Array ( [machine_name] => Array ( [id] => machine_name [table] => taxonomy_vocabulary [field] => machine_name [value] => Array ( [hersteller_marke] => hersteller_marke ) ) ) [sorts] => Array ( ) [title] => Unsere Marken ) [db_table] => views_display [vid] => 9 [id] => default [display_title] => Master [display_plugin] => default [position] => 1 ) [block] => views_display Object ( [handler] => views_plugin_display_block Object ( [view] => view Object *RECURSION* [handlers] => Array ( [field] => Array ( [name] => views_handler_field_taxonomy Object ( [field_alias] => taxonomy_term_data_name [aliases] => Array ( [vid] => taxonomy_term_data_vid [tid] => tid [name] => taxonomy_term_data_name [vocabulary_machine_name] => taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name ) [original_value] => Zoeppritz [additional_fields] => Array ( [vid] => vid [tid] => tid [name] => name [vocabulary_machine_name] => Array ( [table] => taxonomy_vocabulary [field] => machine_name ) ) [last_render_index:protected] => 38 [view] => view Object *RECURSION* [query] => views_plugin_query_default Object ( [table_queue] => Array ( [taxonomy_term_data] => Array ( [alias] => taxonomy_term_data [table] => taxonomy_term_data [relationship] => taxonomy_term_data [join] => ) [taxonomy_vocabulary] => Array ( [table] => taxonomy_vocabulary [num] => 1 [alias] => taxonomy_vocabulary [join] => views_join Object ( [table] => taxonomy_vocabulary [left_table] => taxonomy_term_data [left_field] => vid [field] => vid [extra] => [type] => LEFT [definition] => Array ( [left_field] => vid [field] => vid [table] => taxonomy_vocabulary [left_table] => taxonomy_term_data ) [extra_type] => AND [adjusted] => 1 ) [relationship] => taxonomy_term_data ) ) [tables] => Array ( [taxonomy_term_data] => Array ( [taxonomy_term_data] => Array ( [count] => 1 [alias] => taxonomy_term_data ) [taxonomy_vocabulary] => Array ( [count] => 1 [alias] => taxonomy_vocabulary ) ) ) [relationships] => Array ( [taxonomy_term_data] => Array ( [link] => [table] => taxonomy_term_data [alias] => taxonomy_term_data [base] => taxonomy_term_data ) ) [where] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [conditions] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [field] => taxonomy_vocabulary.machine_name [value] => Array ( [0] => hersteller_marke ) [operator] => in ) ) [args] => Array ( ) [type] => AND ) ) [having] => Array ( ) [group_operator] => AND [orderby] => Array ( ) [groupby] => Array ( ) [fields] => Array ( [taxonomy_term_data_name] => Array ( [field] => name [table] => taxonomy_term_data [alias] => taxonomy_term_data_name ) [taxonomy_term_data_vid] => Array ( [field] => vid [table] => taxonomy_term_data [alias] => taxonomy_term_data_vid ) [tid] => Array ( [field] => tid [table] => taxonomy_term_data [alias] => tid ) [taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name] => Array ( [field] => machine_name [table] => taxonomy_vocabulary [alias] => taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name ) [field_data_field_logo_taxonomy_term_entity_type] => Array ( [field] => 'taxonomy_term' [table] => [alias] => field_data_field_logo_taxonomy_term_entity_type ) ) [header] => Array ( ) [distinct] => [has_aggregate] => [get_count_optimized] => [pager] => views_plugin_pager_none Object ( [current_page] => [total_items] => 39 [view] => view Object *RECURSION* [display] => views_display Object *RECURSION* [plugin_type] => pager [plugin_name] => none [options] => Array ( [offset] => 0 [items_per_page] => 0 ) [definition] => Array ( [title] => Display all items [help] => Display all items that this view might find [handler] => views_plugin_pager_none [help topic] => pager-none [uses options] => 1 [type] => basic [module] => views [theme path] => sites/all/modules/views/theme [theme file] => [path] => sites/all/modules/views/plugins [file] => [parent] => parent [name] => none ) [is_plugin] => 1 ) [field_aliases] => Array ( [taxonomy_term_data] => Array ( [name] => taxonomy_term_data_name [vid] => taxonomy_term_data_vid [tid] => tid ) [taxonomy_vocabulary] => Array ( [machine_name] => taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name ) [] => Array ( ['taxonomy_term'] => field_data_field_logo_taxonomy_term_entity_type ) ) [tags] => Array ( ) [no_distinct] => [pure_distinct] => [view] => view Object *RECURSION* [display] => [plugin_type] => query [plugin_name] => views_query [options] => Array ( [disable_sql_rewrite] => [distinct] => [pure_distinct] => [slave] => [query_comment] => [query_tags] => Array ( ) ) [definition] => Array ( [title] => SQL Query [help] => Query will be generated and run using the Drupal database API. [handler] => views_plugin_query_default [module] => views [theme path] => sites/all/modules/views/theme [theme file] => [path] => sites/all/modules/views/plugins [file] => [parent] => parent [name] => views_query ) [is_plugin] => 1 [base_table] => taxonomy_term_data [base_field] => tid [count_field] => Array ( [table] => taxonomy_term_data [field] => tid [alias] => tid [count] => 1 ) ) [handler_type] => field [table_alias] => taxonomy_term_data [real_field] => name [relationship] => [options] => Array ( [id] => name [table] => taxonomy_term_data [field] => name [relationship] => none [group_type] => group [ui_name] => [label] => [exclude] => 0 [alter] => Array ( [alter_text] => 0 [text] => [make_link] => 0 [path] => [absolute] => 0 [external] => 0 [replace_spaces] => 0 [unwanted_characters] => [path_case] => none [trim_whitespace] => 0 [alt] => [rel] => [link_class] => [prefix] => [suffix] => [target] => [nl2br] => 0 [max_length] => [word_boundary] => 0 [ellipsis] => 0 [more_link] => 0 [more_link_text] => [more_link_path] => [strip_tags] => 0 [trim] => 0 [preserve_tags] => [html] => 0 ) [element_type] => [element_class] => [element_label_type] => [element_label_class] => [element_label_colon] => [element_wrapper_type] => [element_wrapper_class] => [element_default_classes] => 1 [empty] => [hide_empty] => 0 [empty_zero] => 0 [hide_alter_empty] => 1 [link_to_taxonomy] => 0 [convert_spaces] => 0 ) [definition] => Array ( [handler] => views_handler_field_taxonomy [click sortable] => 1 [group] => Taxonomy term [title] => Name [help] => The taxonomy term name. ) [is_handler] => 1 [localization_keys] => Array ( [0] => default [1] => field [2] => taxonomy_term_data [3] => name ) [table] => taxonomy_term_data [field] => name [position] => 0 [last_render] => Zoeppritz [last_render_text] => Zoeppritz ) [field_logo] => views_handler_field_field Object ( [items] => Array ( ) [field_info] => Array ( [translatable] => 0 [entity_types] => Array ( ) [settings] => Array ( [uri_scheme] => public [default_image] => 1 ) [storage] => Array ( [type] => field_sql_storage [settings] => Array ( ) [module] => field_sql_storage [active] => 1 [details] => Array ( [sql] => Array ( [FIELD_LOAD_CURRENT] => Array ( [field_data_field_logo] => Array ( [fid] => field_logo_fid [alt] => field_logo_alt [title] => field_logo_title [width] => field_logo_width [height] => field_logo_height ) ) [FIELD_LOAD_REVISION] => Array ( [field_revision_field_logo] => Array ( [fid] => field_logo_fid [alt] => field_logo_alt [title] => field_logo_title [width] => field_logo_width [height] => field_logo_height ) ) ) ) ) [foreign keys] => Array ( [fid] => Array ( [table] => file_managed [columns] => Array ( [fid] => fid ) ) ) [indexes] => Array ( [fid] => Array ( [0] => fid ) ) [id] => 9 [field_name] => field_logo [type] => image [module] => image [active] => 1 [locked] => 0 [cardinality] => 1 [deleted] => 0 [columns] => Array ( [fid] => Array ( [description] => The {file_managed}.fid being referenced in this field. [type] => int [not null] => [unsigned] => 1 ) [alt] => Array ( [description] => Alternative image text, for the image's 'alt' attribute. [type] => varchar [length] => 512 [not null] => ) [title] => Array ( [description] => Image title text, for the image's 'title' attribute. [type] => varchar [length] => 1024 [not null] => ) [width] => Array ( [description] => The width of the image in pixels. [type] => int [unsigned] => 1 ) [height] => Array ( [description] => The height of the image in pixels. [type] => int [unsigned] => 1 ) ) [bundles] => Array ( [node] => Array ( [0] => filialen ) [taxonomy_term] => Array ( [0] => hersteller_marke [1] => lieferant ) ) ) [multiple] => [limit_values] => [base_table] => taxonomy_term_data [instance] => [field_alias] => tid [aliases] => Array ( [entity_type] => field_data_field_logo_taxonomy_term_entity_type ) [original_value] => [additional_fields] => Array ( [0] => delta [1] => language [2] => bundle [3] => field_logo_fid [4] => field_logo_alt [5] => field_logo_title [6] => field_logo_width [7] => field_logo_height ) [last_render_index:protected] => 38 [view] => view Object *RECURSION* [query] => views_plugin_query_default Object ( [table_queue] => Array ( [taxonomy_term_data] => Array ( [alias] => taxonomy_term_data [table] => taxonomy_term_data [relationship] => taxonomy_term_data [join] => ) [taxonomy_vocabulary] => Array ( [table] => taxonomy_vocabulary [num] => 1 [alias] => taxonomy_vocabulary [join] => views_join Object ( [table] => taxonomy_vocabulary [left_table] => taxonomy_term_data [left_field] => vid [field] => vid [extra] => [type] => LEFT [definition] => Array ( [left_field] => vid [field] => vid [table] => taxonomy_vocabulary [left_table] => taxonomy_term_data ) [extra_type] => AND [adjusted] => 1 ) [relationship] => taxonomy_term_data ) ) [tables] => Array ( [taxonomy_term_data] => Array ( [taxonomy_term_data] => Array ( [count] => 1 [alias] => taxonomy_term_data ) [taxonomy_vocabulary] => Array ( [count] => 1 [alias] => taxonomy_vocabulary ) ) ) [relationships] => Array ( [taxonomy_term_data] => Array ( [link] => [table] => taxonomy_term_data [alias] => taxonomy_term_data [base] => taxonomy_term_data ) ) [where] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [conditions] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [field] => taxonomy_vocabulary.machine_name [value] => Array ( [0] => hersteller_marke ) [operator] => in ) ) [args] => Array ( ) [type] => AND ) ) [having] => Array ( ) [group_operator] => AND [orderby] => Array ( ) [groupby] => Array ( ) [fields] => Array ( [taxonomy_term_data_name] => Array ( [field] => name [table] => taxonomy_term_data [alias] => taxonomy_term_data_name ) [taxonomy_term_data_vid] => Array ( [field] => vid [table] => taxonomy_term_data [alias] => taxonomy_term_data_vid ) [tid] => Array ( [field] => tid [table] => taxonomy_term_data [alias] => tid ) [taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name] => Array ( [field] => machine_name [table] => taxonomy_vocabulary [alias] => taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name ) [field_data_field_logo_taxonomy_term_entity_type] => Array ( [field] => 'taxonomy_term' [table] => [alias] => field_data_field_logo_taxonomy_term_entity_type ) ) [header] => Array ( ) [distinct] => [has_aggregate] => [get_count_optimized] => [pager] => views_plugin_pager_none Object ( [current_page] => [total_items] => 39 [view] => view Object *RECURSION* [display] => views_display Object *RECURSION* [plugin_type] => pager [plugin_name] => none [options] => Array ( [offset] => 0 [items_per_page] => 0 ) [definition] => Array ( [title] => Display all items [help] => Display all items that this view might find [handler] => views_plugin_pager_none [help topic] => pager-none [uses options] => 1 [type] => basic [module] => views [theme path] => sites/all/modules/views/theme [theme file] => [path] => sites/all/modules/views/plugins [file] => [parent] => parent [name] => none ) [is_plugin] => 1 ) [field_aliases] => Array ( [taxonomy_term_data] => Array ( [name] => taxonomy_term_data_name [vid] => taxonomy_term_data_vid [tid] => tid ) [taxonomy_vocabulary] => Array ( [machine_name] => taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name ) [] => Array ( ['taxonomy_term'] => field_data_field_logo_taxonomy_term_entity_type ) ) [tags] => Array ( ) [no_distinct] => [pure_distinct] => [view] => view Object *RECURSION* [display] => [plugin_type] => query [plugin_name] => views_query [options] => Array ( [disable_sql_rewrite] => [distinct] => [pure_distinct] => [slave] => [query_comment] => [query_tags] => Array ( ) ) [definition] => Array ( [title] => SQL Query [help] => Query will be generated and run using the Drupal database API. [handler] => views_plugin_query_default [module] => views [theme path] => sites/all/modules/views/theme [theme file] => [path] => sites/all/modules/views/plugins [file] => [parent] => parent [name] => views_query ) [is_plugin] => 1 [base_table] => taxonomy_term_data [base_field] => tid [count_field] => Array ( [table] => taxonomy_term_data [field] => tid [alias] => tid [count] => 1 ) ) [handler_type] => field [table_alias] => [real_field] => field_logo_fid [relationship] => [options] => Array ( [id] => field_logo [table] => field_data_field_logo [field] => field_logo [relationship] => none [group_type] => group [ui_name] => [label] => [exclude] => 1 [alter] => Array ( [alter_text] => 0 [text] => [make_link] => 0 [path] => [absolute] => 0 [external] => 0 [replace_spaces] => 0 [unwanted_characters] => [path_case] => none [trim_whitespace] => 0 [alt] => [rel] => [link_class] => [prefix] => [suffix] => [target] => [nl2br] => 0 [max_length] => [word_boundary] => 1 [ellipsis] => 1 [more_link] => 0 [more_link_text] => [more_link_path] => [strip_tags] => 0 [trim] => 0 [preserve_tags] => [html] => 0 ) [element_type] => [element_class] => [element_label_type] => [element_label_class] => [element_label_colon] => [element_wrapper_type] => [element_wrapper_class] => [element_default_classes] => 1 [empty] => [hide_empty] => 0 [empty_zero] => 0 [hide_alter_empty] => 1 [click_sort_column] => fid [type] => image_url [settings] => Array ( [url_type] => 0 [image_style] => hersteller_logos [image_link] => ) [group_column] => [group_columns] => Array ( ) [group_rows] => 1 [delta_limit] => all [delta_offset] => 0 [delta_reversed] => [delta_first_last] => [delta_random] => [multi_type] => separator [separator] => , [field_api_classes] => 0 ) [definition] => Array ( [table] => field_data_field_logo [handler] => views_handler_field_field [click sortable] => 1 [field_name] => field_logo [real field] => field_logo_fid [additional fields] => Array ( [0] => delta [1] => language [2] => bundle [3] => field_logo_fid [4] => field_logo_alt [5] => field_logo_title [6] => field_logo_width [7] => field_logo_height ) [entity_tables] => Array ( [node] => node [node_revision] => node [taxonomy_term_data] => taxonomy_term ) [element type] => div [is revision] => [group] => Field [title] => Logo [title short] => Logo [help] => Appears in: node:filialen, taxonomy_term:hersteller_marke, taxonomy_term:lieferant. Also known as: Content: Logo, Taxonomy term: Logo. ) [is_handler] => 1 [localization_keys] => Array ( [0] => default [1] => field [2] => field_data_field_logo [3] => field_logo ) [table] => field_data_field_logo [field] => field_logo [position] => 1 [base_table_alias] => taxonomy_term_data [last_render] => [last_render_text] => ) [tid] => views_handler_field_numeric Object ( [field_alias] => tid [aliases] => Array ( ) [original_value] => 44 [additional_fields] => Array ( ) [last_render_index:protected] => 38 [view] => view Object *RECURSION* [query] => views_plugin_query_default Object ( [table_queue] => Array ( [taxonomy_term_data] => Array ( [alias] => taxonomy_term_data [table] => taxonomy_term_data [relationship] => taxonomy_term_data [join] => ) [taxonomy_vocabulary] => Array ( [table] => taxonomy_vocabulary [num] => 1 [alias] => taxonomy_vocabulary [join] => views_join Object ( [table] => taxonomy_vocabulary [left_table] => taxonomy_term_data [left_field] => vid [field] => vid [extra] => [type] => LEFT [definition] => Array ( [left_field] => vid [field] => vid [table] => taxonomy_vocabulary [left_table] => taxonomy_term_data ) [extra_type] => AND [adjusted] => 1 ) [relationship] => taxonomy_term_data ) ) [tables] => Array ( [taxonomy_term_data] => Array ( [taxonomy_term_data] => Array ( [count] => 1 [alias] => taxonomy_term_data ) [taxonomy_vocabulary] => Array ( [count] => 1 [alias] => taxonomy_vocabulary ) ) ) [relationships] => Array ( [taxonomy_term_data] => Array ( [link] => [table] => taxonomy_term_data [alias] => taxonomy_term_data [base] => taxonomy_term_data ) ) [where] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [conditions] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [field] => taxonomy_vocabulary.machine_name [value] => Array ( [0] => hersteller_marke ) [operator] => in ) ) [args] => Array ( ) [type] => AND ) ) [having] => Array ( ) [group_operator] => AND [orderby] => Array ( ) [groupby] => Array ( ) [fields] => Array ( [taxonomy_term_data_name] => Array ( [field] => name [table] => taxonomy_term_data [alias] => taxonomy_term_data_name ) [taxonomy_term_data_vid] => Array ( [field] => vid [table] => taxonomy_term_data [alias] => taxonomy_term_data_vid ) [tid] => Array ( [field] => tid [table] => taxonomy_term_data [alias] => tid ) [taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name] => Array ( [field] => machine_name [table] => taxonomy_vocabulary [alias] => taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name ) [field_data_field_logo_taxonomy_term_entity_type] => Array ( [field] => 'taxonomy_term' [table] => [alias] => field_data_field_logo_taxonomy_term_entity_type ) ) [header] => Array ( ) [distinct] => [has_aggregate] => [get_count_optimized] => [pager] => views_plugin_pager_none Object ( [current_page] => [total_items] => 39 [view] => view Object *RECURSION* [display] => views_display Object *RECURSION* [plugin_type] => pager [plugin_name] => none [options] => Array ( [offset] => 0 [items_per_page] => 0 ) [definition] => Array ( [title] => Display all items [help] => Display all items that this view might find [handler] => views_plugin_pager_none [help topic] => pager-none [uses options] => 1 [type] => basic [module] => views [theme path] => sites/all/modules/views/theme [theme file] => [path] => sites/all/modules/views/plugins [file] => [parent] => parent [name] => none ) [is_plugin] => 1 ) [field_aliases] => Array ( [taxonomy_term_data] => Array ( [name] => taxonomy_term_data_name [vid] => taxonomy_term_data_vid [tid] => tid ) [taxonomy_vocabulary] => Array ( [machine_name] => taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name ) [] => Array ( ['taxonomy_term'] => field_data_field_logo_taxonomy_term_entity_type ) ) [tags] => Array ( ) [no_distinct] => [pure_distinct] => [view] => view Object *RECURSION* [display] => [plugin_type] => query [plugin_name] => views_query [options] => Array ( [disable_sql_rewrite] => [distinct] => [pure_distinct] => [slave] => [query_comment] => [query_tags] => Array ( ) ) [definition] => Array ( [title] => SQL Query [help] => Query will be generated and run using the Drupal database API. [handler] => views_plugin_query_default [module] => views [theme path] => sites/all/modules/views/theme [theme file] => [path] => sites/all/modules/views/plugins [file] => [parent] => parent [name] => views_query ) [is_plugin] => 1 [base_table] => taxonomy_term_data [base_field] => tid [count_field] => Array ( [table] => taxonomy_term_data [field] => tid [alias] => tid [count] => 1 ) ) [handler_type] => field [table_alias] => taxonomy_term_data [real_field] => tid [relationship] => [options] => Array ( [id] => tid [table] => taxonomy_term_data [field] => tid [relationship] => none [group_type] => group [ui_name] => [label] => [exclude] => 0 [alter] => Array ( [alter_text] => 0 [text] => [make_link] => 0 [path] => [absolute] => 0 [external] => 0 [replace_spaces] => 0 [unwanted_characters] => [path_case] => none [trim_whitespace] => 0 [alt] => [rel] => [link_class] => [prefix] => [suffix] => [target] => [nl2br] => 0 [max_length] => [word_boundary] => 1 [ellipsis] => 1 [more_link] => 0 [more_link_text] => [more_link_path] => [strip_tags] => 0 [trim] => 0 [preserve_tags] => [html] => 0 ) [element_type] => [element_class] => [element_label_type] => [element_label_class] => [element_label_colon] => [element_wrapper_type] => [element_wrapper_class] => [element_default_classes] => 1 [empty] => [hide_empty] => 0 [empty_zero] => 0 [hide_alter_empty] => 1 [set_precision] => [precision] => 0 [decimal] => . [separator] => [format_plural] => 0 [format_plural_singular] => 1 [format_plural_plural] => @count [prefix] => [suffix] => ) [definition] => Array ( [handler] => views_handler_field_numeric [click sortable] => 1 [group] => Taxonomy term [title] => Term ID [help] => The tid of a taxonomy term. ) [is_handler] => 1 [localization_keys] => Array ( [0] => default [1] => field [2] => taxonomy_term_data [3] => tid ) [table] => taxonomy_term_data [field] => tid [position] => 2 [last_render] => 44 [last_render_text] => 44 [last_tokens] => Array ( [%q] => node/44 [[name]] => Zoeppritz [[field_logo]] => [[tid]] => 44 ) ) ) [argument] => Array ( ) [sort] => Array ( ) [filter] => Array ( [machine_name] => views_handler_filter_vocabulary_machine_name Object ( [value_form_type] => checkboxes [value_options] => [value] => Array ( [hersteller_marke] => hersteller_marke ) [operator] => in [group_info] => All [always_multiple] => [no_operator] => [always_required] => [view] => view Object *RECURSION* [query] => views_plugin_query_default Object ( [table_queue] => Array ( [taxonomy_term_data] => Array ( [alias] => taxonomy_term_data [table] => taxonomy_term_data [relationship] => taxonomy_term_data [join] => ) [taxonomy_vocabulary] => Array ( [table] => taxonomy_vocabulary [num] => 1 [alias] => taxonomy_vocabulary [join] => views_join Object ( [table] => taxonomy_vocabulary [left_table] => taxonomy_term_data [left_field] => vid [field] => vid [extra] => [type] => LEFT [definition] => Array ( [left_field] => vid [field] => vid [table] => taxonomy_vocabulary [left_table] => taxonomy_term_data ) [extra_type] => AND [adjusted] => 1 ) [relationship] => taxonomy_term_data ) ) [tables] => Array ( [taxonomy_term_data] => Array ( [taxonomy_term_data] => Array ( [count] => 1 [alias] => taxonomy_term_data ) [taxonomy_vocabulary] => Array ( [count] => 1 [alias] => taxonomy_vocabulary ) ) ) [relationships] => Array ( [taxonomy_term_data] => Array ( [link] => [table] => taxonomy_term_data [alias] => taxonomy_term_data [base] => taxonomy_term_data ) ) [where] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [conditions] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [field] => taxonomy_vocabulary.machine_name [value] => Array ( [0] => hersteller_marke ) [operator] => in ) ) [args] => Array ( ) [type] => AND ) ) [having] => Array ( ) [group_operator] => AND [orderby] => Array ( ) [groupby] => Array ( ) [fields] => Array ( [taxonomy_term_data_name] => Array ( [field] => name [table] => taxonomy_term_data [alias] => taxonomy_term_data_name ) [taxonomy_term_data_vid] => Array ( [field] => vid [table] => taxonomy_term_data [alias] => taxonomy_term_data_vid ) [tid] => Array ( [field] => tid [table] => taxonomy_term_data [alias] => tid ) [taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name] => Array ( [field] => machine_name [table] => taxonomy_vocabulary [alias] => taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name ) [field_data_field_logo_taxonomy_term_entity_type] => Array ( [field] => 'taxonomy_term' [table] => [alias] => field_data_field_logo_taxonomy_term_entity_type ) ) [header] => Array ( ) [distinct] => [has_aggregate] => [get_count_optimized] => [pager] => views_plugin_pager_none Object ( [current_page] => [total_items] => 39 [view] => view Object *RECURSION* [display] => views_display Object *RECURSION* [plugin_type] => pager [plugin_name] => none [options] => Array ( [offset] => 0 [items_per_page] => 0 ) [definition] => Array ( [title] => Display all items [help] => Display all items that this view might find [handler] => views_plugin_pager_none [help topic] => pager-none [uses options] => 1 [type] => basic [module] => views [theme path] => sites/all/modules/views/theme [theme file] => [path] => sites/all/modules/views/plugins [file] => [parent] => parent [name] => none ) [is_plugin] => 1 ) [field_aliases] => Array ( [taxonomy_term_data] => Array ( [name] => taxonomy_term_data_name [vid] => taxonomy_term_data_vid [tid] => tid ) [taxonomy_vocabulary] => Array ( [machine_name] => taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name ) [] => Array ( ['taxonomy_term'] => field_data_field_logo_taxonomy_term_entity_type ) ) [tags] => Array ( ) [no_distinct] => [pure_distinct] => [view] => view Object *RECURSION* [display] => [plugin_type] => query [plugin_name] => views_query [options] => Array ( [disable_sql_rewrite] => [distinct] => [pure_distinct] => [slave] => [query_comment] => [query_tags] => Array ( ) ) [definition] => Array ( [title] => SQL Query [help] => Query will be generated and run using the Drupal database API. [handler] => views_plugin_query_default [module] => views [theme path] => sites/all/modules/views/theme [theme file] => [path] => sites/all/modules/views/plugins [file] => [parent] => parent [name] => views_query ) [is_plugin] => 1 [base_table] => taxonomy_term_data [base_field] => tid [count_field] => Array ( [table] => taxonomy_term_data [field] => tid [alias] => tid [count] => 1 ) ) [handler_type] => filter [table_alias] => taxonomy_vocabulary [real_field] => machine_name [relationship] => [options] => Array ( [id] => machine_name [table] => taxonomy_vocabulary [field] => machine_name [relationship] => none [group_type] => group [ui_name] => [operator] => in [value] => Array ( [hersteller_marke] => hersteller_marke ) [group] => 1 [exposed] => [expose] => Array ( [operator_id] => [label] => [description] => [use_operator] => [operator_label] => [operator] => [limit_operators] => [available_operators] => Array ( ) [identifier] => [required] => [remember] => [multiple] => [remember_roles] => Array ( [2] => 2 ) [reduce] => ) [is_grouped] => [group_info] => Array ( [label] => [description] => [identifier] => [optional] => 1 [widget] => select [multiple] => [remember] => 0 [default_group] => All [default_group_multiple] => Array ( ) [group_items] => Array ( ) ) ) [definition] => Array ( [help] => Filter the results of "Taxonomy: Term" to a particular vocabulary. [handler] => views_handler_filter_vocabulary_machine_name [group] => Taxonomy vocabulary [title] => Machine name ) [is_handler] => 1 [value_title] => Options [localization_keys] => Array ( [0] => default [1] => filter [2] => taxonomy_vocabulary [3] => machine_name ) [table] => taxonomy_vocabulary [field] => machine_name [position] => 0 ) ) [relationship] => Array ( ) [header] => Array ( ) [footer] => Array ( ) [empty] => Array ( ) ) [extender] => Array ( ) [display] => views_display Object *RECURSION* [plugin_type] => display [plugin_name] => block [options] => Array ( [defaults] => Array ( [access] => 1 [cache] => 1 [query] => 1 [title] => 1 [css_class] => 1 [display_description] => [use_ajax] => 1 [hide_attachment_summary] => 1 [hide_admin_links] => 1 [pager] => 1 [pager_options] => 1 [use_more] => 1 [use_more_always] => 1 [open_new_window] => [use_more_text] => 1 [exposed_form] => 1 [exposed_form_options] => 1 [link_display] => 1 [link_url] => [group_by] => 1 [style_plugin] => 1 [style_options] => 1 [row_plugin] => 1 [row_options] => 1 [header] => 1 [footer] => 1 [empty] => 1 [relationships] => 1 [fields] => 1 [sorts] => 1 [arguments] => 1 [filters] => 1 [filter_groups] => 1 ) [title] => [enabled] => 1 [display_comment] => [css_class] => [display_description] => [use_ajax] => [hide_attachment_summary] => [hide_admin_links] => [items_per_page] => 10 [offset] => 0 [use_pager] => [use_more] => [use_more_always] => [use_more_text] => more [link_display] => [link_url] => [group_by] => [field_language] => ***CURRENT_LANGUAGE*** [field_language_add_to_query] => 1 [access] => Array ( [type] => none ) [cache] => Array ( [type] => none ) [query] => Array ( [type] => views_query [options] => Array ( ) ) [exposed_form] => Array ( [type] => basic [options] => Array ( ) ) [pager] => Array ( [type] => full [options] => Array ( ) ) [style_plugin] => default [style_options] => Array ( ) [row_plugin] => fields [row_options] => Array ( ) [exposed_block] => [header] => Array ( ) [footer] => Array ( ) [empty] => Array ( ) [relationships] => Array ( ) [fields] => Array ( ) [sorts] => Array ( ) [arguments] => Array ( ) [filter_groups] => Array ( [operator] => AND [groups] => Array ( [1] => AND ) ) [filters] => Array ( ) [block_description] => [block_caching] => -1 ) [definition] => Array ( [title] => Block [help] => Display the view as a block. [handler] => views_plugin_display_block [theme] => views_view [uses hook block] => 1 [contextual links locations] => Array ( [0] => block ) [use ajax] => 1 [use pager] => 1 [use more] => 1 [accept attachments] => 1 [admin] => Block [help topic] => display-block [module] => views [theme path] => sites/all/modules/views/theme [theme file] => [path] => sites/all/modules/views/plugins [file] => [parent] => parent [name] => block [contextual links] => Array ( [views_ui] => Array ( [parent path] => admin/structure/views/view [argument properties] => Array ( [0] => name ) ) ) ) [is_plugin] => 1 [localization_keys] => Array ( [0] => block ) [default_display] => views_plugin_display_default Object ( [view] => view Object *RECURSION* [handlers] => Array ( ) [extender] => Array ( ) [display] => views_display Object ( [handler] => views_plugin_display_default Object *RECURSION* [display_options] => Array ( [query] => Array ( [type] => views_query [options] => Array ( ) ) [access] => Array ( [type] => perm ) [cache] => Array ( [type] => none ) [exposed_form] => Array ( [type] => basic ) [pager] => Array ( [type] => none [options] => Array ( [offset] => 0 ) ) [style_plugin] => default [row_plugin] => fields [fields] => Array ( [name] => Array ( [id] => name [table] => taxonomy_term_data [field] => name [relationship] => none [group_type] => group [ui_name] => [label] => [exclude] => 0 [alter] => Array ( [alter_text] => 0 [text] => [make_link] => 0 [path] => [absolute] => 0 [external] => 0 [replace_spaces] => 0 [path_case] => none [trim_whitespace] => 0 [alt] => [rel] => [link_class] => [prefix] => [suffix] => [target] => [nl2br] => 0 [max_length] => [word_boundary] => 0 [ellipsis] => 0 [more_link] => 0 [more_link_text] => [more_link_path] => [strip_tags] => 0 [trim] => 0 [preserve_tags] => [html] => 0 ) [element_type] => [element_class] => [element_label_type] => [element_label_class] => [element_label_colon] => [element_wrapper_type] => [element_wrapper_class] => [element_default_classes] => 1 [empty] => [hide_empty] => 0 [empty_zero] => 0 [hide_alter_empty] => 1 [link_to_taxonomy] => 0 [convert_spaces] => 0 ) [field_logo] => Array ( [id] => field_logo [table] => field_data_field_logo [field] => field_logo [relationship] => none [group_type] => group [ui_name] => [label] => [exclude] => 1 [alter] => Array ( [alter_text] => 0 [text] => [make_link] => 0 [path] => [absolute] => 0 [external] => 0 [replace_spaces] => 0 [path_case] => none [trim_whitespace] => 0 [alt] => [rel] => [link_class] => [prefix] => [suffix] => [target] => [nl2br] => 0 [max_length] => [word_boundary] => 1 [ellipsis] => 1 [more_link] => 0 [more_link_text] => [more_link_path] => [strip_tags] => 0 [trim] => 0 [preserve_tags] => [html] => 0 ) [element_type] => [element_class] => [element_label_type] => [element_label_class] => [element_label_colon] => [element_wrapper_type] => [element_wrapper_class] => [element_default_classes] => 1 [empty] => [hide_empty] => 0 [empty_zero] => 0 [hide_alter_empty] => 1 [click_sort_column] => fid [type] => image_url [settings] => Array ( [url_type] => 0 [image_style] => hersteller_logos [image_link] => ) [group_column] => [group_columns] => Array ( ) [group_rows] => 1 [delta_limit] => all [delta_offset] => 0 [delta_reversed] => [delta_first_last] => [delta_random] => [multi_type] => separator [separator] => , [field_api_classes] => 0 ) [tid] => Array ( [id] => tid [table] => taxonomy_term_data [field] => tid [relationship] => none [group_type] => group [ui_name] => [label] => [exclude] => 0 [alter] => Array ( [alter_text] => 0 [text] => [make_link] => 0 [path] => [absolute] => 0 [external] => 0 [replace_spaces] => 0 [path_case] => none [trim_whitespace] => 0 [alt] => [rel] => [link_class] => [prefix] => [suffix] => [target] => [nl2br] => 0 [max_length] => [word_boundary] => 1 [ellipsis] => 1 [more_link] => 0 [more_link_text] => [more_link_path] => [strip_tags] => 0 [trim] => 0 [preserve_tags] => [html] => 0 ) [element_type] => [element_class] => [element_label_type] => [element_label_class] => [element_label_colon] => [element_wrapper_type] => [element_wrapper_class] => [element_default_classes] => 1 [empty] => [hide_empty] => 0 [empty_zero] => 0 [hide_alter_empty] => 1 [set_precision] => [precision] => 0 [decimal] => . [separator] => [format_plural] => 0 [format_plural_singular] => 1 [format_plural_plural] => @count [prefix] => [suffix] => ) ) [filters] => Array ( [machine_name] => Array ( [id] => machine_name [table] => taxonomy_vocabulary [field] => machine_name [value] => Array ( [hersteller_marke] => hersteller_marke ) ) ) [sorts] => Array ( ) [title] => Unsere Marken ) [db_table] => views_display [vid] => 9 [id] => default [display_title] => Master [display_plugin] => default [position] => 1 ) [plugin_type] => display [plugin_name] => default [options] => Array ( [title] => Unsere Marken [enabled] => 1 [display_comment] => [css_class] => [display_description] => [use_ajax] => [hide_attachment_summary] => [hide_admin_links] => [items_per_page] => 10 [offset] => 0 [use_pager] => [use_more] => [use_more_always] => [use_more_text] => more [link_display] => [link_url] => [group_by] => [field_language] => ***CURRENT_LANGUAGE*** [field_language_add_to_query] => 1 [access] => Array ( [type] => perm ) [cache] => Array ( [type] => none ) [query] => Array ( [type] => views_query [options] => Array ( ) ) [exposed_form] => Array ( [type] => basic [options] => Array ( ) ) [pager] => Array ( [type] => none [options] => Array ( [offset] => 0 ) ) [style_plugin] => default [style_options] => Array ( ) [row_plugin] => fields [row_options] => Array ( ) [exposed_block] => [header] => Array ( ) [footer] => Array ( ) [empty] => Array ( ) [relationships] => Array ( ) [fields] => Array ( [name] => Array ( [id] => name [table] => taxonomy_term_data [field] => name [relationship] => none [group_type] => group [ui_name] => [label] => [exclude] => 0 [alter] => Array ( [alter_text] => 0 [text] => [make_link] => 0 [path] => [absolute] => 0 [external] => 0 [replace_spaces] => 0 [path_case] => none [trim_whitespace] => 0 [alt] => [rel] => [link_class] => [prefix] => [suffix] => [target] => [nl2br] => 0 [max_length] => [word_boundary] => 0 [ellipsis] => 0 [more_link] => 0 [more_link_text] => [more_link_path] => [strip_tags] => 0 [trim] => 0 [preserve_tags] => [html] => 0 ) [element_type] => [element_class] => [element_label_type] => [element_label_class] => [element_label_colon] => [element_wrapper_type] => [element_wrapper_class] => [element_default_classes] => 1 [empty] => [hide_empty] => 0 [empty_zero] => 0 [hide_alter_empty] => 1 [link_to_taxonomy] => 0 [convert_spaces] => 0 ) [field_logo] => Array ( [id] => field_logo [table] => field_data_field_logo [field] => field_logo [relationship] => none [group_type] => group [ui_name] => [label] => [exclude] => 1 [alter] => Array ( [alter_text] => 0 [text] => [make_link] => 0 [path] => [absolute] => 0 [external] => 0 [replace_spaces] => 0 [path_case] => none [trim_whitespace] => 0 [alt] => [rel] => [link_class] => [prefix] => [suffix] => [target] => [nl2br] => 0 [max_length] => [word_boundary] => 1 [ellipsis] => 1 [more_link] => 0 [more_link_text] => [more_link_path] => [strip_tags] => 0 [trim] => 0 [preserve_tags] => [html] => 0 ) [element_type] => [element_class] => [element_label_type] => [element_label_class] => [element_label_colon] => [element_wrapper_type] => [element_wrapper_class] => [element_default_classes] => 1 [empty] => [hide_empty] => 0 [empty_zero] => 0 [hide_alter_empty] => 1 [click_sort_column] => fid [type] => image_url [settings] => Array ( [url_type] => 0 [image_style] => hersteller_logos [image_link] => ) [group_column] => [group_columns] => Array ( ) [group_rows] => 1 [delta_limit] => all [delta_offset] => 0 [delta_reversed] => [delta_first_last] => [delta_random] => [multi_type] => separator [separator] => , [field_api_classes] => 0 ) [tid] => Array ( [id] => tid [table] => taxonomy_term_data [field] => tid [relationship] => none [group_type] => group [ui_name] => [label] => [exclude] => 0 [alter] => Array ( [alter_text] => 0 [text] => [make_link] => 0 [path] => [absolute] => 0 [external] => 0 [replace_spaces] => 0 [path_case] => none [trim_whitespace] => 0 [alt] => [rel] => [link_class] => [prefix] => [suffix] => [target] => [nl2br] => 0 [max_length] => [word_boundary] => 1 [ellipsis] => 1 [more_link] => 0 [more_link_text] => [more_link_path] => [strip_tags] => 0 [trim] => 0 [preserve_tags] => [html] => 0 ) [element_type] => [element_class] => [element_label_type] => [element_label_class] => [element_label_colon] => [element_wrapper_type] => [element_wrapper_class] => [element_default_classes] => 1 [empty] => [hide_empty] => 0 [empty_zero] => 0 [hide_alter_empty] => 1 [set_precision] => [precision] => 0 [decimal] => . [separator] => [format_plural] => 0 [format_plural_singular] => 1 [format_plural_plural] => @count [prefix] => [suffix] => ) ) [sorts] => Array ( ) [arguments] => Array ( ) [filter_groups] => Array ( [operator] => AND [groups] => Array ( [1] => AND ) ) [filters] => Array ( [machine_name] => Array ( [id] => machine_name [table] => taxonomy_vocabulary [field] => machine_name [value] => Array ( [hersteller_marke] => hersteller_marke ) ) ) ) [definition] => Array ( [title] => Master [help] => Default settings for this view. [handler] => views_plugin_display_default [theme] => views_view [no ui] => 1 [no remove] => 1 [js] => Array ( [0] => misc/form.js [1] => misc/collapse.js [2] => misc/textarea.js [3] => misc/tabledrag.js [4] => misc/autocomplete.js [5] => sites/all/modules/ctools/js/dependent.js ) [use ajax] => 1 [use pager] => 1 [use more] => 1 [accept attachments] => 1 [help topic] => display-default [module] => views [theme path] => sites/all/modules/views/theme [theme file] => [path] => sites/all/modules/views/plugins [file] => [parent] => parent [name] => default [contextual links] => Array ( [views_ui] => Array ( [parent path] => admin/structure/views/view [argument properties] => Array ( [0] => name ) ) ) ) [is_plugin] => 1 [localization_keys] => Array ( [0] => default ) ) ) [display_options] => Array ( [query] => Array ( [type] => views_query [options] => Array ( ) ) ) [db_table] => views_display [vid] => 9 [id] => block [display_title] => Block [display_plugin] => block [position] => 2 ) ) [style_plugin] => views_plugin_style_default Object ( [row_tokens] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [%q] => node/44 [[name]] => Abyss [[field_logo]] => [[tid]] => 481 ) [1] => Array ( [%q] => node/44 [[name]] => bassetti [[field_logo]] => [[tid]] => 27 ) [2] => Array ( [%q] => node/44 [[name]] => Carl Ross [[field_logo]] => [[tid]] => 482 ) [3] => Array ( [%q] => node/44 [[name]] => Carma [[field_logo]] => [[tid]] => 43 ) [4] => Array ( [%q] => node/44 [[name]] => Cawö [[field_logo]] => [[tid]] => 37 ) [5] => Array ( [%q] => node/44 [[name]] => Christian Fischbacher [[field_logo]] => [[tid]] => 29 ) [6] => Array ( [%q] => node/44 [[name]] => Christine Kröncke [[field_logo]] => [[tid]] => 9 ) [7] => Array ( [%q] => node/44 [[name]] => Coburger Werkstätte [[field_logo]] => [[tid]] => 13 ) [8] => Array ( [%q] => node/44 [[name]] => Curt Bauer [[field_logo]] => [[tid]] => 396 ) [9] => Array ( [%q] => node/44 [[name]] => Dormabell [[field_logo]] => [[tid]] => 1 ) [10] => Array ( [%q] => node/44 [[name]] => Eagle Products [[field_logo]] => [[tid]] => 46 ) [11] => Array ( [%q] => node/44 [[name]] => Elegante [[field_logo]] => [[tid]] => 22 ) [12] => Array ( [%q] => node/44 [[name]] => Estella [[field_logo]] => [[tid]] => 23 ) [13] => Array ( [%q] => node/44 [[name]] => Fleuresse [[field_logo]] => [[tid]] => 25 ) [14] => Array ( [%q] => node/44 [[name]] => Graser [[field_logo]] => [[tid]] => 28 ) [15] => Array ( [%q] => node/44 [[name]] => Hasena [[field_logo]] => [[tid]] => 7 ) [16] => Array ( [%q] => node/44 [[name]] => Janine [[field_logo]] => [[tid]] => 24 ) [17] => Array ( [%q] => node/44 [[name]] => JOOP! [[field_logo]] => [[tid]] => 26 ) [18] => Array ( [%q] => node/44 [[name]] => Kauffmann [[field_logo]] => [[tid]] => 398 ) [19] => Array ( [%q] => node/44 [[name]] => Kirchner Betten [[field_logo]] => [[tid]] => 11 ) [20] => Array ( [%q] => node/44 [[name]] => Morgenstern [[field_logo]] => [[tid]] => 39 ) [21] => Array ( [%q] => node/44 [[name]] => MÖVE [[field_logo]] => [[tid]] => 38 ) [22] => Array ( [%q] => node/44 [[name]] => Pichler [[field_logo]] => [[tid]] => 40 ) [23] => Array ( [%q] => node/44 [[name]] => Reichert Möbelwerkstätte [[field_logo]] => [[tid]] => 15 ) [24] => Array ( [%q] => node/44 [[name]] => Rhomtuft [[field_logo]] => [[tid]] => 35 ) [25] => Array ( [%q] => node/44 [[name]] => Ritter Decken [[field_logo]] => [[tid]] => 45 ) [26] => Array ( [%q] => node/44 [[name]] => Ross [[field_logo]] => [[tid]] => 42 ) [27] => Array ( [%q] => node/44 [[name]] => RÖWA [[field_logo]] => [[tid]] => 2 ) [28] => Array ( [%q] => node/44 [[name]] => Rummel [[field_logo]] => [[tid]] => 3 ) [29] => Array ( [%q] => node/44 [[name]] => Sander [[field_logo]] => [[tid]] => 41 ) [30] => Array ( [%q] => node/44 [[name]] => Schlossberg [[field_logo]] => [[tid]] => 30 ) [31] => Array ( [%q] => node/44 [[name]] => Schramm [[field_logo]] => [[tid]] => 4 ) [32] => Array ( [%q] => node/44 [[name]] => Signet [[field_logo]] => [[tid]] => 8 ) [33] => Array ( [%q] => node/44 [[name]] => Tempur [[field_logo]] => [[tid]] => 6 ) [34] => Array ( [%q] => node/44 [[name]] => Traumina [[field_logo]] => [[tid]] => 19 ) [35] => Array ( [%q] => node/44 [[name]] => Treca Interiors Paris [[field_logo]] => [[tid]] => 399 ) [36] => Array ( [%q] => node/44 [[name]] => Velda [[field_logo]] => [[tid]] => 17 ) [37] => Array ( [%q] => node/44 [[name]] => Zack [[field_logo]] => [[tid]] => 10 ) [38] => Array ( [%q] => node/44 [[name]] => Zoeppritz [[field_logo]] => [[tid]] => 44 ) ) [row_plugin] => views_plugin_row_fields Object ( [view] => view Object *RECURSION* [display] => views_display Object ( [handler] => views_plugin_display_block Object ( [view] => view Object *RECURSION* [handlers] => Array ( [field] => Array ( [name] => views_handler_field_taxonomy Object ( [field_alias] => taxonomy_term_data_name [aliases] => Array ( [vid] => taxonomy_term_data_vid [tid] => tid [name] => taxonomy_term_data_name [vocabulary_machine_name] => taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name ) [original_value] => Zoeppritz [additional_fields] => Array ( [vid] => vid [tid] => tid [name] => name [vocabulary_machine_name] => Array ( [table] => taxonomy_vocabulary [field] => machine_name ) ) [last_render_index:protected] => 38 [view] => view Object *RECURSION* [query] => views_plugin_query_default Object ( [table_queue] => Array ( [taxonomy_term_data] => Array ( [alias] => taxonomy_term_data [table] => taxonomy_term_data [relationship] => taxonomy_term_data [join] => ) [taxonomy_vocabulary] => Array ( [table] => taxonomy_vocabulary [num] => 1 [alias] => taxonomy_vocabulary [join] => views_join Object ( [table] => taxonomy_vocabulary [left_table] => taxonomy_term_data [left_field] => vid [field] => vid [extra] => [type] => LEFT [definition] => Array ( [left_field] => vid [field] => vid [table] => taxonomy_vocabulary [left_table] => taxonomy_term_data ) [extra_type] => AND [adjusted] => 1 ) [relationship] => taxonomy_term_data ) ) [tables] => Array ( [taxonomy_term_data] => Array ( [taxonomy_term_data] => Array ( [count] => 1 [alias] => taxonomy_term_data ) [taxonomy_vocabulary] => Array ( [count] => 1 [alias] => taxonomy_vocabulary ) ) ) [relationships] => Array ( [taxonomy_term_data] => Array ( [link] => [table] => taxonomy_term_data [alias] => taxonomy_term_data [base] => taxonomy_term_data ) ) [where] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [conditions] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [field] => taxonomy_vocabulary.machine_name [value] => Array ( [0] => hersteller_marke ) [operator] => in ) ) [args] => Array ( ) [type] => AND ) ) [having] => Array ( ) [group_operator] => AND [orderby] => Array ( ) [groupby] => Array ( ) [fields] => Array ( [taxonomy_term_data_name] => Array ( [field] => name [table] => taxonomy_term_data [alias] => taxonomy_term_data_name ) [taxonomy_term_data_vid] => Array ( [field] => vid [table] => taxonomy_term_data [alias] => taxonomy_term_data_vid ) [tid] => Array ( [field] => tid [table] => taxonomy_term_data [alias] => tid ) [taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name] => Array ( [field] => machine_name [table] => taxonomy_vocabulary [alias] => taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name ) [field_data_field_logo_taxonomy_term_entity_type] => Array ( [field] => 'taxonomy_term' [table] => [alias] => field_data_field_logo_taxonomy_term_entity_type ) ) [header] => Array ( ) [distinct] => [has_aggregate] => [get_count_optimized] => [pager] => views_plugin_pager_none Object ( [current_page] => [total_items] => 39 [view] => view Object *RECURSION* [display] => views_display Object *RECURSION* [plugin_type] => pager [plugin_name] => none [options] => Array ( [offset] => 0 [items_per_page] => 0 ) [definition] => Array ( [title] => Display all items [help] => Display all items that this view might find [handler] => views_plugin_pager_none [help topic] => pager-none [uses options] => 1 [type] => basic [module] => views [theme path] => sites/all/modules/views/theme [theme file] => [path] => sites/all/modules/views/plugins [file] => [parent] => parent [name] => none ) [is_plugin] => 1 ) [field_aliases] => Array ( [taxonomy_term_data] => Array ( [name] => taxonomy_term_data_name [vid] => taxonomy_term_data_vid [tid] => tid ) [taxonomy_vocabulary] => Array ( [machine_name] => taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name ) [] => Array ( ['taxonomy_term'] => field_data_field_logo_taxonomy_term_entity_type ) ) [tags] => Array ( ) [no_distinct] => [pure_distinct] => [view] => view Object *RECURSION* [display] => [plugin_type] => query [plugin_name] => views_query [options] => Array ( [disable_sql_rewrite] => [distinct] => [pure_distinct] => [slave] => [query_comment] => [query_tags] => Array ( ) ) [definition] => Array ( [title] => SQL Query [help] => Query will be generated and run using the Drupal database API. [handler] => views_plugin_query_default [module] => views [theme path] => sites/all/modules/views/theme [theme file] => [path] => sites/all/modules/views/plugins [file] => [parent] => parent [name] => views_query ) [is_plugin] => 1 [base_table] => taxonomy_term_data [base_field] => tid [count_field] => Array ( [table] => taxonomy_term_data [field] => tid [alias] => tid [count] => 1 ) ) [handler_type] => field [table_alias] => taxonomy_term_data [real_field] => name [relationship] => [options] => Array ( [id] => name [table] => taxonomy_term_data [field] => name [relationship] => none [group_type] => group [ui_name] => [label] => [exclude] => 0 [alter] => Array ( [alter_text] => 0 [text] => [make_link] => 0 [path] => [absolute] => 0 [external] => 0 [replace_spaces] => 0 [unwanted_characters] => [path_case] => none [trim_whitespace] => 0 [alt] => [rel] => [link_class] => [prefix] => [suffix] => [target] => [nl2br] => 0 [max_length] => [word_boundary] => 0 [ellipsis] => 0 [more_link] => 0 [more_link_text] => [more_link_path] => [strip_tags] => 0 [trim] => 0 [preserve_tags] => [html] => 0 ) [element_type] => [element_class] => [element_label_type] => [element_label_class] => [element_label_colon] => [element_wrapper_type] => [element_wrapper_class] => [element_default_classes] => 1 [empty] => [hide_empty] => 0 [empty_zero] => 0 [hide_alter_empty] => 1 [link_to_taxonomy] => 0 [convert_spaces] => 0 ) [definition] => Array ( [handler] => views_handler_field_taxonomy [click sortable] => 1 [group] => Taxonomy term [title] => Name [help] => The taxonomy term name. ) [is_handler] => 1 [localization_keys] => Array ( [0] => default [1] => field [2] => taxonomy_term_data [3] => name ) [table] => taxonomy_term_data [field] => name [position] => 0 [last_render] => Zoeppritz [last_render_text] => Zoeppritz ) [field_logo] => views_handler_field_field Object ( [items] => Array ( ) [field_info] => Array ( [translatable] => 0 [entity_types] => Array ( ) [settings] => Array ( [uri_scheme] => public [default_image] => 1 ) [storage] => Array ( [type] => field_sql_storage [settings] => Array ( ) [module] => field_sql_storage [active] => 1 [details] => Array ( [sql] => Array ( [FIELD_LOAD_CURRENT] => Array ( [field_data_field_logo] => Array ( [fid] => field_logo_fid [alt] => field_logo_alt [title] => field_logo_title [width] => field_logo_width [height] => field_logo_height ) ) [FIELD_LOAD_REVISION] => Array ( [field_revision_field_logo] => Array ( [fid] => field_logo_fid [alt] => field_logo_alt [title] => field_logo_title [width] => field_logo_width [height] => field_logo_height ) ) ) ) ) [foreign keys] => Array ( [fid] => Array ( [table] => file_managed [columns] => Array ( [fid] => fid ) ) ) [indexes] => Array ( [fid] => Array ( [0] => fid ) ) [id] => 9 [field_name] => field_logo [type] => image [module] => image [active] => 1 [locked] => 0 [cardinality] => 1 [deleted] => 0 [columns] => Array ( [fid] => Array ( [description] => The {file_managed}.fid being referenced in this field. [type] => int [not null] => [unsigned] => 1 ) [alt] => Array ( [description] => Alternative image text, for the image's 'alt' attribute. [type] => varchar [length] => 512 [not null] => ) [title] => Array ( [description] => Image title text, for the image's 'title' attribute. [type] => varchar [length] => 1024 [not null] => ) [width] => Array ( [description] => The width of the image in pixels. [type] => int [unsigned] => 1 ) [height] => Array ( [description] => The height of the image in pixels. [type] => int [unsigned] => 1 ) ) [bundles] => Array ( [node] => Array ( [0] => filialen ) [taxonomy_term] => Array ( [0] => hersteller_marke [1] => lieferant ) ) ) [multiple] => [limit_values] => [base_table] => taxonomy_term_data [instance] => [field_alias] => tid [aliases] => Array ( [entity_type] => field_data_field_logo_taxonomy_term_entity_type ) [original_value] => [additional_fields] => Array ( [0] => delta [1] => language [2] => bundle [3] => field_logo_fid [4] => field_logo_alt [5] => field_logo_title [6] => field_logo_width [7] => field_logo_height ) [last_render_index:protected] => 38 [view] => view Object *RECURSION* [query] => views_plugin_query_default Object ( [table_queue] => Array ( [taxonomy_term_data] => Array ( [alias] => taxonomy_term_data [table] => taxonomy_term_data [relationship] => taxonomy_term_data [join] => ) [taxonomy_vocabulary] => Array ( [table] => taxonomy_vocabulary [num] => 1 [alias] => taxonomy_vocabulary [join] => views_join Object ( [table] => taxonomy_vocabulary [left_table] => taxonomy_term_data [left_field] => vid [field] => vid [extra] => [type] => LEFT [definition] => Array ( [left_field] => vid [field] => vid [table] => taxonomy_vocabulary [left_table] => taxonomy_term_data ) [extra_type] => AND [adjusted] => 1 ) [relationship] => taxonomy_term_data ) ) [tables] => Array ( [taxonomy_term_data] => Array ( [taxonomy_term_data] => Array ( [count] => 1 [alias] => taxonomy_term_data ) [taxonomy_vocabulary] => Array ( [count] => 1 [alias] => taxonomy_vocabulary ) ) ) [relationships] => Array ( [taxonomy_term_data] => Array ( [link] => [table] => taxonomy_term_data [alias] => taxonomy_term_data [base] => taxonomy_term_data ) ) [where] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [conditions] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [field] => taxonomy_vocabulary.machine_name [value] => Array ( [0] => hersteller_marke ) [operator] => in ) ) [args] => Array ( ) [type] => AND ) ) [having] => Array ( ) [group_operator] => AND [orderby] => Array ( ) [groupby] => Array ( ) [fields] => Array ( [taxonomy_term_data_name] => Array ( [field] => name [table] => taxonomy_term_data [alias] => taxonomy_term_data_name ) [taxonomy_term_data_vid] => Array ( [field] => vid [table] => taxonomy_term_data [alias] => taxonomy_term_data_vid ) [tid] => Array ( [field] => tid [table] => taxonomy_term_data [alias] => tid ) [taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name] => Array ( [field] => machine_name [table] => taxonomy_vocabulary [alias] => taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name ) [field_data_field_logo_taxonomy_term_entity_type] => Array ( [field] => 'taxonomy_term' [table] => [alias] => field_data_field_logo_taxonomy_term_entity_type ) ) [header] => Array ( ) [distinct] => [has_aggregate] => [get_count_optimized] => [pager] => views_plugin_pager_none Object ( [current_page] => [total_items] => 39 [view] => view Object *RECURSION* [display] => views_display Object *RECURSION* [plugin_type] => pager [plugin_name] => none [options] => Array ( [offset] => 0 [items_per_page] => 0 ) [definition] => Array ( [title] => Display all items [help] => Display all items that this view might find [handler] => views_plugin_pager_none [help topic] => pager-none [uses options] => 1 [type] => basic [module] => views [theme path] => sites/all/modules/views/theme [theme file] => [path] => sites/all/modules/views/plugins [file] => [parent] => parent [name] => none ) [is_plugin] => 1 ) [field_aliases] => Array ( [taxonomy_term_data] => Array ( [name] => taxonomy_term_data_name [vid] => taxonomy_term_data_vid [tid] => tid ) [taxonomy_vocabulary] => Array ( [machine_name] => taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name ) [] => Array ( ['taxonomy_term'] => field_data_field_logo_taxonomy_term_entity_type ) ) [tags] => Array ( ) [no_distinct] => [pure_distinct] => [view] => view Object *RECURSION* [display] => [plugin_type] => query [plugin_name] => views_query [options] => Array ( [disable_sql_rewrite] => [distinct] => [pure_distinct] => [slave] => [query_comment] => [query_tags] => Array ( ) ) [definition] => Array ( [title] => SQL Query [help] => Query will be generated and run using the Drupal database API. [handler] => views_plugin_query_default [module] => views [theme path] => sites/all/modules/views/theme [theme file] => [path] => sites/all/modules/views/plugins [file] => [parent] => parent [name] => views_query ) [is_plugin] => 1 [base_table] => taxonomy_term_data [base_field] => tid [count_field] => Array ( [table] => taxonomy_term_data [field] => tid [alias] => tid [count] => 1 ) ) [handler_type] => field [table_alias] => [real_field] => field_logo_fid [relationship] => [options] => Array ( [id] => field_logo [table] => field_data_field_logo [field] => field_logo [relationship] => none [group_type] => group [ui_name] => [label] => [exclude] => 1 [alter] => Array ( [alter_text] => 0 [text] => [make_link] => 0 [path] => [absolute] => 0 [external] => 0 [replace_spaces] => 0 [unwanted_characters] => [path_case] => none [trim_whitespace] => 0 [alt] => [rel] => [link_class] => [prefix] => [suffix] => [target] => [nl2br] => 0 [max_length] => [word_boundary] => 1 [ellipsis] => 1 [more_link] => 0 [more_link_text] => [more_link_path] => [strip_tags] => 0 [trim] => 0 [preserve_tags] => [html] => 0 ) [element_type] => [element_class] => [element_label_type] => [element_label_class] => [element_label_colon] => [element_wrapper_type] => [element_wrapper_class] => [element_default_classes] => 1 [empty] => [hide_empty] => 0 [empty_zero] => 0 [hide_alter_empty] => 1 [click_sort_column] => fid [type] => image_url [settings] => Array ( [url_type] => 0 [image_style] => hersteller_logos [image_link] => ) [group_column] => [group_columns] => Array ( ) [group_rows] => 1 [delta_limit] => all [delta_offset] => 0 [delta_reversed] => [delta_first_last] => [delta_random] => [multi_type] => separator [separator] => , [field_api_classes] => 0 ) [definition] => Array ( [table] => field_data_field_logo [handler] => views_handler_field_field [click sortable] => 1 [field_name] => field_logo [real field] => field_logo_fid [additional fields] => Array ( [0] => delta [1] => language [2] => bundle [3] => field_logo_fid [4] => field_logo_alt [5] => field_logo_title [6] => field_logo_width [7] => field_logo_height ) [entity_tables] => Array ( [node] => node [node_revision] => node [taxonomy_term_data] => taxonomy_term ) [element type] => div [is revision] => [group] => Field [title] => Logo [title short] => Logo [help] => Appears in: node:filialen, taxonomy_term:hersteller_marke, taxonomy_term:lieferant. Also known as: Content: Logo, Taxonomy term: Logo. ) [is_handler] => 1 [localization_keys] => Array ( [0] => default [1] => field [2] => field_data_field_logo [3] => field_logo ) [table] => field_data_field_logo [field] => field_logo [position] => 1 [base_table_alias] => taxonomy_term_data [last_render] => [last_render_text] => ) [tid] => views_handler_field_numeric Object ( [field_alias] => tid [aliases] => Array ( ) [original_value] => 44 [additional_fields] => Array ( ) [last_render_index:protected] => 38 [view] => view Object *RECURSION* [query] => views_plugin_query_default Object ( [table_queue] => Array ( [taxonomy_term_data] => Array ( [alias] => taxonomy_term_data [table] => taxonomy_term_data [relationship] => taxonomy_term_data [join] => ) [taxonomy_vocabulary] => Array ( [table] => taxonomy_vocabulary [num] => 1 [alias] => taxonomy_vocabulary [join] => views_join Object ( [table] => taxonomy_vocabulary [left_table] => taxonomy_term_data [left_field] => vid [field] => vid [extra] => [type] => LEFT [definition] => Array ( [left_field] => vid [field] => vid [table] => taxonomy_vocabulary [left_table] => taxonomy_term_data ) [extra_type] => AND [adjusted] => 1 ) [relationship] => taxonomy_term_data ) ) [tables] => Array ( [taxonomy_term_data] => Array ( [taxonomy_term_data] => Array ( [count] => 1 [alias] => taxonomy_term_data ) [taxonomy_vocabulary] => Array ( [count] => 1 [alias] => taxonomy_vocabulary ) ) ) [relationships] => Array ( [taxonomy_term_data] => Array ( [link] => [table] => taxonomy_term_data [alias] => taxonomy_term_data [base] => taxonomy_term_data ) ) [where] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [conditions] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [field] => taxonomy_vocabulary.machine_name [value] => Array ( [0] => hersteller_marke ) [operator] => in ) ) [args] => Array ( ) [type] => AND ) ) [having] => Array ( ) [group_operator] => AND [orderby] => Array ( ) [groupby] => Array ( ) [fields] => Array ( [taxonomy_term_data_name] => Array ( [field] => name [table] => taxonomy_term_data [alias] => taxonomy_term_data_name ) [taxonomy_term_data_vid] => Array ( [field] => vid [table] => taxonomy_term_data [alias] => taxonomy_term_data_vid ) [tid] => Array ( [field] => tid [table] => taxonomy_term_data [alias] => tid ) [taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name] => Array ( [field] => machine_name [table] => taxonomy_vocabulary [alias] => taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name ) [field_data_field_logo_taxonomy_term_entity_type] => Array ( [field] => 'taxonomy_term' [table] => [alias] => field_data_field_logo_taxonomy_term_entity_type ) ) [header] => Array ( ) [distinct] => [has_aggregate] => [get_count_optimized] => [pager] => views_plugin_pager_none Object ( [current_page] => [total_items] => 39 [view] => view Object *RECURSION* [display] => views_display Object *RECURSION* [plugin_type] => pager [plugin_name] => none [options] => Array ( [offset] => 0 [items_per_page] => 0 ) [definition] => Array ( [title] => Display all items [help] => Display all items that this view might find [handler] => views_plugin_pager_none [help topic] => pager-none [uses options] => 1 [type] => basic [module] => views [theme path] => sites/all/modules/views/theme [theme file] => [path] => sites/all/modules/views/plugins [file] => [parent] => parent [name] => none ) [is_plugin] => 1 ) [field_aliases] => Array ( [taxonomy_term_data] => Array ( [name] => taxonomy_term_data_name [vid] => taxonomy_term_data_vid [tid] => tid ) [taxonomy_vocabulary] => Array ( [machine_name] => taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name ) [] => Array ( ['taxonomy_term'] => field_data_field_logo_taxonomy_term_entity_type ) ) [tags] => Array ( ) [no_distinct] => [pure_distinct] => [view] => view Object *RECURSION* [display] => [plugin_type] => query [plugin_name] => views_query [options] => Array ( [disable_sql_rewrite] => [distinct] => [pure_distinct] => [slave] => [query_comment] => [query_tags] => Array ( ) ) [definition] => Array ( [title] => SQL Query [help] => Query will be generated and run using the Drupal database API. [handler] => views_plugin_query_default [module] => views [theme path] => sites/all/modules/views/theme [theme file] => [path] => sites/all/modules/views/plugins [file] => [parent] => parent [name] => views_query ) [is_plugin] => 1 [base_table] => taxonomy_term_data [base_field] => tid [count_field] => Array ( [table] => taxonomy_term_data [field] => tid [alias] => tid [count] => 1 ) ) [handler_type] => field [table_alias] => taxonomy_term_data [real_field] => tid [relationship] => [options] => Array ( [id] => tid [table] => taxonomy_term_data [field] => tid [relationship] => none [group_type] => group [ui_name] => [label] => [exclude] => 0 [alter] => Array ( [alter_text] => 0 [text] => [make_link] => 0 [path] => [absolute] => 0 [external] => 0 [replace_spaces] => 0 [unwanted_characters] => [path_case] => none [trim_whitespace] => 0 [alt] => [rel] => [link_class] => [prefix] => [suffix] => [target] => [nl2br] => 0 [max_length] => [word_boundary] => 1 [ellipsis] => 1 [more_link] => 0 [more_link_text] => [more_link_path] => [strip_tags] => 0 [trim] => 0 [preserve_tags] => [html] => 0 ) [element_type] => [element_class] => [element_label_type] => [element_label_class] => [element_label_colon] => [element_wrapper_type] => [element_wrapper_class] => [element_default_classes] => 1 [empty] => [hide_empty] => 0 [empty_zero] => 0 [hide_alter_empty] => 1 [set_precision] => [precision] => 0 [decimal] => . [separator] => [format_plural] => 0 [format_plural_singular] => 1 [format_plural_plural] => @count [prefix] => [suffix] => ) [definition] => Array ( [handler] => views_handler_field_numeric [click sortable] => 1 [group] => Taxonomy term [title] => Term ID [help] => The tid of a taxonomy term. ) [is_handler] => 1 [localization_keys] => Array ( [0] => default [1] => field [2] => taxonomy_term_data [3] => tid ) [table] => taxonomy_term_data [field] => tid [position] => 2 [last_render] => 44 [last_render_text] => 44 [last_tokens] => Array ( [%q] => node/44 [[name]] => Zoeppritz [[field_logo]] => [[tid]] => 44 ) ) ) [argument] => Array ( ) [sort] => Array ( ) [filter] => Array ( [machine_name] => views_handler_filter_vocabulary_machine_name Object ( [value_form_type] => checkboxes [value_options] => [value] => Array ( [hersteller_marke] => hersteller_marke ) [operator] => in [group_info] => All [always_multiple] => [no_operator] => [always_required] => [view] => view Object *RECURSION* [query] => views_plugin_query_default Object ( [table_queue] => Array ( [taxonomy_term_data] => Array ( [alias] => taxonomy_term_data [table] => taxonomy_term_data [relationship] => taxonomy_term_data [join] => ) [taxonomy_vocabulary] => Array ( [table] => taxonomy_vocabulary [num] => 1 [alias] => taxonomy_vocabulary [join] => views_join Object ( [table] => taxonomy_vocabulary [left_table] => taxonomy_term_data [left_field] => vid [field] => vid [extra] => [type] => LEFT [definition] => Array ( [left_field] => vid [field] => vid [table] => taxonomy_vocabulary [left_table] => taxonomy_term_data ) [extra_type] => AND [adjusted] => 1 ) [relationship] => taxonomy_term_data ) ) [tables] => Array ( [taxonomy_term_data] => Array ( [taxonomy_term_data] => Array ( [count] => 1 [alias] => taxonomy_term_data ) [taxonomy_vocabulary] => Array ( [count] => 1 [alias] => taxonomy_vocabulary ) ) ) [relationships] => Array ( [taxonomy_term_data] => Array ( [link] => [table] => taxonomy_term_data [alias] => taxonomy_term_data [base] => taxonomy_term_data ) ) [where] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [conditions] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [field] => taxonomy_vocabulary.machine_name [value] => Array ( [0] => hersteller_marke ) [operator] => in ) ) [args] => Array ( ) [type] => AND ) ) [having] => Array ( ) [group_operator] => AND [orderby] => Array ( ) [groupby] => Array ( ) [fields] => Array ( [taxonomy_term_data_name] => Array ( [field] => name [table] => taxonomy_term_data [alias] => taxonomy_term_data_name ) [taxonomy_term_data_vid] => Array ( [field] => vid [table] => taxonomy_term_data [alias] => taxonomy_term_data_vid ) [tid] => Array ( [field] => tid [table] => taxonomy_term_data [alias] => tid ) [taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name] => Array ( [field] => machine_name [table] => taxonomy_vocabulary [alias] => taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name ) [field_data_field_logo_taxonomy_term_entity_type] => Array ( [field] => 'taxonomy_term' [table] => [alias] => field_data_field_logo_taxonomy_term_entity_type ) ) [header] => Array ( ) [distinct] => [has_aggregate] => [get_count_optimized] => [pager] => views_plugin_pager_none Object ( [current_page] => [total_items] => 39 [view] => view Object *RECURSION* [display] => views_display Object *RECURSION* [plugin_type] => pager [plugin_name] => none [options] => Array ( [offset] => 0 [items_per_page] => 0 ) [definition] => Array ( [title] => Display all items [help] => Display all items that this view might find [handler] => views_plugin_pager_none [help topic] => pager-none [uses options] => 1 [type] => basic [module] => views [theme path] => sites/all/modules/views/theme [theme file] => [path] => sites/all/modules/views/plugins [file] => [parent] => parent [name] => none ) [is_plugin] => 1 ) [field_aliases] => Array ( [taxonomy_term_data] => Array ( [name] => taxonomy_term_data_name [vid] => taxonomy_term_data_vid [tid] => tid ) [taxonomy_vocabulary] => Array ( [machine_name] => taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name ) [] => Array ( ['taxonomy_term'] => field_data_field_logo_taxonomy_term_entity_type ) ) [tags] => Array ( ) [no_distinct] => [pure_distinct] => [view] => view Object *RECURSION* [display] => [plugin_type] => query [plugin_name] => views_query [options] => Array ( [disable_sql_rewrite] => [distinct] => [pure_distinct] => [slave] => [query_comment] => [query_tags] => Array ( ) ) [definition] => Array ( [title] => SQL Query [help] => Query will be generated and run using the Drupal database API. [handler] => views_plugin_query_default [module] => views [theme path] => sites/all/modules/views/theme [theme file] => [path] => sites/all/modules/views/plugins [file] => [parent] => parent [name] => views_query ) [is_plugin] => 1 [base_table] => taxonomy_term_data [base_field] => tid [count_field] => Array ( [table] => taxonomy_term_data [field] => tid [alias] => tid [count] => 1 ) ) [handler_type] => filter [table_alias] => taxonomy_vocabulary [real_field] => machine_name [relationship] => [options] => Array ( [id] => machine_name [table] => taxonomy_vocabulary [field] => machine_name [relationship] => none [group_type] => group [ui_name] => [operator] => in [value] => Array ( [hersteller_marke] => hersteller_marke ) [group] => 1 [exposed] => [expose] => Array ( [operator_id] => [label] => [description] => [use_operator] => [operator_label] => [operator] => [limit_operators] => [available_operators] => Array ( ) [identifier] => [required] => [remember] => [multiple] => [remember_roles] => Array ( [2] => 2 ) [reduce] => ) [is_grouped] => [group_info] => Array ( [label] => [description] => [identifier] => [optional] => 1 [widget] => select [multiple] => [remember] => 0 [default_group] => All [default_group_multiple] => Array ( ) [group_items] => Array ( ) ) ) [definition] => Array ( [help] => Filter the results of "Taxonomy: Term" to a particular vocabulary. [handler] => views_handler_filter_vocabulary_machine_name [group] => Taxonomy vocabulary [title] => Machine name ) [is_handler] => 1 [value_title] => Options [localization_keys] => Array ( [0] => default [1] => filter [2] => taxonomy_vocabulary [3] => machine_name ) [table] => taxonomy_vocabulary [field] => machine_name [position] => 0 ) ) [relationship] => Array ( ) [header] => Array ( ) [footer] => Array ( ) [empty] => Array ( ) ) [extender] => Array ( ) [display] => views_display Object *RECURSION* [plugin_type] => display [plugin_name] => block [options] => Array ( [defaults] => Array ( [access] => 1 [cache] => 1 [query] => 1 [title] => 1 [css_class] => 1 [display_description] => [use_ajax] => 1 [hide_attachment_summary] => 1 [hide_admin_links] => 1 [pager] => 1 [pager_options] => 1 [use_more] => 1 [use_more_always] => 1 [open_new_window] => [use_more_text] => 1 [exposed_form] => 1 [exposed_form_options] => 1 [link_display] => 1 [link_url] => [group_by] => 1 [style_plugin] => 1 [style_options] => 1 [row_plugin] => 1 [row_options] => 1 [header] => 1 [footer] => 1 [empty] => 1 [relationships] => 1 [fields] => 1 [sorts] => 1 [arguments] => 1 [filters] => 1 [filter_groups] => 1 ) [title] => [enabled] => 1 [display_comment] => [css_class] => [display_description] => [use_ajax] => [hide_attachment_summary] => [hide_admin_links] => [items_per_page] => 10 [offset] => 0 [use_pager] => [use_more] => [use_more_always] => [use_more_text] => more [link_display] => [link_url] => [group_by] => [field_language] => ***CURRENT_LANGUAGE*** [field_language_add_to_query] => 1 [access] => Array ( [type] => none ) [cache] => Array ( [type] => none ) [query] => Array ( [type] => views_query [options] => Array ( ) ) [exposed_form] => Array ( [type] => basic [options] => Array ( ) ) [pager] => Array ( [type] => full [options] => Array ( ) ) [style_plugin] => default [style_options] => Array ( ) [row_plugin] => fields [row_options] => Array ( ) [exposed_block] => [header] => Array ( ) [footer] => Array ( ) [empty] => Array ( ) [relationships] => Array ( ) [fields] => Array ( ) [sorts] => Array ( ) [arguments] => Array ( ) [filter_groups] => Array ( [operator] => AND [groups] => Array ( [1] => AND ) ) [filters] => Array ( ) [block_description] => [block_caching] => -1 ) [definition] => Array ( [title] => Block [help] => Display the view as a block. [handler] => views_plugin_display_block [theme] => views_view [uses hook block] => 1 [contextual links locations] => Array ( [0] => block ) [use ajax] => 1 [use pager] => 1 [use more] => 1 [accept attachments] => 1 [admin] => Block [help topic] => display-block [module] => views [theme path] => sites/all/modules/views/theme [theme file] => [path] => sites/all/modules/views/plugins [file] => [parent] => parent [name] => block [contextual links] => Array ( [views_ui] => Array ( [parent path] => admin/structure/views/view [argument properties] => Array ( [0] => name ) ) ) ) [is_plugin] => 1 [localization_keys] => Array ( [0] => block ) [default_display] => views_plugin_display_default Object ( [view] => view Object *RECURSION* [handlers] => Array ( ) [extender] => Array ( ) [display] => views_display Object ( [handler] => views_plugin_display_default Object *RECURSION* [display_options] => Array ( [query] => Array ( [type] => views_query [options] => Array ( ) ) [access] => Array ( [type] => perm ) [cache] => Array ( [type] => none ) [exposed_form] => Array ( [type] => basic ) [pager] => Array ( [type] => none [options] => Array ( [offset] => 0 ) ) [style_plugin] => default [row_plugin] => fields [fields] => Array ( [name] => Array ( [id] => name [table] => taxonomy_term_data [field] => name [relationship] => none [group_type] => group [ui_name] => [label] => [exclude] => 0 [alter] => Array ( [alter_text] => 0 [text] => [make_link] => 0 [path] => [absolute] => 0 [external] => 0 [replace_spaces] => 0 [path_case] => none [trim_whitespace] => 0 [alt] => [rel] => [link_class] => [prefix] => [suffix] => [target] => [nl2br] => 0 [max_length] => [word_boundary] => 0 [ellipsis] => 0 [more_link] => 0 [more_link_text] => [more_link_path] => [strip_tags] => 0 [trim] => 0 [preserve_tags] => [html] => 0 ) [element_type] => [element_class] => [element_label_type] => [element_label_class] => [element_label_colon] => [element_wrapper_type] => [element_wrapper_class] => [element_default_classes] => 1 [empty] => [hide_empty] => 0 [empty_zero] => 0 [hide_alter_empty] => 1 [link_to_taxonomy] => 0 [convert_spaces] => 0 ) [field_logo] => Array ( [id] => field_logo [table] => field_data_field_logo [field] => field_logo [relationship] => none [group_type] => group [ui_name] => [label] => [exclude] => 1 [alter] => Array ( [alter_text] => 0 [text] => [make_link] => 0 [path] => [absolute] => 0 [external] => 0 [replace_spaces] => 0 [path_case] => none [trim_whitespace] => 0 [alt] => [rel] => [link_class] => [prefix] => [suffix] => [target] => [nl2br] => 0 [max_length] => [word_boundary] => 1 [ellipsis] => 1 [more_link] => 0 [more_link_text] => [more_link_path] => [strip_tags] => 0 [trim] => 0 [preserve_tags] => [html] => 0 ) [element_type] => [element_class] => [element_label_type] => [element_label_class] => [element_label_colon] => [element_wrapper_type] => [element_wrapper_class] => [element_default_classes] => 1 [empty] => [hide_empty] => 0 [empty_zero] => 0 [hide_alter_empty] => 1 [click_sort_column] => fid [type] => image_url [settings] => Array ( [url_type] => 0 [image_style] => hersteller_logos [image_link] => ) [group_column] => [group_columns] => Array ( ) [group_rows] => 1 [delta_limit] => all [delta_offset] => 0 [delta_reversed] => [delta_first_last] => [delta_random] => [multi_type] => separator [separator] => , [field_api_classes] => 0 ) [tid] => Array ( [id] => tid [table] => taxonomy_term_data [field] => tid [relationship] => none [group_type] => group [ui_name] => [label] => [exclude] => 0 [alter] => Array ( [alter_text] => 0 [text] => [make_link] => 0 [path] => [absolute] => 0 [external] => 0 [replace_spaces] => 0 [path_case] => none [trim_whitespace] => 0 [alt] => [rel] => [link_class] => [prefix] => [suffix] => [target] => [nl2br] => 0 [max_length] => [word_boundary] => 1 [ellipsis] => 1 [more_link] => 0 [more_link_text] => [more_link_path] => [strip_tags] => 0 [trim] => 0 [preserve_tags] => [html] => 0 ) [element_type] => [element_class] => [element_label_type] => [element_label_class] => [element_label_colon] => [element_wrapper_type] => [element_wrapper_class] => [element_default_classes] => 1 [empty] => [hide_empty] => 0 [empty_zero] => 0 [hide_alter_empty] => 1 [set_precision] => [precision] => 0 [decimal] => . [separator] => [format_plural] => 0 [format_plural_singular] => 1 [format_plural_plural] => @count [prefix] => [suffix] => ) ) [filters] => Array ( [machine_name] => Array ( [id] => machine_name [table] => taxonomy_vocabulary [field] => machine_name [value] => Array ( [hersteller_marke] => hersteller_marke ) ) ) [sorts] => Array ( ) [title] => Unsere Marken ) [db_table] => views_display [vid] => 9 [id] => default [display_title] => Master [display_plugin] => default [position] => 1 ) [plugin_type] => display [plugin_name] => default [options] => Array ( [title] => Unsere Marken [enabled] => 1 [display_comment] => [css_class] => [display_description] => [use_ajax] => [hide_attachment_summary] => [hide_admin_links] => [items_per_page] => 10 [offset] => 0 [use_pager] => [use_more] => [use_more_always] => [use_more_text] => more [link_display] => [link_url] => [group_by] => [field_language] => ***CURRENT_LANGUAGE*** [field_language_add_to_query] => 1 [access] => Array ( [type] => perm ) [cache] => Array ( [type] => none ) [query] => Array ( [type] => views_query [options] => Array ( ) ) [exposed_form] => Array ( [type] => basic [options] => Array ( ) ) [pager] => Array ( [type] => none [options] => Array ( [offset] => 0 ) ) [style_plugin] => default [style_options] => Array ( ) [row_plugin] => fields [row_options] => Array ( ) [exposed_block] => [header] => Array ( ) [footer] => Array ( ) [empty] => Array ( ) [relationships] => Array ( ) [fields] => Array ( [name] => Array ( [id] => name [table] => taxonomy_term_data [field] => name [relationship] => none [group_type] => group [ui_name] => [label] => [exclude] => 0 [alter] => Array ( [alter_text] => 0 [text] => [make_link] => 0 [path] => [absolute] => 0 [external] => 0 [replace_spaces] => 0 [path_case] => none [trim_whitespace] => 0 [alt] => [rel] => [link_class] => [prefix] => [suffix] => [target] => [nl2br] => 0 [max_length] => [word_boundary] => 0 [ellipsis] => 0 [more_link] => 0 [more_link_text] => [more_link_path] => [strip_tags] => 0 [trim] => 0 [preserve_tags] => [html] => 0 ) [element_type] => [element_class] => [element_label_type] => [element_label_class] => [element_label_colon] => [element_wrapper_type] => [element_wrapper_class] => [element_default_classes] => 1 [empty] => [hide_empty] => 0 [empty_zero] => 0 [hide_alter_empty] => 1 [link_to_taxonomy] => 0 [convert_spaces] => 0 ) [field_logo] => Array ( [id] => field_logo [table] => field_data_field_logo [field] => field_logo [relationship] => none [group_type] => group [ui_name] => [label] => [exclude] => 1 [alter] => Array ( [alter_text] => 0 [text] => [make_link] => 0 [path] => [absolute] => 0 [external] => 0 [replace_spaces] => 0 [path_case] => none [trim_whitespace] => 0 [alt] => [rel] => [link_class] => [prefix] => [suffix] => [target] => [nl2br] => 0 [max_length] => [word_boundary] => 1 [ellipsis] => 1 [more_link] => 0 [more_link_text] => [more_link_path] => [strip_tags] => 0 [trim] => 0 [preserve_tags] => [html] => 0 ) [element_type] => [element_class] => [element_label_type] => [element_label_class] => [element_label_colon] => [element_wrapper_type] => [element_wrapper_class] => [element_default_classes] => 1 [empty] => [hide_empty] => 0 [empty_zero] => 0 [hide_alter_empty] => 1 [click_sort_column] => fid [type] => image_url [settings] => Array ( [url_type] => 0 [image_style] => hersteller_logos [image_link] => ) [group_column] => [group_columns] => Array ( ) [group_rows] => 1 [delta_limit] => all [delta_offset] => 0 [delta_reversed] => [delta_first_last] => [delta_random] => [multi_type] => separator [separator] => , [field_api_classes] => 0 ) [tid] => Array ( [id] => tid [table] => taxonomy_term_data [field] => tid [relationship] => none [group_type] => group [ui_name] => [label] => [exclude] => 0 [alter] => Array ( [alter_text] => 0 [text] => [make_link] => 0 [path] => [absolute] => 0 [external] => 0 [replace_spaces] => 0 [path_case] => none [trim_whitespace] => 0 [alt] => [rel] => [link_class] => [prefix] => [suffix] => [target] => [nl2br] => 0 [max_length] => [word_boundary] => 1 [ellipsis] => 1 [more_link] => 0 [more_link_text] => [more_link_path] => [strip_tags] => 0 [trim] => 0 [preserve_tags] => [html] => 0 ) [element_type] => [element_class] => [element_label_type] => [element_label_class] => [element_label_colon] => [element_wrapper_type] => [element_wrapper_class] => [element_default_classes] => 1 [empty] => [hide_empty] => 0 [empty_zero] => 0 [hide_alter_empty] => 1 [set_precision] => [precision] => 0 [decimal] => . [separator] => [format_plural] => 0 [format_plural_singular] => 1 [format_plural_plural] => @count [prefix] => [suffix] => ) ) [sorts] => Array ( ) [arguments] => Array ( ) [filter_groups] => Array ( [operator] => AND [groups] => Array ( [1] => AND ) ) [filters] => Array ( [machine_name] => Array ( [id] => machine_name [table] => taxonomy_vocabulary [field] => machine_name [value] => Array ( [hersteller_marke] => hersteller_marke ) ) ) ) [definition] => Array ( [title] => Master [help] => Default settings for this view. [handler] => views_plugin_display_default [theme] => views_view [no ui] => 1 [no remove] => 1 [js] => Array ( [0] => misc/form.js [1] => misc/collapse.js [2] => misc/textarea.js [3] => misc/tabledrag.js [4] => misc/autocomplete.js [5] => sites/all/modules/ctools/js/dependent.js ) [use ajax] => 1 [use pager] => 1 [use more] => 1 [accept attachments] => 1 [help topic] => display-default [module] => views [theme path] => sites/all/modules/views/theme [theme file] => [path] => sites/all/modules/views/plugins [file] => [parent] => parent [name] => default [contextual links] => Array ( [views_ui] => Array ( [parent path] => admin/structure/views/view [argument properties] => Array ( [0] => name ) ) ) ) [is_plugin] => 1 [localization_keys] => Array ( [0] => default ) ) ) [display_options] => Array ( [query] => Array ( [type] => views_query [options] => Array ( ) ) ) [db_table] => views_display [vid] => 9 [id] => block [display_title] => Block [display_plugin] => block [position] => 2 ) [plugin_type] => row [plugin_name] => fields [options] => Array ( [inline] => Array ( ) [separator] => [hide_empty] => [default_field_elements] => 1 ) [definition] => Array ( [title] => Fields [help] => Displays the fields with an optional template. [handler] => views_plugin_row_fields [theme] => views_view_fields [uses fields] => 1 [uses options] => 1 [type] => normal [help topic] => style-row-fields [module] => views [theme path] => sites/all/modules/views/theme [theme file] => [path] => sites/all/modules/views/plugins [file] => [parent] => parent [name] => fields ) [is_plugin] => 1 ) [view] => view Object *RECURSION* [display] => views_display Object ( [handler] => views_plugin_display_block Object ( [view] => view Object *RECURSION* [handlers] => Array ( [field] => Array ( [name] => views_handler_field_taxonomy Object ( [field_alias] => taxonomy_term_data_name [aliases] => Array ( [vid] => taxonomy_term_data_vid [tid] => tid [name] => taxonomy_term_data_name [vocabulary_machine_name] => taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name ) [original_value] => Zoeppritz [additional_fields] => Array ( [vid] => vid [tid] => tid [name] => name [vocabulary_machine_name] => Array ( [table] => taxonomy_vocabulary [field] => machine_name ) ) [last_render_index:protected] => 38 [view] => view Object *RECURSION* [query] => views_plugin_query_default Object ( [table_queue] => Array ( [taxonomy_term_data] => Array ( [alias] => taxonomy_term_data [table] => taxonomy_term_data [relationship] => taxonomy_term_data [join] => ) [taxonomy_vocabulary] => Array ( [table] => taxonomy_vocabulary [num] => 1 [alias] => taxonomy_vocabulary [join] => views_join Object ( [table] => taxonomy_vocabulary [left_table] => taxonomy_term_data [left_field] => vid [field] => vid [extra] => [type] => LEFT [definition] => Array ( [left_field] => vid [field] => vid [table] => taxonomy_vocabulary [left_table] => taxonomy_term_data ) [extra_type] => AND [adjusted] => 1 ) [relationship] => taxonomy_term_data ) ) [tables] => Array ( [taxonomy_term_data] => Array ( [taxonomy_term_data] => Array ( [count] => 1 [alias] => taxonomy_term_data ) [taxonomy_vocabulary] => Array ( [count] => 1 [alias] => taxonomy_vocabulary ) ) ) [relationships] => Array ( [taxonomy_term_data] => Array ( [link] => [table] => taxonomy_term_data [alias] => taxonomy_term_data [base] => taxonomy_term_data ) ) [where] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [conditions] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [field] => taxonomy_vocabulary.machine_name [value] => Array ( [0] => hersteller_marke ) [operator] => in ) ) [args] => Array ( ) [type] => AND ) ) [having] => Array ( ) [group_operator] => AND [orderby] => Array ( ) [groupby] => Array ( ) [fields] => Array ( [taxonomy_term_data_name] => Array ( [field] => name [table] => taxonomy_term_data [alias] => taxonomy_term_data_name ) [taxonomy_term_data_vid] => Array ( [field] => vid [table] => taxonomy_term_data [alias] => taxonomy_term_data_vid ) [tid] => Array ( [field] => tid [table] => taxonomy_term_data [alias] => tid ) [taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name] => Array ( [field] => machine_name [table] => taxonomy_vocabulary [alias] => taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name ) [field_data_field_logo_taxonomy_term_entity_type] => Array ( [field] => 'taxonomy_term' [table] => [alias] => field_data_field_logo_taxonomy_term_entity_type ) ) [header] => Array ( ) [distinct] => [has_aggregate] => [get_count_optimized] => [pager] => views_plugin_pager_none Object ( [current_page] => [total_items] => 39 [view] => view Object *RECURSION* [display] => views_display Object *RECURSION* [plugin_type] => pager [plugin_name] => none [options] => Array ( [offset] => 0 [items_per_page] => 0 ) [definition] => Array ( [title] => Display all items [help] => Display all items that this view might find [handler] => views_plugin_pager_none [help topic] => pager-none [uses options] => 1 [type] => basic [module] => views [theme path] => sites/all/modules/views/theme [theme file] => [path] => sites/all/modules/views/plugins [file] => [parent] => parent [name] => none ) [is_plugin] => 1 ) [field_aliases] => Array ( [taxonomy_term_data] => Array ( [name] => taxonomy_term_data_name [vid] => taxonomy_term_data_vid [tid] => tid ) [taxonomy_vocabulary] => Array ( [machine_name] => taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name ) [] => Array ( ['taxonomy_term'] => field_data_field_logo_taxonomy_term_entity_type ) ) [tags] => Array ( ) [no_distinct] => [pure_distinct] => [view] => view Object *RECURSION* [display] => [plugin_type] => query [plugin_name] => views_query [options] => Array ( [disable_sql_rewrite] => [distinct] => [pure_distinct] => [slave] => [query_comment] => [query_tags] => Array ( ) ) [definition] => Array ( [title] => SQL Query [help] => Query will be generated and run using the Drupal database API. [handler] => views_plugin_query_default [module] => views [theme path] => sites/all/modules/views/theme [theme file] => [path] => sites/all/modules/views/plugins [file] => [parent] => parent [name] => views_query ) [is_plugin] => 1 [base_table] => taxonomy_term_data [base_field] => tid [count_field] => Array ( [table] => taxonomy_term_data [field] => tid [alias] => tid [count] => 1 ) ) [handler_type] => field [table_alias] => taxonomy_term_data [real_field] => name [relationship] => [options] => Array ( [id] => name [table] => taxonomy_term_data [field] => name [relationship] => none [group_type] => group [ui_name] => [label] => [exclude] => 0 [alter] => Array ( [alter_text] => 0 [text] => [make_link] => 0 [path] => [absolute] => 0 [external] => 0 [replace_spaces] => 0 [unwanted_characters] => [path_case] => none [trim_whitespace] => 0 [alt] => [rel] => [link_class] => [prefix] => [suffix] => [target] => [nl2br] => 0 [max_length] => [word_boundary] => 0 [ellipsis] => 0 [more_link] => 0 [more_link_text] => [more_link_path] => [strip_tags] => 0 [trim] => 0 [preserve_tags] => [html] => 0 ) [element_type] => [element_class] => [element_label_type] => [element_label_class] => [element_label_colon] => [element_wrapper_type] => [element_wrapper_class] => [element_default_classes] => 1 [empty] => [hide_empty] => 0 [empty_zero] => 0 [hide_alter_empty] => 1 [link_to_taxonomy] => 0 [convert_spaces] => 0 ) [definition] => Array ( [handler] => views_handler_field_taxonomy [click sortable] => 1 [group] => Taxonomy term [title] => Name [help] => The taxonomy term name. ) [is_handler] => 1 [localization_keys] => Array ( [0] => default [1] => field [2] => taxonomy_term_data [3] => name ) [table] => taxonomy_term_data [field] => name [position] => 0 [last_render] => Zoeppritz [last_render_text] => Zoeppritz ) [field_logo] => views_handler_field_field Object ( [items] => Array ( ) [field_info] => Array ( [translatable] => 0 [entity_types] => Array ( ) [settings] => Array ( [uri_scheme] => public [default_image] => 1 ) [storage] => Array ( [type] => field_sql_storage [settings] => Array ( ) [module] => field_sql_storage [active] => 1 [details] => Array ( [sql] => Array ( [FIELD_LOAD_CURRENT] => Array ( [field_data_field_logo] => Array ( [fid] => field_logo_fid [alt] => field_logo_alt [title] => field_logo_title [width] => field_logo_width [height] => field_logo_height ) ) [FIELD_LOAD_REVISION] => Array ( [field_revision_field_logo] => Array ( [fid] => field_logo_fid [alt] => field_logo_alt [title] => field_logo_title [width] => field_logo_width [height] => field_logo_height ) ) ) ) ) [foreign keys] => Array ( [fid] => Array ( [table] => file_managed [columns] => Array ( [fid] => fid ) ) ) [indexes] => Array ( [fid] => Array ( [0] => fid ) ) [id] => 9 [field_name] => field_logo [type] => image [module] => image [active] => 1 [locked] => 0 [cardinality] => 1 [deleted] => 0 [columns] => Array ( [fid] => Array ( [description] => The {file_managed}.fid being referenced in this field. [type] => int [not null] => [unsigned] => 1 ) [alt] => Array ( [description] => Alternative image text, for the image's 'alt' attribute. [type] => varchar [length] => 512 [not null] => ) [title] => Array ( [description] => Image title text, for the image's 'title' attribute. [type] => varchar [length] => 1024 [not null] => ) [width] => Array ( [description] => The width of the image in pixels. [type] => int [unsigned] => 1 ) [height] => Array ( [description] => The height of the image in pixels. [type] => int [unsigned] => 1 ) ) [bundles] => Array ( [node] => Array ( [0] => filialen ) [taxonomy_term] => Array ( [0] => hersteller_marke [1] => lieferant ) ) ) [multiple] => [limit_values] => [base_table] => taxonomy_term_data [instance] => [field_alias] => tid [aliases] => Array ( [entity_type] => field_data_field_logo_taxonomy_term_entity_type ) [original_value] => [additional_fields] => Array ( [0] => delta [1] => language [2] => bundle [3] => field_logo_fid [4] => field_logo_alt [5] => field_logo_title [6] => field_logo_width [7] => field_logo_height ) [last_render_index:protected] => 38 [view] => view Object *RECURSION* [query] => views_plugin_query_default Object ( [table_queue] => Array ( [taxonomy_term_data] => Array ( [alias] => taxonomy_term_data [table] => taxonomy_term_data [relationship] => taxonomy_term_data [join] => ) [taxonomy_vocabulary] => Array ( [table] => taxonomy_vocabulary [num] => 1 [alias] => taxonomy_vocabulary [join] => views_join Object ( [table] => taxonomy_vocabulary [left_table] => taxonomy_term_data [left_field] => vid [field] => vid [extra] => [type] => LEFT [definition] => Array ( [left_field] => vid [field] => vid [table] => taxonomy_vocabulary [left_table] => taxonomy_term_data ) [extra_type] => AND [adjusted] => 1 ) [relationship] => taxonomy_term_data ) ) [tables] => Array ( [taxonomy_term_data] => Array ( [taxonomy_term_data] => Array ( [count] => 1 [alias] => taxonomy_term_data ) [taxonomy_vocabulary] => Array ( [count] => 1 [alias] => taxonomy_vocabulary ) ) ) [relationships] => Array ( [taxonomy_term_data] => Array ( [link] => [table] => taxonomy_term_data [alias] => taxonomy_term_data [base] => taxonomy_term_data ) ) [where] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [conditions] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [field] => taxonomy_vocabulary.machine_name [value] => Array ( [0] => hersteller_marke ) [operator] => in ) ) [args] => Array ( ) [type] => AND ) ) [having] => Array ( ) [group_operator] => AND [orderby] => Array ( ) [groupby] => Array ( ) [fields] => Array ( [taxonomy_term_data_name] => Array ( [field] => name [table] => taxonomy_term_data [alias] => taxonomy_term_data_name ) [taxonomy_term_data_vid] => Array ( [field] => vid [table] => taxonomy_term_data [alias] => taxonomy_term_data_vid ) [tid] => Array ( [field] => tid [table] => taxonomy_term_data [alias] => tid ) [taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name] => Array ( [field] => machine_name [table] => taxonomy_vocabulary [alias] => taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name ) [field_data_field_logo_taxonomy_term_entity_type] => Array ( [field] => 'taxonomy_term' [table] => [alias] => field_data_field_logo_taxonomy_term_entity_type ) ) [header] => Array ( ) [distinct] => [has_aggregate] => [get_count_optimized] => [pager] => views_plugin_pager_none Object ( [current_page] => [total_items] => 39 [view] => view Object *RECURSION* [display] => views_display Object *RECURSION* [plugin_type] => pager [plugin_name] => none [options] => Array ( [offset] => 0 [items_per_page] => 0 ) [definition] => Array ( [title] => Display all items [help] => Display all items that this view might find [handler] => views_plugin_pager_none [help topic] => pager-none [uses options] => 1 [type] => basic [module] => views [theme path] => sites/all/modules/views/theme [theme file] => [path] => sites/all/modules/views/plugins [file] => [parent] => parent [name] => none ) [is_plugin] => 1 ) [field_aliases] => Array ( [taxonomy_term_data] => Array ( [name] => taxonomy_term_data_name [vid] => taxonomy_term_data_vid [tid] => tid ) [taxonomy_vocabulary] => Array ( [machine_name] => taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name ) [] => Array ( ['taxonomy_term'] => field_data_field_logo_taxonomy_term_entity_type ) ) [tags] => Array ( ) [no_distinct] => [pure_distinct] => [view] => view Object *RECURSION* [display] => [plugin_type] => query [plugin_name] => views_query [options] => Array ( [disable_sql_rewrite] => [distinct] => [pure_distinct] => [slave] => [query_comment] => [query_tags] => Array ( ) ) [definition] => Array ( [title] => SQL Query [help] => Query will be generated and run using the Drupal database API. [handler] => views_plugin_query_default [module] => views [theme path] => sites/all/modules/views/theme [theme file] => [path] => sites/all/modules/views/plugins [file] => [parent] => parent [name] => views_query ) [is_plugin] => 1 [base_table] => taxonomy_term_data [base_field] => tid [count_field] => Array ( [table] => taxonomy_term_data [field] => tid [alias] => tid [count] => 1 ) ) [handler_type] => field [table_alias] => [real_field] => field_logo_fid [relationship] => [options] => Array ( [id] => field_logo [table] => field_data_field_logo [field] => field_logo [relationship] => none [group_type] => group [ui_name] => [label] => [exclude] => 1 [alter] => Array ( [alter_text] => 0 [text] => [make_link] => 0 [path] => [absolute] => 0 [external] => 0 [replace_spaces] => 0 [unwanted_characters] => [path_case] => none [trim_whitespace] => 0 [alt] => [rel] => [link_class] => [prefix] => [suffix] => [target] => [nl2br] => 0 [max_length] => [word_boundary] => 1 [ellipsis] => 1 [more_link] => 0 [more_link_text] => [more_link_path] => [strip_tags] => 0 [trim] => 0 [preserve_tags] => [html] => 0 ) [element_type] => [element_class] => [element_label_type] => [element_label_class] => [element_label_colon] => [element_wrapper_type] => [element_wrapper_class] => [element_default_classes] => 1 [empty] => [hide_empty] => 0 [empty_zero] => 0 [hide_alter_empty] => 1 [click_sort_column] => fid [type] => image_url [settings] => Array ( [url_type] => 0 [image_style] => hersteller_logos [image_link] => ) [group_column] => [group_columns] => Array ( ) [group_rows] => 1 [delta_limit] => all [delta_offset] => 0 [delta_reversed] => [delta_first_last] => [delta_random] => [multi_type] => separator [separator] => , [field_api_classes] => 0 ) [definition] => Array ( [table] => field_data_field_logo [handler] => views_handler_field_field [click sortable] => 1 [field_name] => field_logo [real field] => field_logo_fid [additional fields] => Array ( [0] => delta [1] => language [2] => bundle [3] => field_logo_fid [4] => field_logo_alt [5] => field_logo_title [6] => field_logo_width [7] => field_logo_height ) [entity_tables] => Array ( [node] => node [node_revision] => node [taxonomy_term_data] => taxonomy_term ) [element type] => div [is revision] => [group] => Field [title] => Logo [title short] => Logo [help] => Appears in: node:filialen, taxonomy_term:hersteller_marke, taxonomy_term:lieferant. Also known as: Content: Logo, Taxonomy term: Logo. ) [is_handler] => 1 [localization_keys] => Array ( [0] => default [1] => field [2] => field_data_field_logo [3] => field_logo ) [table] => field_data_field_logo [field] => field_logo [position] => 1 [base_table_alias] => taxonomy_term_data [last_render] => [last_render_text] => ) [tid] => views_handler_field_numeric Object ( [field_alias] => tid [aliases] => Array ( ) [original_value] => 44 [additional_fields] => Array ( ) [last_render_index:protected] => 38 [view] => view Object *RECURSION* [query] => views_plugin_query_default Object ( [table_queue] => Array ( [taxonomy_term_data] => Array ( [alias] => taxonomy_term_data [table] => taxonomy_term_data [relationship] => taxonomy_term_data [join] => ) [taxonomy_vocabulary] => Array ( [table] => taxonomy_vocabulary [num] => 1 [alias] => taxonomy_vocabulary [join] => views_join Object ( [table] => taxonomy_vocabulary [left_table] => taxonomy_term_data [left_field] => vid [field] => vid [extra] => [type] => LEFT [definition] => Array ( [left_field] => vid [field] => vid [table] => taxonomy_vocabulary [left_table] => taxonomy_term_data ) [extra_type] => AND [adjusted] => 1 ) [relationship] => taxonomy_term_data ) ) [tables] => Array ( [taxonomy_term_data] => Array ( [taxonomy_term_data] => Array ( [count] => 1 [alias] => taxonomy_term_data ) [taxonomy_vocabulary] => Array ( [count] => 1 [alias] => taxonomy_vocabulary ) ) ) [relationships] => Array ( [taxonomy_term_data] => Array ( [link] => [table] => taxonomy_term_data [alias] => taxonomy_term_data [base] => taxonomy_term_data ) ) [where] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [conditions] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [field] => taxonomy_vocabulary.machine_name [value] => Array ( [0] => hersteller_marke ) [operator] => in ) ) [args] => Array ( ) [type] => AND ) ) [having] => Array ( ) [group_operator] => AND [orderby] => Array ( ) [groupby] => Array ( ) [fields] => Array ( [taxonomy_term_data_name] => Array ( [field] => name [table] => taxonomy_term_data [alias] => taxonomy_term_data_name ) [taxonomy_term_data_vid] => Array ( [field] => vid [table] => taxonomy_term_data [alias] => taxonomy_term_data_vid ) [tid] => Array ( [field] => tid [table] => taxonomy_term_data [alias] => tid ) [taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name] => Array ( [field] => machine_name [table] => taxonomy_vocabulary [alias] => taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name ) [field_data_field_logo_taxonomy_term_entity_type] => Array ( [field] => 'taxonomy_term' [table] => [alias] => field_data_field_logo_taxonomy_term_entity_type ) ) [header] => Array ( ) [distinct] => [has_aggregate] => [get_count_optimized] => [pager] => views_plugin_pager_none Object ( [current_page] => [total_items] => 39 [view] => view Object *RECURSION* [display] => views_display Object *RECURSION* [plugin_type] => pager [plugin_name] => none [options] => Array ( [offset] => 0 [items_per_page] => 0 ) [definition] => Array ( [title] => Display all items [help] => Display all items that this view might find [handler] => views_plugin_pager_none [help topic] => pager-none [uses options] => 1 [type] => basic [module] => views [theme path] => sites/all/modules/views/theme [theme file] => [path] => sites/all/modules/views/plugins [file] => [parent] => parent [name] => none ) [is_plugin] => 1 ) [field_aliases] => Array ( [taxonomy_term_data] => Array ( [name] => taxonomy_term_data_name [vid] => taxonomy_term_data_vid [tid] => tid ) [taxonomy_vocabulary] => Array ( [machine_name] => taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name ) [] => Array ( ['taxonomy_term'] => field_data_field_logo_taxonomy_term_entity_type ) ) [tags] => Array ( ) [no_distinct] => [pure_distinct] => [view] => view Object *RECURSION* [display] => [plugin_type] => query [plugin_name] => views_query [options] => Array ( [disable_sql_rewrite] => [distinct] => [pure_distinct] => [slave] => [query_comment] => [query_tags] => Array ( ) ) [definition] => Array ( [title] => SQL Query [help] => Query will be generated and run using the Drupal database API. [handler] => views_plugin_query_default [module] => views [theme path] => sites/all/modules/views/theme [theme file] => [path] => sites/all/modules/views/plugins [file] => [parent] => parent [name] => views_query ) [is_plugin] => 1 [base_table] => taxonomy_term_data [base_field] => tid [count_field] => Array ( [table] => taxonomy_term_data [field] => tid [alias] => tid [count] => 1 ) ) [handler_type] => field [table_alias] => taxonomy_term_data [real_field] => tid [relationship] => [options] => Array ( [id] => tid [table] => taxonomy_term_data [field] => tid [relationship] => none [group_type] => group [ui_name] => [label] => [exclude] => 0 [alter] => Array ( [alter_text] => 0 [text] => [make_link] => 0 [path] => [absolute] => 0 [external] => 0 [replace_spaces] => 0 [unwanted_characters] => [path_case] => none [trim_whitespace] => 0 [alt] => [rel] => [link_class] => [prefix] => [suffix] => [target] => [nl2br] => 0 [max_length] => [word_boundary] => 1 [ellipsis] => 1 [more_link] => 0 [more_link_text] => [more_link_path] => [strip_tags] => 0 [trim] => 0 [preserve_tags] => [html] => 0 ) [element_type] => [element_class] => [element_label_type] => [element_label_class] => [element_label_colon] => [element_wrapper_type] => [element_wrapper_class] => [element_default_classes] => 1 [empty] => [hide_empty] => 0 [empty_zero] => 0 [hide_alter_empty] => 1 [set_precision] => [precision] => 0 [decimal] => . [separator] => [format_plural] => 0 [format_plural_singular] => 1 [format_plural_plural] => @count [prefix] => [suffix] => ) [definition] => Array ( [handler] => views_handler_field_numeric [click sortable] => 1 [group] => Taxonomy term [title] => Term ID [help] => The tid of a taxonomy term. ) [is_handler] => 1 [localization_keys] => Array ( [0] => default [1] => field [2] => taxonomy_term_data [3] => tid ) [table] => taxonomy_term_data [field] => tid [position] => 2 [last_render] => 44 [last_render_text] => 44 [last_tokens] => Array ( [%q] => node/44 [[name]] => Zoeppritz [[field_logo]] => [[tid]] => 44 ) ) ) [argument] => Array ( ) [sort] => Array ( ) [filter] => Array ( [machine_name] => views_handler_filter_vocabulary_machine_name Object ( [value_form_type] => checkboxes [value_options] => [value] => Array ( [hersteller_marke] => hersteller_marke ) [operator] => in [group_info] => All [always_multiple] => [no_operator] => [always_required] => [view] => view Object *RECURSION* [query] => views_plugin_query_default Object ( [table_queue] => Array ( [taxonomy_term_data] => Array ( [alias] => taxonomy_term_data [table] => taxonomy_term_data [relationship] => taxonomy_term_data [join] => ) [taxonomy_vocabulary] => Array ( [table] => taxonomy_vocabulary [num] => 1 [alias] => taxonomy_vocabulary [join] => views_join Object ( [table] => taxonomy_vocabulary [left_table] => taxonomy_term_data [left_field] => vid [field] => vid [extra] => [type] => LEFT [definition] => Array ( [left_field] => vid [field] => vid [table] => taxonomy_vocabulary [left_table] => taxonomy_term_data ) [extra_type] => AND [adjusted] => 1 ) [relationship] => taxonomy_term_data ) ) [tables] => Array ( [taxonomy_term_data] => Array ( [taxonomy_term_data] => Array ( [count] => 1 [alias] => taxonomy_term_data ) [taxonomy_vocabulary] => Array ( [count] => 1 [alias] => taxonomy_vocabulary ) ) ) [relationships] => Array ( [taxonomy_term_data] => Array ( [link] => [table] => taxonomy_term_data [alias] => taxonomy_term_data [base] => taxonomy_term_data ) ) [where] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [conditions] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [field] => taxonomy_vocabulary.machine_name [value] => Array ( [0] => hersteller_marke ) [operator] => in ) ) [args] => Array ( ) [type] => AND ) ) [having] => Array ( ) [group_operator] => AND [orderby] => Array ( ) [groupby] => Array ( ) [fields] => Array ( [taxonomy_term_data_name] => Array ( [field] => name [table] => taxonomy_term_data [alias] => taxonomy_term_data_name ) [taxonomy_term_data_vid] => Array ( [field] => vid [table] => taxonomy_term_data [alias] => taxonomy_term_data_vid ) [tid] => Array ( [field] => tid [table] => taxonomy_term_data [alias] => tid ) [taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name] => Array ( [field] => machine_name [table] => taxonomy_vocabulary [alias] => taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name ) [field_data_field_logo_taxonomy_term_entity_type] => Array ( [field] => 'taxonomy_term' [table] => [alias] => field_data_field_logo_taxonomy_term_entity_type ) ) [header] => Array ( ) [distinct] => [has_aggregate] => [get_count_optimized] => [pager] => views_plugin_pager_none Object ( [current_page] => [total_items] => 39 [view] => view Object *RECURSION* [display] => views_display Object *RECURSION* [plugin_type] => pager [plugin_name] => none [options] => Array ( [offset] => 0 [items_per_page] => 0 ) [definition] => Array ( [title] => Display all items [help] => Display all items that this view might find [handler] => views_plugin_pager_none [help topic] => pager-none [uses options] => 1 [type] => basic [module] => views [theme path] => sites/all/modules/views/theme [theme file] => [path] => sites/all/modules/views/plugins [file] => [parent] => parent [name] => none ) [is_plugin] => 1 ) [field_aliases] => Array ( [taxonomy_term_data] => Array ( [name] => taxonomy_term_data_name [vid] => taxonomy_term_data_vid [tid] => tid ) [taxonomy_vocabulary] => Array ( [machine_name] => taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name ) [] => Array ( ['taxonomy_term'] => field_data_field_logo_taxonomy_term_entity_type ) ) [tags] => Array ( ) [no_distinct] => [pure_distinct] => [view] => view Object *RECURSION* [display] => [plugin_type] => query [plugin_name] => views_query [options] => Array ( [disable_sql_rewrite] => [distinct] => [pure_distinct] => [slave] => [query_comment] => [query_tags] => Array ( ) ) [definition] => Array ( [title] => SQL Query [help] => Query will be generated and run using the Drupal database API. [handler] => views_plugin_query_default [module] => views [theme path] => sites/all/modules/views/theme [theme file] => [path] => sites/all/modules/views/plugins [file] => [parent] => parent [name] => views_query ) [is_plugin] => 1 [base_table] => taxonomy_term_data [base_field] => tid [count_field] => Array ( [table] => taxonomy_term_data [field] => tid [alias] => tid [count] => 1 ) ) [handler_type] => filter [table_alias] => taxonomy_vocabulary [real_field] => machine_name [relationship] => [options] => Array ( [id] => machine_name [table] => taxonomy_vocabulary [field] => machine_name [relationship] => none [group_type] => group [ui_name] => [operator] => in [value] => Array ( [hersteller_marke] => hersteller_marke ) [group] => 1 [exposed] => [expose] => Array ( [operator_id] => [label] => [description] => [use_operator] => [operator_label] => [operator] => [limit_operators] => [available_operators] => Array ( ) [identifier] => [required] => [remember] => [multiple] => [remember_roles] => Array ( [2] => 2 ) [reduce] => ) [is_grouped] => [group_info] => Array ( [label] => [description] => [identifier] => [optional] => 1 [widget] => select [multiple] => [remember] => 0 [default_group] => All [default_group_multiple] => Array ( ) [group_items] => Array ( ) ) ) [definition] => Array ( [help] => Filter the results of "Taxonomy: Term" to a particular vocabulary. [handler] => views_handler_filter_vocabulary_machine_name [group] => Taxonomy vocabulary [title] => Machine name ) [is_handler] => 1 [value_title] => Options [localization_keys] => Array ( [0] => default [1] => filter [2] => taxonomy_vocabulary [3] => machine_name ) [table] => taxonomy_vocabulary [field] => machine_name [position] => 0 ) ) [relationship] => Array ( ) [header] => Array ( ) [footer] => Array ( ) [empty] => Array ( ) ) [extender] => Array ( ) [display] => views_display Object *RECURSION* [plugin_type] => display [plugin_name] => block [options] => Array ( [defaults] => Array ( [access] => 1 [cache] => 1 [query] => 1 [title] => 1 [css_class] => 1 [display_description] => [use_ajax] => 1 [hide_attachment_summary] => 1 [hide_admin_links] => 1 [pager] => 1 [pager_options] => 1 [use_more] => 1 [use_more_always] => 1 [open_new_window] => [use_more_text] => 1 [exposed_form] => 1 [exposed_form_options] => 1 [link_display] => 1 [link_url] => [group_by] => 1 [style_plugin] => 1 [style_options] => 1 [row_plugin] => 1 [row_options] => 1 [header] => 1 [footer] => 1 [empty] => 1 [relationships] => 1 [fields] => 1 [sorts] => 1 [arguments] => 1 [filters] => 1 [filter_groups] => 1 ) [title] => [enabled] => 1 [display_comment] => [css_class] => [display_description] => [use_ajax] => [hide_attachment_summary] => [hide_admin_links] => [items_per_page] => 10 [offset] => 0 [use_pager] => [use_more] => [use_more_always] => [use_more_text] => more [link_display] => [link_url] => [group_by] => [field_language] => ***CURRENT_LANGUAGE*** [field_language_add_to_query] => 1 [access] => Array ( [type] => none ) [cache] => Array ( [type] => none ) [query] => Array ( [type] => views_query [options] => Array ( ) ) [exposed_form] => Array ( [type] => basic [options] => Array ( ) ) [pager] => Array ( [type] => full [options] => Array ( ) ) [style_plugin] => default [style_options] => Array ( ) [row_plugin] => fields [row_options] => Array ( ) [exposed_block] => [header] => Array ( ) [footer] => Array ( ) [empty] => Array ( ) [relationships] => Array ( ) [fields] => Array ( ) [sorts] => Array ( ) [arguments] => Array ( ) [filter_groups] => Array ( [operator] => AND [groups] => Array ( [1] => AND ) ) [filters] => Array ( ) [block_description] => [block_caching] => -1 ) [definition] => Array ( [title] => Block [help] => Display the view as a block. [handler] => views_plugin_display_block [theme] => views_view [uses hook block] => 1 [contextual links locations] => Array ( [0] => block ) [use ajax] => 1 [use pager] => 1 [use more] => 1 [accept attachments] => 1 [admin] => Block [help topic] => display-block [module] => views [theme path] => sites/all/modules/views/theme [theme file] => [path] => sites/all/modules/views/plugins [file] => [parent] => parent [name] => block [contextual links] => Array ( [views_ui] => Array ( [parent path] => admin/structure/views/view [argument properties] => Array ( [0] => name ) ) ) ) [is_plugin] => 1 [localization_keys] => Array ( [0] => block ) [default_display] => views_plugin_display_default Object ( [view] => view Object *RECURSION* [handlers] => Array ( ) [extender] => Array ( ) [display] => views_display Object ( [handler] => views_plugin_display_default Object *RECURSION* [display_options] => Array ( [query] => Array ( [type] => views_query [options] => Array ( ) ) [access] => Array ( [type] => perm ) [cache] => Array ( [type] => none ) [exposed_form] => Array ( [type] => basic ) [pager] => Array ( [type] => none [options] => Array ( [offset] => 0 ) ) [style_plugin] => default [row_plugin] => fields [fields] => Array ( [name] => Array ( [id] => name [table] => taxonomy_term_data [field] => name [relationship] => none [group_type] => group [ui_name] => [label] => [exclude] => 0 [alter] => Array ( [alter_text] => 0 [text] => [make_link] => 0 [path] => [absolute] => 0 [external] => 0 [replace_spaces] => 0 [path_case] => none [trim_whitespace] => 0 [alt] => [rel] => [link_class] => [prefix] => [suffix] => [target] => [nl2br] => 0 [max_length] => [word_boundary] => 0 [ellipsis] => 0 [more_link] => 0 [more_link_text] => [more_link_path] => [strip_tags] => 0 [trim] => 0 [preserve_tags] => [html] => 0 ) [element_type] => [element_class] => [element_label_type] => [element_label_class] => [element_label_colon] => [element_wrapper_type] => [element_wrapper_class] => [element_default_classes] => 1 [empty] => [hide_empty] => 0 [empty_zero] => 0 [hide_alter_empty] => 1 [link_to_taxonomy] => 0 [convert_spaces] => 0 ) [field_logo] => Array ( [id] => field_logo [table] => field_data_field_logo [field] => field_logo [relationship] => none [group_type] => group [ui_name] => [label] => [exclude] => 1 [alter] => Array ( [alter_text] => 0 [text] => [make_link] => 0 [path] => [absolute] => 0 [external] => 0 [replace_spaces] => 0 [path_case] => none [trim_whitespace] => 0 [alt] => [rel] => [link_class] => [prefix] => [suffix] => [target] => [nl2br] => 0 [max_length] => [word_boundary] => 1 [ellipsis] => 1 [more_link] => 0 [more_link_text] => [more_link_path] => [strip_tags] => 0 [trim] => 0 [preserve_tags] => [html] => 0 ) [element_type] => [element_class] => [element_label_type] => [element_label_class] => [element_label_colon] => [element_wrapper_type] => [element_wrapper_class] => [element_default_classes] => 1 [empty] => [hide_empty] => 0 [empty_zero] => 0 [hide_alter_empty] => 1 [click_sort_column] => fid [type] => image_url [settings] => Array ( [url_type] => 0 [image_style] => hersteller_logos [image_link] => ) [group_column] => [group_columns] => Array ( ) [group_rows] => 1 [delta_limit] => all [delta_offset] => 0 [delta_reversed] => [delta_first_last] => [delta_random] => [multi_type] => separator [separator] => , [field_api_classes] => 0 ) [tid] => Array ( [id] => tid [table] => taxonomy_term_data [field] => tid [relationship] => none [group_type] => group [ui_name] => [label] => [exclude] => 0 [alter] => Array ( [alter_text] => 0 [text] => [make_link] => 0 [path] => [absolute] => 0 [external] => 0 [replace_spaces] => 0 [path_case] => none [trim_whitespace] => 0 [alt] => [rel] => [link_class] => [prefix] => [suffix] => [target] => [nl2br] => 0 [max_length] => [word_boundary] => 1 [ellipsis] => 1 [more_link] => 0 [more_link_text] => [more_link_path] => [strip_tags] => 0 [trim] => 0 [preserve_tags] => [html] => 0 ) [element_type] => [element_class] => [element_label_type] => [element_label_class] => [element_label_colon] => [element_wrapper_type] => [element_wrapper_class] => [element_default_classes] => 1 [empty] => [hide_empty] => 0 [empty_zero] => 0 [hide_alter_empty] => 1 [set_precision] => [precision] => 0 [decimal] => . [separator] => [format_plural] => 0 [format_plural_singular] => 1 [format_plural_plural] => @count [prefix] => [suffix] => ) ) [filters] => Array ( [machine_name] => Array ( [id] => machine_name [table] => taxonomy_vocabulary [field] => machine_name [value] => Array ( [hersteller_marke] => hersteller_marke ) ) ) [sorts] => Array ( ) [title] => Unsere Marken ) [db_table] => views_display [vid] => 9 [id] => default [display_title] => Master [display_plugin] => default [position] => 1 ) [plugin_type] => display [plugin_name] => default [options] => Array ( [title] => Unsere Marken [enabled] => 1 [display_comment] => [css_class] => [display_description] => [use_ajax] => [hide_attachment_summary] => [hide_admin_links] => [items_per_page] => 10 [offset] => 0 [use_pager] => [use_more] => [use_more_always] => [use_more_text] => more [link_display] => [link_url] => [group_by] => [field_language] => ***CURRENT_LANGUAGE*** [field_language_add_to_query] => 1 [access] => Array ( [type] => perm ) [cache] => Array ( [type] => none ) [query] => Array ( [type] => views_query [options] => Array ( ) ) [exposed_form] => Array ( [type] => basic [options] => Array ( ) ) [pager] => Array ( [type] => none [options] => Array ( [offset] => 0 ) ) [style_plugin] => default [style_options] => Array ( ) [row_plugin] => fields [row_options] => Array ( ) [exposed_block] => [header] => Array ( ) [footer] => Array ( ) [empty] => Array ( ) [relationships] => Array ( ) [fields] => Array ( [name] => Array ( [id] => name [table] => taxonomy_term_data [field] => name [relationship] => none [group_type] => group [ui_name] => [label] => [exclude] => 0 [alter] => Array ( [alter_text] => 0 [text] => [make_link] => 0 [path] => [absolute] => 0 [external] => 0 [replace_spaces] => 0 [path_case] => none [trim_whitespace] => 0 [alt] => [rel] => [link_class] => [prefix] => [suffix] => [target] => [nl2br] => 0 [max_length] => [word_boundary] => 0 [ellipsis] => 0 [more_link] => 0 [more_link_text] => [more_link_path] => [strip_tags] => 0 [trim] => 0 [preserve_tags] => [html] => 0 ) [element_type] => [element_class] => [element_label_type] => [element_label_class] => [element_label_colon] => [element_wrapper_type] => [element_wrapper_class] => [element_default_classes] => 1 [empty] => [hide_empty] => 0 [empty_zero] => 0 [hide_alter_empty] => 1 [link_to_taxonomy] => 0 [convert_spaces] => 0 ) [field_logo] => Array ( [id] => field_logo [table] => field_data_field_logo [field] => field_logo [relationship] => none [group_type] => group [ui_name] => [label] => [exclude] => 1 [alter] => Array ( [alter_text] => 0 [text] => [make_link] => 0 [path] => [absolute] => 0 [external] => 0 [replace_spaces] => 0 [path_case] => none [trim_whitespace] => 0 [alt] => [rel] => [link_class] => [prefix] => [suffix] => [target] => [nl2br] => 0 [max_length] => [word_boundary] => 1 [ellipsis] => 1 [more_link] => 0 [more_link_text] => [more_link_path] => [strip_tags] => 0 [trim] => 0 [preserve_tags] => [html] => 0 ) [element_type] => [element_class] => [element_label_type] => [element_label_class] => [element_label_colon] => [element_wrapper_type] => [element_wrapper_class] => [element_default_classes] => 1 [empty] => [hide_empty] => 0 [empty_zero] => 0 [hide_alter_empty] => 1 [click_sort_column] => fid [type] => image_url [settings] => Array ( [url_type] => 0 [image_style] => hersteller_logos [image_link] => ) [group_column] => [group_columns] => Array ( ) [group_rows] => 1 [delta_limit] => all [delta_offset] => 0 [delta_reversed] => [delta_first_last] => [delta_random] => [multi_type] => separator [separator] => , [field_api_classes] => 0 ) [tid] => Array ( [id] => tid [table] => taxonomy_term_data [field] => tid [relationship] => none [group_type] => group [ui_name] => [label] => [exclude] => 0 [alter] => Array ( [alter_text] => 0 [text] => [make_link] => 0 [path] => [absolute] => 0 [external] => 0 [replace_spaces] => 0 [path_case] => none [trim_whitespace] => 0 [alt] => [rel] => [link_class] => [prefix] => [suffix] => [target] => [nl2br] => 0 [max_length] => [word_boundary] => 1 [ellipsis] => 1 [more_link] => 0 [more_link_text] => [more_link_path] => [strip_tags] => 0 [trim] => 0 [preserve_tags] => [html] => 0 ) [element_type] => [element_class] => [element_label_type] => [element_label_class] => [element_label_colon] => [element_wrapper_type] => [element_wrapper_class] => [element_default_classes] => 1 [empty] => [hide_empty] => 0 [empty_zero] => 0 [hide_alter_empty] => 1 [set_precision] => [precision] => 0 [decimal] => . [separator] => [format_plural] => 0 [format_plural_singular] => 1 [format_plural_plural] => @count [prefix] => [suffix] => ) ) [sorts] => Array ( ) [arguments] => Array ( ) [filter_groups] => Array ( [operator] => AND [groups] => Array ( [1] => AND ) ) [filters] => Array ( [machine_name] => Array ( [id] => machine_name [table] => taxonomy_vocabulary [field] => machine_name [value] => Array ( [hersteller_marke] => hersteller_marke ) ) ) ) [definition] => Array ( [title] => Master [help] => Default settings for this view. [handler] => views_plugin_display_default [theme] => views_view [no ui] => 1 [no remove] => 1 [js] => Array ( [0] => misc/form.js [1] => misc/collapse.js [2] => misc/textarea.js [3] => misc/tabledrag.js [4] => misc/autocomplete.js [5] => sites/all/modules/ctools/js/dependent.js ) [use ajax] => 1 [use pager] => 1 [use more] => 1 [accept attachments] => 1 [help topic] => display-default [module] => views [theme path] => sites/all/modules/views/theme [theme file] => [path] => sites/all/modules/views/plugins [file] => [parent] => parent [name] => default [contextual links] => Array ( [views_ui] => Array ( [parent path] => admin/structure/views/view [argument properties] => Array ( [0] => name ) ) ) ) [is_plugin] => 1 [localization_keys] => Array ( [0] => default ) ) ) [display_options] => Array ( [query] => Array ( [type] => views_query [options] => Array ( ) ) ) [db_table] => views_display [vid] => 9 [id] => block [display_title] => Block [display_plugin] => block [position] => 2 ) [plugin_type] => style [plugin_name] => default [options] => Array ( [grouping] => Array ( ) [row_class] => [default_row_class] => 1 [row_class_special] => 1 [uses_fields] => ) [definition] => Array ( [title] => Unformatted list [help] => Displays rows one after another. [handler] => views_plugin_style_default [theme] => views_view_unformatted [uses row plugin] => 1 [uses row class] => 1 [uses grouping] => 1 [uses options] => 1 [type] => normal [help topic] => style-unformatted [module] => views [theme path] => sites/all/modules/views/theme [theme file] => [path] => sites/all/modules/views/plugins [file] => [parent] => parent [name] => default ) [is_plugin] => 1 [rendered_fields] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Abyss [field_logo] => [tid] => 481 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => bassetti [field_logo] => [tid] => 27 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Carl Ross [field_logo] => [tid] => 482 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Carma [field_logo] => [tid] => 43 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Cawö [field_logo] => [tid] => 37 ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Christian Fischbacher [field_logo] => [tid] => 29 ) [6] => Array ( [name] => Christine Kröncke [field_logo] => [tid] => 9 ) [7] => Array ( [name] => Coburger Werkstätte [field_logo] => [tid] => 13 ) [8] => Array ( [name] => Curt Bauer [field_logo] => [tid] => 396 ) [9] => Array ( [name] => Dormabell [field_logo] => [tid] => 1 ) [10] => Array ( [name] => Eagle Products [field_logo] => [tid] => 46 ) [11] => Array ( [name] => Elegante [field_logo] => [tid] => 22 ) [12] => Array ( [name] => Estella [field_logo] => [tid] => 23 ) [13] => Array ( [name] => Fleuresse [field_logo] => [tid] => 25 ) [14] => Array ( [name] => Graser [field_logo] => [tid] => 28 ) [15] => Array ( [name] => Hasena [field_logo] => [tid] => 7 ) [16] => Array ( [name] => Janine [field_logo] => [tid] => 24 ) [17] => Array ( [name] => JOOP! [field_logo] => [tid] => 26 ) [18] => Array ( [name] => Kauffmann [field_logo] => [tid] => 398 ) [19] => Array ( [name] => Kirchner Betten [field_logo] => [tid] => 11 ) [20] => Array ( [name] => Morgenstern [field_logo] => [tid] => 39 ) [21] => Array ( [name] => MÖVE [field_logo] => [tid] => 38 ) [22] => Array ( [name] => Pichler [field_logo] => [tid] => 40 ) [23] => Array ( [name] => Reichert Möbelwerkstätte [field_logo] => [tid] => 15 ) [24] => Array ( [name] => Rhomtuft [field_logo] => [tid] => 35 ) [25] => Array ( [name] => Ritter Decken [field_logo] => [tid] => 45 ) [26] => Array ( [name] => Ross [field_logo] => [tid] => 42 ) [27] => Array ( [name] => RÖWA [field_logo] => [tid] => 2 ) [28] => Array ( [name] => Rummel [field_logo] => [tid] => 3 ) [29] => Array ( [name] => Sander [field_logo] => [tid] => 41 ) [30] => Array ( [name] => Schlossberg [field_logo] => [tid] => 30 ) [31] => Array ( [name] => Schramm [field_logo] => [tid] => 4 ) [32] => Array ( [name] => Signet [field_logo] => [tid] => 8 ) [33] => Array ( [name] => Tempur [field_logo] => [tid] => 6 ) [34] => Array ( [name] => Traumina [field_logo] => [tid] => 19 ) [35] => Array ( [name] => Treca Interiors Paris [field_logo] => [tid] => 399 ) [36] => Array ( [name] => Velda [field_logo] => [tid] => 17 ) [37] => Array ( [name] => Zack [field_logo] => [tid] => 10 ) [38] => Array ( [name] => Zoeppritz [field_logo] => [tid] => 44 ) ) [render_tokens] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [%q] => node/44 [[name]] => Abyss [[field_logo]] => [[tid]] => 481 ) [1] => Array ( [%q] => node/44 [[name]] => bassetti [[field_logo]] => [[tid]] => 27 ) [2] => Array ( [%q] => node/44 [[name]] => Carl Ross [[field_logo]] => [[tid]] => 482 ) [3] => Array ( [%q] => node/44 [[name]] => Carma [[field_logo]] => [[tid]] => 43 ) [4] => Array ( [%q] => node/44 [[name]] => Cawö [[field_logo]] => [[tid]] => 37 ) [5] => Array ( [%q] => node/44 [[name]] => Christian Fischbacher [[field_logo]] => [[tid]] => 29 ) [6] => Array ( [%q] => node/44 [[name]] => Christine Kröncke [[field_logo]] => [[tid]] => 9 ) [7] => Array ( [%q] => node/44 [[name]] => Coburger Werkstätte [[field_logo]] => [[tid]] => 13 ) [8] => Array ( [%q] => node/44 [[name]] => Curt Bauer [[field_logo]] => [[tid]] => 396 ) [9] => Array ( [%q] => node/44 [[name]] => Dormabell [[field_logo]] => [[tid]] => 1 ) [10] => Array ( [%q] => node/44 [[name]] => Eagle Products [[field_logo]] => [[tid]] => 46 ) [11] => Array ( [%q] => node/44 [[name]] => Elegante [[field_logo]] => [[tid]] => 22 ) [12] => Array ( [%q] => node/44 [[name]] => Estella [[field_logo]] => [[tid]] => 23 ) [13] => Array ( [%q] => node/44 [[name]] => Fleuresse [[field_logo]] => [[tid]] => 25 ) [14] => Array ( [%q] => node/44 [[name]] => Graser [[field_logo]] => [[tid]] => 28 ) [15] => Array ( [%q] => node/44 [[name]] => Hasena [[field_logo]] => [[tid]] => 7 ) [16] => Array ( [%q] => node/44 [[name]] => Janine [[field_logo]] => [[tid]] => 24 ) [17] => Array ( [%q] => node/44 [[name]] => JOOP! [[field_logo]] => [[tid]] => 26 ) [18] => Array ( [%q] => node/44 [[name]] => Kauffmann [[field_logo]] => [[tid]] => 398 ) [19] => Array ( [%q] => node/44 [[name]] => Kirchner Betten [[field_logo]] => [[tid]] => 11 ) [20] => Array ( [%q] => node/44 [[name]] => Morgenstern [[field_logo]] => [[tid]] => 39 ) [21] => Array ( [%q] => node/44 [[name]] => MÖVE [[field_logo]] => [[tid]] => 38 ) [22] => Array ( [%q] => node/44 [[name]] => Pichler [[field_logo]] => [[tid]] => 40 ) [23] => Array ( [%q] => node/44 [[name]] => Reichert Möbelwerkstätte [[field_logo]] => [[tid]] => 15 ) [24] => Array ( [%q] => node/44 [[name]] => Rhomtuft [[field_logo]] => [[tid]] => 35 ) [25] => Array ( [%q] => node/44 [[name]] => Ritter Decken [[field_logo]] => [[tid]] => 45 ) [26] => Array ( [%q] => node/44 [[name]] => Ross [[field_logo]] => [[tid]] => 42 ) [27] => Array ( [%q] => node/44 [[name]] => RÖWA [[field_logo]] => [[tid]] => 2 ) [28] => Array ( [%q] => node/44 [[name]] => Rummel [[field_logo]] => [[tid]] => 3 ) [29] => Array ( [%q] => node/44 [[name]] => Sander [[field_logo]] => [[tid]] => 41 ) [30] => Array ( [%q] => node/44 [[name]] => Schlossberg [[field_logo]] => [[tid]] => 30 ) [31] => Array ( [%q] => node/44 [[name]] => Schramm [[field_logo]] => [[tid]] => 4 ) [32] => Array ( [%q] => node/44 [[name]] => Signet [[field_logo]] => [[tid]] => 8 ) [33] => Array ( [%q] => node/44 [[name]] => Tempur [[field_logo]] => [[tid]] => 6 ) [34] => Array ( [%q] => node/44 [[name]] => Traumina [[field_logo]] => [[tid]] => 19 ) [35] => Array ( [%q] => node/44 [[name]] => Treca Interiors Paris [[field_logo]] => [[tid]] => 399 ) [36] => Array ( [%q] => node/44 [[name]] => Velda [[field_logo]] => [[tid]] => 17 ) [37] => Array ( [%q] => node/44 [[name]] => Zack [[field_logo]] => [[tid]] => 10 ) [38] => Array ( [%q] => node/44 [[name]] => Zoeppritz [[field_logo]] => [[tid]] => 44 ) ) ) [style_options] => Array ( ) [override_url] => [override_path] => [base_database] => [field] => Array ( [name] => views_handler_field_taxonomy Object ( [field_alias] => taxonomy_term_data_name [aliases] => Array ( [vid] => taxonomy_term_data_vid [tid] => tid [name] => taxonomy_term_data_name [vocabulary_machine_name] => taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name ) [original_value] => Zoeppritz [additional_fields] => Array ( [vid] => vid [tid] => tid [name] => name [vocabulary_machine_name] => Array ( [table] => taxonomy_vocabulary [field] => machine_name ) ) [last_render_index:protected] => 38 [view] => view Object *RECURSION* [query] => views_plugin_query_default Object ( [table_queue] => Array ( [taxonomy_term_data] => Array ( [alias] => taxonomy_term_data [table] => taxonomy_term_data [relationship] => taxonomy_term_data [join] => ) [taxonomy_vocabulary] => Array ( [table] => taxonomy_vocabulary [num] => 1 [alias] => taxonomy_vocabulary [join] => views_join Object ( [table] => taxonomy_vocabulary [left_table] => taxonomy_term_data [left_field] => vid [field] => vid [extra] => [type] => LEFT [definition] => Array ( [left_field] => vid [field] => vid [table] => taxonomy_vocabulary [left_table] => taxonomy_term_data ) [extra_type] => AND [adjusted] => 1 ) [relationship] => taxonomy_term_data ) ) [tables] => Array ( [taxonomy_term_data] => Array ( [taxonomy_term_data] => Array ( [count] => 1 [alias] => taxonomy_term_data ) [taxonomy_vocabulary] => Array ( [count] => 1 [alias] => taxonomy_vocabulary ) ) ) [relationships] => Array ( [taxonomy_term_data] => Array ( [link] => [table] => taxonomy_term_data [alias] => taxonomy_term_data [base] => taxonomy_term_data ) ) [where] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [conditions] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [field] => taxonomy_vocabulary.machine_name [value] => Array ( [0] => hersteller_marke ) [operator] => in ) ) [args] => Array ( ) [type] => AND ) ) [having] => Array ( ) [group_operator] => AND [orderby] => Array ( ) [groupby] => Array ( ) [fields] => Array ( [taxonomy_term_data_name] => Array ( [field] => name [table] => taxonomy_term_data [alias] => taxonomy_term_data_name ) [taxonomy_term_data_vid] => Array ( [field] => vid [table] => taxonomy_term_data [alias] => taxonomy_term_data_vid ) [tid] => Array ( [field] => tid [table] => taxonomy_term_data [alias] => tid ) [taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name] => Array ( [field] => machine_name [table] => taxonomy_vocabulary [alias] => taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name ) [field_data_field_logo_taxonomy_term_entity_type] => Array ( [field] => 'taxonomy_term' [table] => [alias] => field_data_field_logo_taxonomy_term_entity_type ) ) [header] => Array ( ) [distinct] => [has_aggregate] => [get_count_optimized] => [pager] => views_plugin_pager_none Object ( [current_page] => [total_items] => 39 [view] => view Object *RECURSION* [display] => views_display Object ( [handler] => views_plugin_display_block Object ( [view] => view Object *RECURSION* [handlers] => Array ( [field] => Array *RECURSION* [argument] => Array ( ) [sort] => Array ( ) [filter] => Array ( [machine_name] => views_handler_filter_vocabulary_machine_name Object ( [value_form_type] => checkboxes [value_options] => [value] => Array ( [hersteller_marke] => hersteller_marke ) [operator] => in [group_info] => All [always_multiple] => [no_operator] => [always_required] => [view] => view Object *RECURSION* [query] => views_plugin_query_default Object *RECURSION* [handler_type] => filter [table_alias] => taxonomy_vocabulary [real_field] => machine_name [relationship] => [options] => Array ( [id] => machine_name [table] => taxonomy_vocabulary [field] => machine_name [relationship] => none [group_type] => group [ui_name] => [operator] => in [value] => Array ( [hersteller_marke] => hersteller_marke ) [group] => 1 [exposed] => [expose] => Array ( [operator_id] => [label] => [description] => [use_operator] => [operator_label] => [operator] => [limit_operators] => [available_operators] => Array ( ) [identifier] => [required] => [remember] => [multiple] => [remember_roles] => Array ( [2] => 2 ) [reduce] => ) [is_grouped] => [group_info] => Array ( [label] => [description] => [identifier] => [optional] => 1 [widget] => select [multiple] => [remember] => 0 [default_group] => All [default_group_multiple] => Array ( ) [group_items] => Array ( ) ) ) [definition] => Array ( [help] => Filter the results of "Taxonomy: Term" to a particular vocabulary. [handler] => views_handler_filter_vocabulary_machine_name [group] => Taxonomy vocabulary [title] => Machine name ) [is_handler] => 1 [value_title] => Options [localization_keys] => Array ( [0] => default [1] => filter [2] => taxonomy_vocabulary [3] => machine_name ) [table] => taxonomy_vocabulary [field] => machine_name [position] => 0 ) ) [relationship] => Array ( ) [header] => Array ( ) [footer] => Array ( ) [empty] => Array ( ) ) [extender] => Array ( ) [display] => views_display Object *RECURSION* [plugin_type] => display [plugin_name] => block [options] => Array ( [defaults] => Array ( [access] => 1 [cache] => 1 [query] => 1 [title] => 1 [css_class] => 1 [display_description] => [use_ajax] => 1 [hide_attachment_summary] => 1 [hide_admin_links] => 1 [pager] => 1 [pager_options] => 1 [use_more] => 1 [use_more_always] => 1 [open_new_window] => [use_more_text] => 1 [exposed_form] => 1 [exposed_form_options] => 1 [link_display] => 1 [link_url] => [group_by] => 1 [style_plugin] => 1 [style_options] => 1 [row_plugin] => 1 [row_options] => 1 [header] => 1 [footer] => 1 [empty] => 1 [relationships] => 1 [fields] => 1 [sorts] => 1 [arguments] => 1 [filters] => 1 [filter_groups] => 1 ) [title] => [enabled] => 1 [display_comment] => [css_class] => [display_description] => [use_ajax] => [hide_attachment_summary] => [hide_admin_links] => [items_per_page] => 10 [offset] => 0 [use_pager] => [use_more] => [use_more_always] => [use_more_text] => more [link_display] => [link_url] => [group_by] => [field_language] => ***CURRENT_LANGUAGE*** [field_language_add_to_query] => 1 [access] => Array ( [type] => none ) [cache] => Array ( [type] => none ) [query] => Array ( [type] => views_query [options] => Array ( ) ) [exposed_form] => Array ( [type] => basic [options] => Array ( ) ) [pager] => Array ( [type] => full [options] => Array ( ) ) [style_plugin] => default [style_options] => Array ( ) [row_plugin] => fields [row_options] => Array ( ) [exposed_block] => [header] => Array ( ) [footer] => Array ( ) [empty] => Array ( ) [relationships] => Array ( ) [fields] => Array ( ) [sorts] => Array ( ) [arguments] => Array ( ) [filter_groups] => Array ( [operator] => AND [groups] => Array ( [1] => AND ) ) [filters] => Array ( ) [block_description] => [block_caching] => -1 ) [definition] => Array ( [title] => Block [help] => Display the view as a block. [handler] => views_plugin_display_block [theme] => views_view [uses hook block] => 1 [contextual links locations] => Array ( [0] => block ) [use ajax] => 1 [use pager] => 1 [use more] => 1 [accept attachments] => 1 [admin] => Block [help topic] => display-block [module] => views [theme path] => sites/all/modules/views/theme [theme file] => [path] => sites/all/modules/views/plugins [file] => [parent] => parent [name] => block [contextual links] => Array ( [views_ui] => Array ( [parent path] => admin/structure/views/view [argument properties] => Array ( [0] => name ) ) ) ) [is_plugin] => 1 [localization_keys] => Array ( [0] => block ) [default_display] => views_plugin_display_default Object ( [view] => view Object *RECURSION* [handlers] => Array ( ) [extender] => Array ( ) [display] => views_display Object ( [handler] => views_plugin_display_default Object *RECURSION* [display_options] => Array ( [query] => Array ( [type] => views_query [options] => Array ( ) ) [access] => Array ( [type] => perm ) [cache] => Array ( [type] => none ) [exposed_form] => Array ( [type] => basic ) [pager] => Array ( [type] => none [options] => Array ( [offset] => 0 ) ) [style_plugin] => default [row_plugin] => fields [fields] => Array ( [name] => Array ( [id] => name [table] => taxonomy_term_data [field] => name [relationship] => none [group_type] => group [ui_name] => [label] => [exclude] => 0 [alter] => Array ( [alter_text] => 0 [text] => [make_link] => 0 [path] => [absolute] => 0 [external] => 0 [replace_spaces] => 0 [path_case] => none [trim_whitespace] => 0 [alt] => [rel] => [link_class] => [prefix] => [suffix] => [target] => [nl2br] => 0 [max_length] => [word_boundary] => 0 [ellipsis] => 0 [more_link] => 0 [more_link_text] => [more_link_path] => [strip_tags] => 0 [trim] => 0 [preserve_tags] => [html] => 0 ) [element_type] => [element_class] => [element_label_type] => [element_label_class] => [element_label_colon] => [element_wrapper_type] => [element_wrapper_class] => [element_default_classes] => 1 [empty] => [hide_empty] => 0 [empty_zero] => 0 [hide_alter_empty] => 1 [link_to_taxonomy] => 0 [convert_spaces] => 0 ) [field_logo] => Array ( [id] => field_logo [table] => field_data_field_logo [field] => field_logo [relationship] => none [group_type] => group [ui_name] => [label] => [exclude] => 1 [alter] => Array ( [alter_text] => 0 [text] => [make_link] => 0 [path] => [absolute] => 0 [external] => 0 [replace_spaces] => 0 [path_case] => none [trim_whitespace] => 0 [alt] => [rel] => [link_class] => [prefix] => [suffix] => [target] => [nl2br] => 0 [max_length] => [word_boundary] => 1 [ellipsis] => 1 [more_link] => 0 [more_link_text] => [more_link_path] => [strip_tags] => 0 [trim] => 0 [preserve_tags] => [html] => 0 ) [element_type] => [element_class] => [element_label_type] => [element_label_class] => [element_label_colon] => [element_wrapper_type] => [element_wrapper_class] => [element_default_classes] => 1 [empty] => [hide_empty] => 0 [empty_zero] => 0 [hide_alter_empty] => 1 [click_sort_column] => fid [type] => image_url [settings] => Array ( [url_type] => 0 [image_style] => hersteller_logos [image_link] => ) [group_column] => [group_columns] => Array ( ) [group_rows] => 1 [delta_limit] => all [delta_offset] => 0 [delta_reversed] => [delta_first_last] => [delta_random] => [multi_type] => separator [separator] => , [field_api_classes] => 0 ) [tid] => Array ( [id] => tid [table] => taxonomy_term_data [field] => tid [relationship] => none [group_type] => group [ui_name] => [label] => [exclude] => 0 [alter] => Array ( [alter_text] => 0 [text] => [make_link] => 0 [path] => [absolute] => 0 [external] => 0 [replace_spaces] => 0 [path_case] => none [trim_whitespace] => 0 [alt] => [rel] => [link_class] => [prefix] => [suffix] => [target] => [nl2br] => 0 [max_length] => [word_boundary] => 1 [ellipsis] => 1 [more_link] => 0 [more_link_text] => [more_link_path] => [strip_tags] => 0 [trim] => 0 [preserve_tags] => [html] => 0 ) [element_type] => [element_class] => [element_label_type] => [element_label_class] => [element_label_colon] => [element_wrapper_type] => [element_wrapper_class] => [element_default_classes] => 1 [empty] => [hide_empty] => 0 [empty_zero] => 0 [hide_alter_empty] => 1 [set_precision] => [precision] => 0 [decimal] => . [separator] => [format_plural] => 0 [format_plural_singular] => 1 [format_plural_plural] => @count [prefix] => [suffix] => ) ) [filters] => Array ( [machine_name] => Array ( [id] => machine_name [table] => taxonomy_vocabulary [field] => machine_name [value] => Array ( [hersteller_marke] => hersteller_marke ) ) ) [sorts] => Array ( ) [title] => Unsere Marken ) [db_table] => views_display [vid] => 9 [id] => default [display_title] => Master [display_plugin] => default [position] => 1 ) [plugin_type] => display [plugin_name] => default [options] => Array ( [title] => Unsere Marken [enabled] => 1 [display_comment] => [css_class] => [display_description] => [use_ajax] => [hide_attachment_summary] => [hide_admin_links] => [items_per_page] => 10 [offset] => 0 [use_pager] => [use_more] => [use_more_always] => [use_more_text] => more [link_display] => [link_url] => [group_by] => [field_language] => ***CURRENT_LANGUAGE*** [field_language_add_to_query] => 1 [access] => Array ( [type] => perm ) [cache] => Array ( [type] => none ) [query] => Array ( [type] => views_query [options] => Array ( ) ) [exposed_form] => Array ( [type] => basic [options] => Array ( ) ) [pager] => Array ( [type] => none [options] => Array ( [offset] => 0 ) ) [style_plugin] => default [style_options] => Array ( ) [row_plugin] => fields [row_options] => Array ( ) [exposed_block] => [header] => Array ( ) [footer] => Array ( ) [empty] => Array ( ) [relationships] => Array ( ) [fields] => Array ( [name] => Array ( [id] => name [table] => taxonomy_term_data [field] => name [relationship] => none [group_type] => group [ui_name] => [label] => [exclude] => 0 [alter] => Array ( [alter_text] => 0 [text] => [make_link] => 0 [path] => [absolute] => 0 [external] => 0 [replace_spaces] => 0 [path_case] => none [trim_whitespace] => 0 [alt] => [rel] => [link_class] => [prefix] => [suffix] => [target] => [nl2br] => 0 [max_length] => [word_boundary] => 0 [ellipsis] => 0 [more_link] => 0 [more_link_text] => [more_link_path] => [strip_tags] => 0 [trim] => 0 [preserve_tags] => [html] => 0 ) [element_type] => [element_class] => [element_label_type] => [element_label_class] => [element_label_colon] => [element_wrapper_type] => [element_wrapper_class] => [element_default_classes] => 1 [empty] => [hide_empty] => 0 [empty_zero] => 0 [hide_alter_empty] => 1 [link_to_taxonomy] => 0 [convert_spaces] => 0 ) [field_logo] => Array ( [id] => field_logo [table] => field_data_field_logo [field] => field_logo [relationship] => none [group_type] => group [ui_name] => [label] => [exclude] => 1 [alter] => Array ( [alter_text] => 0 [text] => [make_link] => 0 [path] => [absolute] => 0 [external] => 0 [replace_spaces] => 0 [path_case] => none [trim_whitespace] => 0 [alt] => [rel] => [link_class] => [prefix] => [suffix] => [target] => [nl2br] => 0 [max_length] => [word_boundary] => 1 [ellipsis] => 1 [more_link] => 0 [more_link_text] => [more_link_path] => [strip_tags] => 0 [trim] => 0 [preserve_tags] => [html] => 0 ) [element_type] => [element_class] => [element_label_type] => [element_label_class] => [element_label_colon] => [element_wrapper_type] => [element_wrapper_class] => [element_default_classes] => 1 [empty] => [hide_empty] => 0 [empty_zero] => 0 [hide_alter_empty] => 1 [click_sort_column] => fid [type] => image_url [settings] => Array ( [url_type] => 0 [image_style] => hersteller_logos [image_link] => ) [group_column] => [group_columns] => Array ( ) [group_rows] => 1 [delta_limit] => all [delta_offset] => 0 [delta_reversed] => [delta_first_last] => [delta_random] => [multi_type] => separator [separator] => , [field_api_classes] => 0 ) [tid] => Array ( [id] => tid [table] => taxonomy_term_data [field] => tid [relationship] => none [group_type] => group [ui_name] => [label] => [exclude] => 0 [alter] => Array ( [alter_text] => 0 [text] => [make_link] => 0 [path] => [absolute] => 0 [external] => 0 [replace_spaces] => 0 [path_case] => none [trim_whitespace] => 0 [alt] => [rel] => [link_class] => [prefix] => [suffix] => [target] => [nl2br] => 0 [max_length] => [word_boundary] => 1 [ellipsis] => 1 [more_link] => 0 [more_link_text] => [more_link_path] => [strip_tags] => 0 [trim] => 0 [preserve_tags] => [html] => 0 ) [element_type] => [element_class] => [element_label_type] => [element_label_class] => [element_label_colon] => [element_wrapper_type] => [element_wrapper_class] => [element_default_classes] => 1 [empty] => [hide_empty] => 0 [empty_zero] => 0 [hide_alter_empty] => 1 [set_precision] => [precision] => 0 [decimal] => . [separator] => [format_plural] => 0 [format_plural_singular] => 1 [format_plural_plural] => @count [prefix] => [suffix] => ) ) [sorts] => Array ( ) [arguments] => Array ( ) [filter_groups] => Array ( [operator] => AND [groups] => Array ( [1] => AND ) ) [filters] => Array ( [machine_name] => Array ( [id] => machine_name [table] => taxonomy_vocabulary [field] => machine_name [value] => Array ( [hersteller_marke] => hersteller_marke ) ) ) ) [definition] => Array ( [title] => Master [help] => Default settings for this view. [handler] => views_plugin_display_default [theme] => views_view [no ui] => 1 [no remove] => 1 [js] => Array ( [0] => misc/form.js [1] => misc/collapse.js [2] => misc/textarea.js [3] => misc/tabledrag.js [4] => misc/autocomplete.js [5] => sites/all/modules/ctools/js/dependent.js ) [use ajax] => 1 [use pager] => 1 [use more] => 1 [accept attachments] => 1 [help topic] => display-default [module] => views [theme path] => sites/all/modules/views/theme [theme file] => [path] => sites/all/modules/views/plugins [file] => [parent] => parent [name] => default [contextual links] => Array ( [views_ui] => Array ( [parent path] => admin/structure/views/view [argument properties] => Array ( [0] => name ) ) ) ) [is_plugin] => 1 [localization_keys] => Array ( [0] => default ) ) ) [display_options] => Array ( [query] => Array ( [type] => views_query [options] => Array ( ) ) ) [db_table] => views_display [vid] => 9 [id] => block [display_title] => Block [display_plugin] => block [position] => 2 ) [plugin_type] => pager [plugin_name] => none [options] => Array ( [offset] => 0 [items_per_page] => 0 ) [definition] => Array ( [title] => Display all items [help] => Display all items that this view might find [handler] => views_plugin_pager_none [help topic] => pager-none [uses options] => 1 [type] => basic [module] => views [theme path] => sites/all/modules/views/theme [theme file] => [path] => sites/all/modules/views/plugins [file] => [parent] => parent [name] => none ) [is_plugin] => 1 ) [field_aliases] => Array ( [taxonomy_term_data] => Array ( [name] => taxonomy_term_data_name [vid] => taxonomy_term_data_vid [tid] => tid ) [taxonomy_vocabulary] => Array ( [machine_name] => taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name ) [] => Array ( ['taxonomy_term'] => field_data_field_logo_taxonomy_term_entity_type ) ) [tags] => Array ( ) [no_distinct] => [pure_distinct] => [view] => view Object *RECURSION* [display] => [plugin_type] => query [plugin_name] => views_query [options] => Array ( [disable_sql_rewrite] => [distinct] => [pure_distinct] => [slave] => [query_comment] => [query_tags] => Array ( ) ) [definition] => Array ( [title] => SQL Query [help] => Query will be generated and run using the Drupal database API. [handler] => views_plugin_query_default [module] => views [theme path] => sites/all/modules/views/theme [theme file] => [path] => sites/all/modules/views/plugins [file] => [parent] => parent [name] => views_query ) [is_plugin] => 1 [base_table] => taxonomy_term_data [base_field] => tid [count_field] => Array ( [table] => taxonomy_term_data [field] => tid [alias] => tid [count] => 1 ) ) [handler_type] => field [table_alias] => taxonomy_term_data [real_field] => name [relationship] => [options] => Array ( [id] => name [table] => taxonomy_term_data [field] => name [relationship] => none [group_type] => group [ui_name] => [label] => [exclude] => 0 [alter] => Array ( [alter_text] => 0 [text] => [make_link] => 0 [path] => [absolute] => 0 [external] => 0 [replace_spaces] => 0 [unwanted_characters] => [path_case] => none [trim_whitespace] => 0 [alt] => [rel] => [link_class] => [prefix] => [suffix] => [target] => [nl2br] => 0 [max_length] => [word_boundary] => 0 [ellipsis] => 0 [more_link] => 0 [more_link_text] => [more_link_path] => [strip_tags] => 0 [trim] => 0 [preserve_tags] => [html] => 0 ) [element_type] => [element_class] => [element_label_type] => [element_label_class] => [element_label_colon] => [element_wrapper_type] => [element_wrapper_class] => [element_default_classes] => 1 [empty] => [hide_empty] => 0 [empty_zero] => 0 [hide_alter_empty] => 1 [link_to_taxonomy] => 0 [convert_spaces] => 0 ) [definition] => Array ( [handler] => views_handler_field_taxonomy [click sortable] => 1 [group] => Taxonomy term [title] => Name [help] => The taxonomy term name. ) [is_handler] => 1 [localization_keys] => Array ( [0] => default [1] => field [2] => taxonomy_term_data [3] => name ) [table] => taxonomy_term_data [field] => name [position] => 0 [last_render] => Zoeppritz [last_render_text] => Zoeppritz ) [field_logo] => views_handler_field_field Object ( [items] => Array ( ) [field_info] => Array ( [translatable] => 0 [entity_types] => Array ( ) [settings] => Array ( [uri_scheme] => public [default_image] => 1 ) [storage] => Array ( [type] => field_sql_storage [settings] => Array ( ) [module] => field_sql_storage [active] => 1 [details] => Array ( [sql] => Array ( [FIELD_LOAD_CURRENT] => Array ( [field_data_field_logo] => Array ( [fid] => field_logo_fid [alt] => field_logo_alt [title] => field_logo_title [width] => field_logo_width [height] => field_logo_height ) ) [FIELD_LOAD_REVISION] => Array ( [field_revision_field_logo] => Array ( [fid] => field_logo_fid [alt] => field_logo_alt [title] => field_logo_title [width] => field_logo_width [height] => field_logo_height ) ) ) ) ) [foreign keys] => Array ( [fid] => Array ( [table] => file_managed [columns] => Array ( [fid] => fid ) ) ) [indexes] => Array ( [fid] => Array ( [0] => fid ) ) [id] => 9 [field_name] => field_logo [type] => image [module] => image [active] => 1 [locked] => 0 [cardinality] => 1 [deleted] => 0 [columns] => Array ( [fid] => Array ( [description] => The {file_managed}.fid being referenced in this field. [type] => int [not null] => [unsigned] => 1 ) [alt] => Array ( [description] => Alternative image text, for the image's 'alt' attribute. [type] => varchar [length] => 512 [not null] => ) [title] => Array ( [description] => Image title text, for the image's 'title' attribute. [type] => varchar [length] => 1024 [not null] => ) [width] => Array ( [description] => The width of the image in pixels. [type] => int [unsigned] => 1 ) [height] => Array ( [description] => The height of the image in pixels. [type] => int [unsigned] => 1 ) ) [bundles] => Array ( [node] => Array ( [0] => filialen ) [taxonomy_term] => Array ( [0] => hersteller_marke [1] => lieferant ) ) ) [multiple] => [limit_values] => [base_table] => taxonomy_term_data [instance] => [field_alias] => tid [aliases] => Array ( [entity_type] => field_data_field_logo_taxonomy_term_entity_type ) [original_value] => [additional_fields] => Array ( [0] => delta [1] => language [2] => bundle [3] => field_logo_fid [4] => field_logo_alt [5] => field_logo_title [6] => field_logo_width [7] => field_logo_height ) [last_render_index:protected] => 38 [view] => view Object *RECURSION* [query] => views_plugin_query_default Object ( [table_queue] => Array ( [taxonomy_term_data] => Array ( [alias] => taxonomy_term_data [table] => taxonomy_term_data [relationship] => taxonomy_term_data [join] => ) [taxonomy_vocabulary] => Array ( [table] => taxonomy_vocabulary [num] => 1 [alias] => taxonomy_vocabulary [join] => views_join Object ( [table] => taxonomy_vocabulary [left_table] => taxonomy_term_data [left_field] => vid [field] => vid [extra] => [type] => LEFT [definition] => Array ( [left_field] => vid [field] => vid [table] => taxonomy_vocabulary [left_table] => taxonomy_term_data ) [extra_type] => AND [adjusted] => 1 ) [relationship] => taxonomy_term_data ) ) [tables] => Array ( [taxonomy_term_data] => Array ( [taxonomy_term_data] => Array ( [count] => 1 [alias] => taxonomy_term_data ) [taxonomy_vocabulary] => Array ( [count] => 1 [alias] => taxonomy_vocabulary ) ) ) [relationships] => Array ( [taxonomy_term_data] => Array ( [link] => [table] => taxonomy_term_data [alias] => taxonomy_term_data [base] => taxonomy_term_data ) ) [where] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [conditions] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [field] => taxonomy_vocabulary.machine_name [value] => Array ( [0] => hersteller_marke ) [operator] => in ) ) [args] => Array ( ) [type] => AND ) ) [having] => Array ( ) [group_operator] => AND [orderby] => Array ( ) [groupby] => Array ( ) [fields] => Array ( [taxonomy_term_data_name] => Array ( [field] => name [table] => taxonomy_term_data [alias] => taxonomy_term_data_name ) [taxonomy_term_data_vid] => Array ( [field] => vid [table] => taxonomy_term_data [alias] => taxonomy_term_data_vid ) [tid] => Array ( [field] => tid [table] => taxonomy_term_data [alias] => tid ) [taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name] => Array ( [field] => machine_name [table] => taxonomy_vocabulary [alias] => taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name ) [field_data_field_logo_taxonomy_term_entity_type] => Array ( [field] => 'taxonomy_term' [table] => [alias] => field_data_field_logo_taxonomy_term_entity_type ) ) [header] => Array ( ) [distinct] => [has_aggregate] => [get_count_optimized] => [pager] => views_plugin_pager_none Object ( [current_page] => [total_items] => 39 [view] => view Object *RECURSION* [display] => views_display Object ( [handler] => views_plugin_display_block Object ( [view] => view Object *RECURSION* [handlers] => Array ( [field] => Array *RECURSION* [argument] => Array ( ) [sort] => Array ( ) [filter] => Array ( [machine_name] => views_handler_filter_vocabulary_machine_name Object ( [value_form_type] => checkboxes [value_options] => [value] => Array ( [hersteller_marke] => hersteller_marke ) [operator] => in [group_info] => All [always_multiple] => [no_operator] => [always_required] => [view] => view Object *RECURSION* [query] => views_plugin_query_default Object *RECURSION* [handler_type] => filter [table_alias] => taxonomy_vocabulary [real_field] => machine_name [relationship] => [options] => Array ( [id] => machine_name [table] => taxonomy_vocabulary [field] => machine_name [relationship] => none [group_type] => group [ui_name] => [operator] => in [value] => Array ( [hersteller_marke] => hersteller_marke ) [group] => 1 [exposed] => [expose] => Array ( [operator_id] => [label] => [description] => [use_operator] => [operator_label] => [operator] => [limit_operators] => [available_operators] => Array ( ) [identifier] => [required] => [remember] => [multiple] => [remember_roles] => Array ( [2] => 2 ) [reduce] => ) [is_grouped] => [group_info] => Array ( [label] => [description] => [identifier] => [optional] => 1 [widget] => select [multiple] => [remember] => 0 [default_group] => All [default_group_multiple] => Array ( ) [group_items] => Array ( ) ) ) [definition] => Array ( [help] => Filter the results of "Taxonomy: Term" to a particular vocabulary. [handler] => views_handler_filter_vocabulary_machine_name [group] => Taxonomy vocabulary [title] => Machine name ) [is_handler] => 1 [value_title] => Options [localization_keys] => Array ( [0] => default [1] => filter [2] => taxonomy_vocabulary [3] => machine_name ) [table] => taxonomy_vocabulary [field] => machine_name [position] => 0 ) ) [relationship] => Array ( ) [header] => Array ( ) [footer] => Array ( ) [empty] => Array ( ) ) [extender] => Array ( ) [display] => views_display Object *RECURSION* [plugin_type] => display [plugin_name] => block [options] => Array ( [defaults] => Array ( [access] => 1 [cache] => 1 [query] => 1 [title] => 1 [css_class] => 1 [display_description] => [use_ajax] => 1 [hide_attachment_summary] => 1 [hide_admin_links] => 1 [pager] => 1 [pager_options] => 1 [use_more] => 1 [use_more_always] => 1 [open_new_window] => [use_more_text] => 1 [exposed_form] => 1 [exposed_form_options] => 1 [link_display] => 1 [link_url] => [group_by] => 1 [style_plugin] => 1 [style_options] => 1 [row_plugin] => 1 [row_options] => 1 [header] => 1 [footer] => 1 [empty] => 1 [relationships] => 1 [fields] => 1 [sorts] => 1 [arguments] => 1 [filters] => 1 [filter_groups] => 1 ) [title] => [enabled] => 1 [display_comment] => [css_class] => [display_description] => [use_ajax] => [hide_attachment_summary] => [hide_admin_links] => [items_per_page] => 10 [offset] => 0 [use_pager] => [use_more] => [use_more_always] => [use_more_text] => more [link_display] => [link_url] => [group_by] => [field_language] => ***CURRENT_LANGUAGE*** [field_language_add_to_query] => 1 [access] => Array ( [type] => none ) [cache] => Array ( [type] => none ) [query] => Array ( [type] => views_query [options] => Array ( ) ) [exposed_form] => Array ( [type] => basic [options] => Array ( ) ) [pager] => Array ( [type] => full [options] => Array ( ) ) [style_plugin] => default [style_options] => Array ( ) [row_plugin] => fields [row_options] => Array ( ) [exposed_block] => [header] => Array ( ) [footer] => Array ( ) [empty] => Array ( ) [relationships] => Array ( ) [fields] => Array ( ) [sorts] => Array ( ) [arguments] => Array ( ) [filter_groups] => Array ( [operator] => AND [groups] => Array ( [1] => AND ) ) [filters] => Array ( ) [block_description] => [block_caching] => -1 ) [definition] => Array ( [title] => Block [help] => Display the view as a block. [handler] => views_plugin_display_block [theme] => views_view [uses hook block] => 1 [contextual links locations] => Array ( [0] => block ) [use ajax] => 1 [use pager] => 1 [use more] => 1 [accept attachments] => 1 [admin] => Block [help topic] => display-block [module] => views [theme path] => sites/all/modules/views/theme [theme file] => [path] => sites/all/modules/views/plugins [file] => [parent] => parent [name] => block [contextual links] => Array ( [views_ui] => Array ( [parent path] => admin/structure/views/view [argument properties] => Array ( [0] => name ) ) ) ) [is_plugin] => 1 [localization_keys] => Array ( [0] => block ) [default_display] => views_plugin_display_default Object ( [view] => view Object *RECURSION* [handlers] => Array ( ) [extender] => Array ( ) [display] => views_display Object ( [handler] => views_plugin_display_default Object *RECURSION* [display_options] => Array ( [query] => Array ( [type] => views_query [options] => Array ( ) ) [access] => Array ( [type] => perm ) [cache] => Array ( [type] => none ) [exposed_form] => Array ( [type] => basic ) [pager] => Array ( [type] => none [options] => Array ( [offset] => 0 ) ) [style_plugin] => default [row_plugin] => fields [fields] => Array ( [name] => Array ( [id] => name [table] => taxonomy_term_data [field] => name [relationship] => none [group_type] => group [ui_name] => [label] => [exclude] => 0 [alter] => Array ( [alter_text] => 0 [text] => [make_link] => 0 [path] => [absolute] => 0 [external] => 0 [replace_spaces] => 0 [path_case] => none [trim_whitespace] => 0 [alt] => [rel] => [link_class] => [prefix] => [suffix] => [target] => [nl2br] => 0 [max_length] => [word_boundary] => 0 [ellipsis] => 0 [more_link] => 0 [more_link_text] => [more_link_path] => [strip_tags] => 0 [trim] => 0 [preserve_tags] => [html] => 0 ) [element_type] => [element_class] => [element_label_type] => [element_label_class] => [element_label_colon] => [element_wrapper_type] => [element_wrapper_class] => [element_default_classes] => 1 [empty] => [hide_empty] => 0 [empty_zero] => 0 [hide_alter_empty] => 1 [link_to_taxonomy] => 0 [convert_spaces] => 0 ) [field_logo] => Array ( [id] => field_logo [table] => field_data_field_logo [field] => field_logo [relationship] => none [group_type] => group [ui_name] => [label] => [exclude] => 1 [alter] => Array ( [alter_text] => 0 [text] => [make_link] => 0 [path] => [absolute] => 0 [external] => 0 [replace_spaces] => 0 [path_case] => none [trim_whitespace] => 0 [alt] => [rel] => [link_class] => [prefix] => [suffix] => [target] => [nl2br] => 0 [max_length] => [word_boundary] => 1 [ellipsis] => 1 [more_link] => 0 [more_link_text] => [more_link_path] => [strip_tags] => 0 [trim] => 0 [preserve_tags] => [html] => 0 ) [element_type] => [element_class] => [element_label_type] => [element_label_class] => [element_label_colon] => [element_wrapper_type] => [element_wrapper_class] => [element_default_classes] => 1 [empty] => [hide_empty] => 0 [empty_zero] => 0 [hide_alter_empty] => 1 [click_sort_column] => fid [type] => image_url [settings] => Array ( [url_type] => 0 [image_style] => hersteller_logos [image_link] => ) [group_column] => [group_columns] => Array ( ) [group_rows] => 1 [delta_limit] => all [delta_offset] => 0 [delta_reversed] => [delta_first_last] => [delta_random] => [multi_type] => separator [separator] => , [field_api_classes] => 0 ) [tid] => Array ( [id] => tid [table] => taxonomy_term_data [field] => tid [relationship] => none [group_type] => group [ui_name] => [label] => [exclude] => 0 [alter] => Array ( [alter_text] => 0 [text] => [make_link] => 0 [path] => [absolute] => 0 [external] => 0 [replace_spaces] => 0 [path_case] => none [trim_whitespace] => 0 [alt] => [rel] => [link_class] => [prefix] => [suffix] => [target] => [nl2br] => 0 [max_length] => [word_boundary] => 1 [ellipsis] => 1 [more_link] => 0 [more_link_text] => [more_link_path] => [strip_tags] => 0 [trim] => 0 [preserve_tags] => [html] => 0 ) [element_type] => [element_class] => [element_label_type] => [element_label_class] => [element_label_colon] => [element_wrapper_type] => [element_wrapper_class] => [element_default_classes] => 1 [empty] => [hide_empty] => 0 [empty_zero] => 0 [hide_alter_empty] => 1 [set_precision] => [precision] => 0 [decimal] => . [separator] => [format_plural] => 0 [format_plural_singular] => 1 [format_plural_plural] => @count [prefix] => [suffix] => ) ) [filters] => Array ( [machine_name] => Array ( [id] => machine_name [table] => taxonomy_vocabulary [field] => machine_name [value] => Array ( [hersteller_marke] => hersteller_marke ) ) ) [sorts] => Array ( ) [title] => Unsere Marken ) [db_table] => views_display [vid] => 9 [id] => default [display_title] => Master [display_plugin] => default [position] => 1 ) [plugin_type] => display [plugin_name] => default [options] => Array ( [title] => Unsere Marken [enabled] => 1 [display_comment] => [css_class] => [display_description] => [use_ajax] => [hide_attachment_summary] => [hide_admin_links] => [items_per_page] => 10 [offset] => 0 [use_pager] => [use_more] => [use_more_always] => [use_more_text] => more [link_display] => [link_url] => [group_by] => [field_language] => ***CURRENT_LANGUAGE*** [field_language_add_to_query] => 1 [access] => Array ( [type] => perm ) [cache] => Array ( [type] => none ) [query] => Array ( [type] => views_query [options] => Array ( ) ) [exposed_form] => Array ( [type] => basic [options] => Array ( ) ) [pager] => Array ( [type] => none [options] => Array ( [offset] => 0 ) ) [style_plugin] => default [style_options] => Array ( ) [row_plugin] => fields [row_options] => Array ( ) [exposed_block] => [header] => Array ( ) [footer] => Array ( ) [empty] => Array ( ) [relationships] => Array ( ) [fields] => Array ( [name] => Array ( [id] => name [table] => taxonomy_term_data [field] => name [relationship] => none [group_type] => group [ui_name] => [label] => [exclude] => 0 [alter] => Array ( [alter_text] => 0 [text] => [make_link] => 0 [path] => [absolute] => 0 [external] => 0 [replace_spaces] => 0 [path_case] => none [trim_whitespace] => 0 [alt] => [rel] => [link_class] => [prefix] => [suffix] => [target] => [nl2br] => 0 [max_length] => [word_boundary] => 0 [ellipsis] => 0 [more_link] => 0 [more_link_text] => [more_link_path] => [strip_tags] => 0 [trim] => 0 [preserve_tags] => [html] => 0 ) [element_type] => [element_class] => [element_label_type] => [element_label_class] => [element_label_colon] => [element_wrapper_type] => [element_wrapper_class] => [element_default_classes] => 1 [empty] => [hide_empty] => 0 [empty_zero] => 0 [hide_alter_empty] => 1 [link_to_taxonomy] => 0 [convert_spaces] => 0 ) [field_logo] => Array ( [id] => field_logo [table] => field_data_field_logo [field] => field_logo [relationship] => none [group_type] => group [ui_name] => [label] => [exclude] => 1 [alter] => Array ( [alter_text] => 0 [text] => [make_link] => 0 [path] => [absolute] => 0 [external] => 0 [replace_spaces] => 0 [path_case] => none [trim_whitespace] => 0 [alt] => [rel] => [link_class] => [prefix] => [suffix] => [target] => [nl2br] => 0 [max_length] => [word_boundary] => 1 [ellipsis] => 1 [more_link] => 0 [more_link_text] => [more_link_path] => [strip_tags] => 0 [trim] => 0 [preserve_tags] => [html] => 0 ) [element_type] => [element_class] => [element_label_type] => [element_label_class] => [element_label_colon] => [element_wrapper_type] => [element_wrapper_class] => [element_default_classes] => 1 [empty] => [hide_empty] => 0 [empty_zero] => 0 [hide_alter_empty] => 1 [click_sort_column] => fid [type] => image_url [settings] => Array ( [url_type] => 0 [image_style] => hersteller_logos [image_link] => ) [group_column] => [group_columns] => Array ( ) [group_rows] => 1 [delta_limit] => all [delta_offset] => 0 [delta_reversed] => [delta_first_last] => [delta_random] => [multi_type] => separator [separator] => , [field_api_classes] => 0 ) [tid] => Array ( [id] => tid [table] => taxonomy_term_data [field] => tid [relationship] => none [group_type] => group [ui_name] => [label] => [exclude] => 0 [alter] => Array ( [alter_text] => 0 [text] => [make_link] => 0 [path] => [absolute] => 0 [external] => 0 [replace_spaces] => 0 [path_case] => none [trim_whitespace] => 0 [alt] => [rel] => [link_class] => [prefix] => [suffix] => [target] => [nl2br] => 0 [max_length] => [word_boundary] => 1 [ellipsis] => 1 [more_link] => 0 [more_link_text] => [more_link_path] => [strip_tags] => 0 [trim] => 0 [preserve_tags] => [html] => 0 ) [element_type] => [element_class] => [element_label_type] => [element_label_class] => [element_label_colon] => [element_wrapper_type] => [element_wrapper_class] => [element_default_classes] => 1 [empty] => [hide_empty] => 0 [empty_zero] => 0 [hide_alter_empty] => 1 [set_precision] => [precision] => 0 [decimal] => . [separator] => [format_plural] => 0 [format_plural_singular] => 1 [format_plural_plural] => @count [prefix] => [suffix] => ) ) [sorts] => Array ( ) [arguments] => Array ( ) [filter_groups] => Array ( [operator] => AND [groups] => Array ( [1] => AND ) ) [filters] => Array ( [machine_name] => Array ( [id] => machine_name [table] => taxonomy_vocabulary [field] => machine_name [value] => Array ( [hersteller_marke] => hersteller_marke ) ) ) ) [definition] => Array ( [title] => Master [help] => Default settings for this view. [handler] => views_plugin_display_default [theme] => views_view [no ui] => 1 [no remove] => 1 [js] => Array ( [0] => misc/form.js [1] => misc/collapse.js [2] => misc/textarea.js [3] => misc/tabledrag.js [4] => misc/autocomplete.js [5] => sites/all/modules/ctools/js/dependent.js ) [use ajax] => 1 [use pager] => 1 [use more] => 1 [accept attachments] => 1 [help topic] => display-default [module] => views [theme path] => sites/all/modules/views/theme [theme file] => [path] => sites/all/modules/views/plugins [file] => [parent] => parent [name] => default [contextual links] => Array ( [views_ui] => Array ( [parent path] => admin/structure/views/view [argument properties] => Array ( [0] => name ) ) ) ) [is_plugin] => 1 [localization_keys] => Array ( [0] => default ) ) ) [display_options] => Array ( [query] => Array ( [type] => views_query [options] => Array ( ) ) ) [db_table] => views_display [vid] => 9 [id] => block [display_title] => Block [display_plugin] => block [position] => 2 ) [plugin_type] => pager [plugin_name] => none [options] => Array ( [offset] => 0 [items_per_page] => 0 ) [definition] => Array ( [title] => Display all items [help] => Display all items that this view might find [handler] => views_plugin_pager_none [help topic] => pager-none [uses options] => 1 [type] => basic [module] => views [theme path] => sites/all/modules/views/theme [theme file] => [path] => sites/all/modules/views/plugins [file] => [parent] => parent [name] => none ) [is_plugin] => 1 ) [field_aliases] => Array ( [taxonomy_term_data] => Array ( [name] => taxonomy_term_data_name [vid] => taxonomy_term_data_vid [tid] => tid ) [taxonomy_vocabulary] => Array ( [machine_name] => taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name ) [] => Array ( ['taxonomy_term'] => field_data_field_logo_taxonomy_term_entity_type ) ) [tags] => Array ( ) [no_distinct] => [pure_distinct] => [view] => view Object *RECURSION* [display] => [plugin_type] => query [plugin_name] => views_query [options] => Array ( [disable_sql_rewrite] => [distinct] => [pure_distinct] => [slave] => [query_comment] => [query_tags] => Array ( ) ) [definition] => Array ( [title] => SQL Query [help] => Query will be generated and run using the Drupal database API. [handler] => views_plugin_query_default [module] => views [theme path] => sites/all/modules/views/theme [theme file] => [path] => sites/all/modules/views/plugins [file] => [parent] => parent [name] => views_query ) [is_plugin] => 1 [base_table] => taxonomy_term_data [base_field] => tid [count_field] => Array ( [table] => taxonomy_term_data [field] => tid [alias] => tid [count] => 1 ) ) [handler_type] => field [table_alias] => [real_field] => field_logo_fid [relationship] => [options] => Array ( [id] => field_logo [table] => field_data_field_logo [field] => field_logo [relationship] => none [group_type] => group [ui_name] => [label] => [exclude] => 1 [alter] => Array ( [alter_text] => 0 [text] => [make_link] => 0 [path] => [absolute] => 0 [external] => 0 [replace_spaces] => 0 [unwanted_characters] => [path_case] => none [trim_whitespace] => 0 [alt] => [rel] => [link_class] => [prefix] => [suffix] => [target] => [nl2br] => 0 [max_length] => [word_boundary] => 1 [ellipsis] => 1 [more_link] => 0 [more_link_text] => [more_link_path] => [strip_tags] => 0 [trim] => 0 [preserve_tags] => [html] => 0 ) [element_type] => [element_class] => [element_label_type] => [element_label_class] => [element_label_colon] => [element_wrapper_type] => [element_wrapper_class] => [element_default_classes] => 1 [empty] => [hide_empty] => 0 [empty_zero] => 0 [hide_alter_empty] => 1 [click_sort_column] => fid [type] => image_url [settings] => Array ( [url_type] => 0 [image_style] => hersteller_logos [image_link] => ) [group_column] => [group_columns] => Array ( ) [group_rows] => 1 [delta_limit] => all [delta_offset] => 0 [delta_reversed] => [delta_first_last] => [delta_random] => [multi_type] => separator [separator] => , [field_api_classes] => 0 ) [definition] => Array ( [table] => field_data_field_logo [handler] => views_handler_field_field [click sortable] => 1 [field_name] => field_logo [real field] => field_logo_fid [additional fields] => Array ( [0] => delta [1] => language [2] => bundle [3] => field_logo_fid [4] => field_logo_alt [5] => field_logo_title [6] => field_logo_width [7] => field_logo_height ) [entity_tables] => Array ( [node] => node [node_revision] => node [taxonomy_term_data] => taxonomy_term ) [element type] => div [is revision] => [group] => Field [title] => Logo [title short] => Logo [help] => Appears in: node:filialen, taxonomy_term:hersteller_marke, taxonomy_term:lieferant. Also known as: Content: Logo, Taxonomy term: Logo. ) [is_handler] => 1 [localization_keys] => Array ( [0] => default [1] => field [2] => field_data_field_logo [3] => field_logo ) [table] => field_data_field_logo [field] => field_logo [position] => 1 [base_table_alias] => taxonomy_term_data [last_render] => [last_render_text] => ) [tid] => views_handler_field_numeric Object ( [field_alias] => tid [aliases] => Array ( ) [original_value] => 44 [additional_fields] => Array ( ) [last_render_index:protected] => 38 [view] => view Object *RECURSION* [query] => views_plugin_query_default Object ( [table_queue] => Array ( [taxonomy_term_data] => Array ( [alias] => taxonomy_term_data [table] => taxonomy_term_data [relationship] => taxonomy_term_data [join] => ) [taxonomy_vocabulary] => Array ( [table] => taxonomy_vocabulary [num] => 1 [alias] => taxonomy_vocabulary [join] => views_join Object ( [table] => taxonomy_vocabulary [left_table] => taxonomy_term_data [left_field] => vid [field] => vid [extra] => [type] => LEFT [definition] => Array ( [left_field] => vid [field] => vid [table] => taxonomy_vocabulary [left_table] => taxonomy_term_data ) [extra_type] => AND [adjusted] => 1 ) [relationship] => taxonomy_term_data ) ) [tables] => Array ( [taxonomy_term_data] => Array ( [taxonomy_term_data] => Array ( [count] => 1 [alias] => taxonomy_term_data ) [taxonomy_vocabulary] => Array ( [count] => 1 [alias] => taxonomy_vocabulary ) ) ) [relationships] => Array ( [taxonomy_term_data] => Array ( [link] => [table] => taxonomy_term_data [alias] => taxonomy_term_data [base] => taxonomy_term_data ) ) [where] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [conditions] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [field] => taxonomy_vocabulary.machine_name [value] => Array ( [0] => hersteller_marke ) [operator] => in ) ) [args] => Array ( ) [type] => AND ) ) [having] => Array ( ) [group_operator] => AND [orderby] => Array ( ) [groupby] => Array ( ) [fields] => Array ( [taxonomy_term_data_name] => Array ( [field] => name [table] => taxonomy_term_data [alias] => taxonomy_term_data_name ) [taxonomy_term_data_vid] => Array ( [field] => vid [table] => taxonomy_term_data [alias] => taxonomy_term_data_vid ) [tid] => Array ( [field] => tid [table] => taxonomy_term_data [alias] => tid ) [taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name] => Array ( [field] => machine_name [table] => taxonomy_vocabulary [alias] => taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name ) [field_data_field_logo_taxonomy_term_entity_type] => Array ( [field] => 'taxonomy_term' [table] => [alias] => field_data_field_logo_taxonomy_term_entity_type ) ) [header] => Array ( ) [distinct] => [has_aggregate] => [get_count_optimized] => [pager] => views_plugin_pager_none Object ( [current_page] => [total_items] => 39 [view] => view Object *RECURSION* [display] => views_display Object ( [handler] => views_plugin_display_block Object ( [view] => view Object *RECURSION* [handlers] => Array ( [field] => Array *RECURSION* [argument] => Array ( ) [sort] => Array ( ) [filter] => Array ( [machine_name] => views_handler_filter_vocabulary_machine_name Object ( [value_form_type] => checkboxes [value_options] => [value] => Array ( [hersteller_marke] => hersteller_marke ) [operator] => in [group_info] => All [always_multiple] => [no_operator] => [always_required] => [view] => view Object *RECURSION* [query] => views_plugin_query_default Object *RECURSION* [handler_type] => filter [table_alias] => taxonomy_vocabulary [real_field] => machine_name [relationship] => [options] => Array ( [id] => machine_name [table] => taxonomy_vocabulary [field] => machine_name [relationship] => none [group_type] => group [ui_name] => [operator] => in [value] => Array ( [hersteller_marke] => hersteller_marke ) [group] => 1 [exposed] => [expose] => Array ( [operator_id] => [label] => [description] => [use_operator] => [operator_label] => [operator] => [limit_operators] => [available_operators] => Array ( ) [identifier] => [required] => [remember] => [multiple] => [remember_roles] => Array ( [2] => 2 ) [reduce] => ) [is_grouped] => [group_info] => Array ( [label] => [description] => [identifier] => [optional] => 1 [widget] => select [multiple] => [remember] => 0 [default_group] => All [default_group_multiple] => Array ( ) [group_items] => Array ( ) ) ) [definition] => Array ( [help] => Filter the results of "Taxonomy: Term" to a particular vocabulary. [handler] => views_handler_filter_vocabulary_machine_name [group] => Taxonomy vocabulary [title] => Machine name ) [is_handler] => 1 [value_title] => Options [localization_keys] => Array ( [0] => default [1] => filter [2] => taxonomy_vocabulary [3] => machine_name ) [table] => taxonomy_vocabulary [field] => machine_name [position] => 0 ) ) [relationship] => Array ( ) [header] => Array ( ) [footer] => Array ( ) [empty] => Array ( ) ) [extender] => Array ( ) [display] => views_display Object *RECURSION* [plugin_type] => display [plugin_name] => block [options] => Array ( [defaults] => Array ( [access] => 1 [cache] => 1 [query] => 1 [title] => 1 [css_class] => 1 [display_description] => [use_ajax] => 1 [hide_attachment_summary] => 1 [hide_admin_links] => 1 [pager] => 1 [pager_options] => 1 [use_more] => 1 [use_more_always] => 1 [open_new_window] => [use_more_text] => 1 [exposed_form] => 1 [exposed_form_options] => 1 [link_display] => 1 [link_url] => [group_by] => 1 [style_plugin] => 1 [style_options] => 1 [row_plugin] => 1 [row_options] => 1 [header] => 1 [footer] => 1 [empty] => 1 [relationships] => 1 [fields] => 1 [sorts] => 1 [arguments] => 1 [filters] => 1 [filter_groups] => 1 ) [title] => [enabled] => 1 [display_comment] => [css_class] => [display_description] => [use_ajax] => [hide_attachment_summary] => [hide_admin_links] => [items_per_page] => 10 [offset] => 0 [use_pager] => [use_more] => [use_more_always] => [use_more_text] => more [link_display] => [link_url] => [group_by] => [field_language] => ***CURRENT_LANGUAGE*** [field_language_add_to_query] => 1 [access] => Array ( [type] => none ) [cache] => Array ( [type] => none ) [query] => Array ( [type] => views_query [options] => Array ( ) ) [exposed_form] => Array ( [type] => basic [options] => Array ( ) ) [pager] => Array ( [type] => full [options] => Array ( ) ) [style_plugin] => default [style_options] => Array ( ) [row_plugin] => fields [row_options] => Array ( ) [exposed_block] => [header] => Array ( ) [footer] => Array ( ) [empty] => Array ( ) [relationships] => Array ( ) [fields] => Array ( ) [sorts] => Array ( ) [arguments] => Array ( ) [filter_groups] => Array ( [operator] => AND [groups] => Array ( [1] => AND ) ) [filters] => Array ( ) [block_description] => [block_caching] => -1 ) [definition] => Array ( [title] => Block [help] => Display the view as a block. [handler] => views_plugin_display_block [theme] => views_view [uses hook block] => 1 [contextual links locations] => Array ( [0] => block ) [use ajax] => 1 [use pager] => 1 [use more] => 1 [accept attachments] => 1 [admin] => Block [help topic] => display-block [module] => views [theme path] => sites/all/modules/views/theme [theme file] => [path] => sites/all/modules/views/plugins [file] => [parent] => parent [name] => block [contextual links] => Array ( [views_ui] => Array ( [parent path] => admin/structure/views/view [argument properties] => Array ( [0] => name ) ) ) ) [is_plugin] => 1 [localization_keys] => Array ( [0] => block ) [default_display] => views_plugin_display_default Object ( [view] => view Object *RECURSION* [handlers] => Array ( ) [extender] => Array ( ) [display] => views_display Object ( [handler] => views_plugin_display_default Object *RECURSION* [display_options] => Array ( [query] => Array ( [type] => views_query [options] => Array ( ) ) [access] => Array ( [type] => perm ) [cache] => Array ( [type] => none ) [exposed_form] => Array ( [type] => basic ) [pager] => Array ( [type] => none [options] => Array ( [offset] => 0 ) ) [style_plugin] => default [row_plugin] => fields [fields] => Array ( [name] => Array ( [id] => name [table] => taxonomy_term_data [field] => name [relationship] => none [group_type] => group [ui_name] => [label] => [exclude] => 0 [alter] => Array ( [alter_text] => 0 [text] => [make_link] => 0 [path] => [absolute] => 0 [external] => 0 [replace_spaces] => 0 [path_case] => none [trim_whitespace] => 0 [alt] => [rel] => [link_class] => [prefix] => [suffix] => [target] => [nl2br] => 0 [max_length] => [word_boundary] => 0 [ellipsis] => 0 [more_link] => 0 [more_link_text] => [more_link_path] => [strip_tags] => 0 [trim] => 0 [preserve_tags] => [html] => 0 ) [element_type] => [element_class] => [element_label_type] => [element_label_class] => [element_label_colon] => [element_wrapper_type] => [element_wrapper_class] => [element_default_classes] => 1 [empty] => [hide_empty] => 0 [empty_zero] => 0 [hide_alter_empty] => 1 [link_to_taxonomy] => 0 [convert_spaces] => 0 ) [field_logo] => Array ( [id] => field_logo [table] => field_data_field_logo [field] => field_logo [relationship] => none [group_type] => group [ui_name] => [label] => [exclude] => 1 [alter] => Array ( [alter_text] => 0 [text] => [make_link] => 0 [path] => [absolute] => 0 [external] => 0 [replace_spaces] => 0 [path_case] => none [trim_whitespace] => 0 [alt] => [rel] => [link_class] => [prefix] => [suffix] => [target] => [nl2br] => 0 [max_length] => [word_boundary] => 1 [ellipsis] => 1 [more_link] => 0 [more_link_text] => [more_link_path] => [strip_tags] => 0 [trim] => 0 [preserve_tags] => [html] => 0 ) [element_type] => [element_class] => [element_label_type] => [element_label_class] => [element_label_colon] => [element_wrapper_type] => [element_wrapper_class] => [element_default_classes] => 1 [empty] => [hide_empty] => 0 [empty_zero] => 0 [hide_alter_empty] => 1 [click_sort_column] => fid [type] => image_url [settings] => Array ( [url_type] => 0 [image_style] => hersteller_logos [image_link] => ) [group_column] => [group_columns] => Array ( ) [group_rows] => 1 [delta_limit] => all [delta_offset] => 0 [delta_reversed] => [delta_first_last] => [delta_random] => [multi_type] => separator [separator] => , [field_api_classes] => 0 ) [tid] => Array ( [id] => tid [table] => taxonomy_term_data [field] => tid [relationship] => none [group_type] => group [ui_name] => [label] => [exclude] => 0 [alter] => Array ( [alter_text] => 0 [text] => [make_link] => 0 [path] => [absolute] => 0 [external] => 0 [replace_spaces] => 0 [path_case] => none [trim_whitespace] => 0 [alt] => [rel] => [link_class] => [prefix] => [suffix] => [target] => [nl2br] => 0 [max_length] => [word_boundary] => 1 [ellipsis] => 1 [more_link] => 0 [more_link_text] => [more_link_path] => [strip_tags] => 0 [trim] => 0 [preserve_tags] => [html] => 0 ) [element_type] => [element_class] => [element_label_type] => [element_label_class] => [element_label_colon] => [element_wrapper_type] => [element_wrapper_class] => [element_default_classes] => 1 [empty] => [hide_empty] => 0 [empty_zero] => 0 [hide_alter_empty] => 1 [set_precision] => [precision] => 0 [decimal] => . [separator] => [format_plural] => 0 [format_plural_singular] => 1 [format_plural_plural] => @count [prefix] => [suffix] => ) ) [filters] => Array ( [machine_name] => Array ( [id] => machine_name [table] => taxonomy_vocabulary [field] => machine_name [value] => Array ( [hersteller_marke] => hersteller_marke ) ) ) [sorts] => Array ( ) [title] => Unsere Marken ) [db_table] => views_display [vid] => 9 [id] => default [display_title] => Master [display_plugin] => default [position] => 1 ) [plugin_type] => display [plugin_name] => default [options] => Array ( [title] => Unsere Marken [enabled] => 1 [display_comment] => [css_class] => [display_description] => [use_ajax] => [hide_attachment_summary] => [hide_admin_links] => [items_per_page] => 10 [offset] => 0 [use_pager] => [use_more] => [use_more_always] => [use_more_text] => more [link_display] => [link_url] => [group_by] => [field_language] => ***CURRENT_LANGUAGE*** [field_language_add_to_query] => 1 [access] => Array ( [type] => perm ) [cache] => Array ( [type] => none ) [query] => Array ( [type] => views_query [options] => Array ( ) ) [exposed_form] => Array ( [type] => basic [options] => Array ( ) ) [pager] => Array ( [type] => none [options] => Array ( [offset] => 0 ) ) [style_plugin] => default [style_options] => Array ( ) [row_plugin] => fields [row_options] => Array ( ) [exposed_block] => [header] => Array ( ) [footer] => Array ( ) [empty] => Array ( ) [relationships] => Array ( ) [fields] => Array ( [name] => Array ( [id] => name [table] => taxonomy_term_data [field] => name [relationship] => none [group_type] => group [ui_name] => [label] => [exclude] => 0 [alter] => Array ( [alter_text] => 0 [text] => [make_link] => 0 [path] => [absolute] => 0 [external] => 0 [replace_spaces] => 0 [path_case] => none [trim_whitespace] => 0 [alt] => [rel] => [link_class] => [prefix] => [suffix] => [target] => [nl2br] => 0 [max_length] => [word_boundary] => 0 [ellipsis] => 0 [more_link] => 0 [more_link_text] => [more_link_path] => [strip_tags] => 0 [trim] => 0 [preserve_tags] => [html] => 0 ) [element_type] => [element_class] => [element_label_type] => [element_label_class] => [element_label_colon] => [element_wrapper_type] => [element_wrapper_class] => [element_default_classes] => 1 [empty] => [hide_empty] => 0 [empty_zero] => 0 [hide_alter_empty] => 1 [link_to_taxonomy] => 0 [convert_spaces] => 0 ) [field_logo] => Array ( [id] => field_logo [table] => field_data_field_logo [field] => field_logo [relationship] => none [group_type] => group [ui_name] => [label] => [exclude] => 1 [alter] => Array ( [alter_text] => 0 [text] => [make_link] => 0 [path] => [absolute] => 0 [external] => 0 [replace_spaces] => 0 [path_case] => none [trim_whitespace] => 0 [alt] => [rel] => [link_class] => [prefix] => [suffix] => [target] => [nl2br] => 0 [max_length] => [word_boundary] => 1 [ellipsis] => 1 [more_link] => 0 [more_link_text] => [more_link_path] => [strip_tags] => 0 [trim] => 0 [preserve_tags] => [html] => 0 ) [element_type] => [element_class] => [element_label_type] => [element_label_class] => [element_label_colon] => [element_wrapper_type] => [element_wrapper_class] => [element_default_classes] => 1 [empty] => [hide_empty] => 0 [empty_zero] => 0 [hide_alter_empty] => 1 [click_sort_column] => fid [type] => image_url [settings] => Array ( [url_type] => 0 [image_style] => hersteller_logos [image_link] => ) [group_column] => [group_columns] => Array ( ) [group_rows] => 1 [delta_limit] => all [delta_offset] => 0 [delta_reversed] => [delta_first_last] => [delta_random] => [multi_type] => separator [separator] => , [field_api_classes] => 0 ) [tid] => Array ( [id] => tid [table] => taxonomy_term_data [field] => tid [relationship] => none [group_type] => group [ui_name] => [label] => [exclude] => 0 [alter] => Array ( [alter_text] => 0 [text] => [make_link] => 0 [path] => [absolute] => 0 [external] => 0 [replace_spaces] => 0 [path_case] => none [trim_whitespace] => 0 [alt] => [rel] => [link_class] => [prefix] => [suffix] => [target] => [nl2br] => 0 [max_length] => [word_boundary] => 1 [ellipsis] => 1 [more_link] => 0 [more_link_text] => [more_link_path] => [strip_tags] => 0 [trim] => 0 [preserve_tags] => [html] => 0 ) [element_type] => [element_class] => [element_label_type] => [element_label_class] => [element_label_colon] => [element_wrapper_type] => [element_wrapper_class] => [element_default_classes] => 1 [empty] => [hide_empty] => 0 [empty_zero] => 0 [hide_alter_empty] => 1 [set_precision] => [precision] => 0 [decimal] => . [separator] => [format_plural] => 0 [format_plural_singular] => 1 [format_plural_plural] => @count [prefix] => [suffix] => ) ) [sorts] => Array ( ) [arguments] => Array ( ) [filter_groups] => Array ( [operator] => AND [groups] => Array ( [1] => AND ) ) [filters] => Array ( [machine_name] => Array ( [id] => machine_name [table] => taxonomy_vocabulary [field] => machine_name [value] => Array ( [hersteller_marke] => hersteller_marke ) ) ) ) [definition] => Array ( [title] => Master [help] => Default settings for this view. [handler] => views_plugin_display_default [theme] => views_view [no ui] => 1 [no remove] => 1 [js] => Array ( [0] => misc/form.js [1] => misc/collapse.js [2] => misc/textarea.js [3] => misc/tabledrag.js [4] => misc/autocomplete.js [5] => sites/all/modules/ctools/js/dependent.js ) [use ajax] => 1 [use pager] => 1 [use more] => 1 [accept attachments] => 1 [help topic] => display-default [module] => views [theme path] => sites/all/modules/views/theme [theme file] => [path] => sites/all/modules/views/plugins [file] => [parent] => parent [name] => default [contextual links] => Array ( [views_ui] => Array ( [parent path] => admin/structure/views/view [argument properties] => Array ( [0] => name ) ) ) ) [is_plugin] => 1 [localization_keys] => Array ( [0] => default ) ) ) [display_options] => Array ( [query] => Array ( [type] => views_query [options] => Array ( ) ) ) [db_table] => views_display [vid] => 9 [id] => block [display_title] => Block [display_plugin] => block [position] => 2 ) [plugin_type] => pager [plugin_name] => none [options] => Array ( [offset] => 0 [items_per_page] => 0 ) [definition] => Array ( [title] => Display all items [help] => Display all items that this view might find [handler] => views_plugin_pager_none [help topic] => pager-none [uses options] => 1 [type] => basic [module] => views [theme path] => sites/all/modules/views/theme [theme file] => [path] => sites/all/modules/views/plugins [file] => [parent] => parent [name] => none ) [is_plugin] => 1 ) [field_aliases] => Array ( [taxonomy_term_data] => Array ( [name] => taxonomy_term_data_name [vid] => taxonomy_term_data_vid [tid] => tid ) [taxonomy_vocabulary] => Array ( [machine_name] => taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name ) [] => Array ( ['taxonomy_term'] => field_data_field_logo_taxonomy_term_entity_type ) ) [tags] => Array ( ) [no_distinct] => [pure_distinct] => [view] => view Object *RECURSION* [display] => [plugin_type] => query [plugin_name] => views_query [options] => Array ( [disable_sql_rewrite] => [distinct] => [pure_distinct] => [slave] => [query_comment] => [query_tags] => Array ( ) ) [definition] => Array ( [title] => SQL Query [help] => Query will be generated and run using the Drupal database API. [handler] => views_plugin_query_default [module] => views [theme path] => sites/all/modules/views/theme [theme file] => [path] => sites/all/modules/views/plugins [file] => [parent] => parent [name] => views_query ) [is_plugin] => 1 [base_table] => taxonomy_term_data [base_field] => tid [count_field] => Array ( [table] => taxonomy_term_data [field] => tid [alias] => tid [count] => 1 ) ) [handler_type] => field [table_alias] => taxonomy_term_data [real_field] => tid [relationship] => [options] => Array ( [id] => tid [table] => taxonomy_term_data [field] => tid [relationship] => none [group_type] => group [ui_name] => [label] => [exclude] => 0 [alter] => Array ( [alter_text] => 0 [text] => [make_link] => 0 [path] => [absolute] => 0 [external] => 0 [replace_spaces] => 0 [unwanted_characters] => [path_case] => none [trim_whitespace] => 0 [alt] => [rel] => [link_class] => [prefix] => [suffix] => [target] => [nl2br] => 0 [max_length] => [word_boundary] => 1 [ellipsis] => 1 [more_link] => 0 [more_link_text] => [more_link_path] => [strip_tags] => 0 [trim] => 0 [preserve_tags] => [html] => 0 ) [element_type] => [element_class] => [element_label_type] => [element_label_class] => [element_label_colon] => [element_wrapper_type] => [element_wrapper_class] => [element_default_classes] => 1 [empty] => [hide_empty] => 0 [empty_zero] => 0 [hide_alter_empty] => 1 [set_precision] => [precision] => 0 [decimal] => . [separator] => [format_plural] => 0 [format_plural_singular] => 1 [format_plural_plural] => @count [prefix] => [suffix] => ) [definition] => Array ( [handler] => views_handler_field_numeric [click sortable] => 1 [group] => Taxonomy term [title] => Term ID [help] => The tid of a taxonomy term. ) [is_handler] => 1 [localization_keys] => Array ( [0] => default [1] => field [2] => taxonomy_term_data [3] => tid ) [table] => taxonomy_term_data [field] => tid [position] => 2 [last_render] => 44 [last_render_text] => 44 [last_tokens] => Array ( [%q] => node/44 [[name]] => Zoeppritz [[field_logo]] => [[tid]] => 44 ) ) ) [argument] => Array ( ) [sort] => Array ( ) [filter] => Array ( [machine_name] => views_handler_filter_vocabulary_machine_name Object ( [value_form_type] => checkboxes [value_options] => [value] => Array ( [hersteller_marke] => hersteller_marke ) [operator] => in [group_info] => All [always_multiple] => [no_operator] => [always_required] => [view] => view Object *RECURSION* [query] => views_plugin_query_default Object ( [table_queue] => Array ( [taxonomy_term_data] => Array ( [alias] => taxonomy_term_data [table] => taxonomy_term_data [relationship] => taxonomy_term_data [join] => ) [taxonomy_vocabulary] => Array ( [table] => taxonomy_vocabulary [num] => 1 [alias] => taxonomy_vocabulary [join] => views_join Object ( [table] => taxonomy_vocabulary [left_table] => taxonomy_term_data [left_field] => vid [field] => vid [extra] => [type] => LEFT [definition] => Array ( [left_field] => vid [field] => vid [table] => taxonomy_vocabulary [left_table] => taxonomy_term_data ) [extra_type] => AND [adjusted] => 1 ) [relationship] => taxonomy_term_data ) ) [tables] => Array ( [taxonomy_term_data] => Array ( [taxonomy_term_data] => Array ( [count] => 1 [alias] => taxonomy_term_data ) [taxonomy_vocabulary] => Array ( [count] => 1 [alias] => taxonomy_vocabulary ) ) ) [relationships] => Array ( [taxonomy_term_data] => Array ( [link] => [table] => taxonomy_term_data [alias] => taxonomy_term_data [base] => taxonomy_term_data ) ) [where] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [conditions] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [field] => taxonomy_vocabulary.machine_name [value] => Array ( [0] => hersteller_marke ) [operator] => in ) ) [args] => Array ( ) [type] => AND ) ) [having] => Array ( ) [group_operator] => AND [orderby] => Array ( ) [groupby] => Array ( ) [fields] => Array ( [taxonomy_term_data_name] => Array ( [field] => name [table] => taxonomy_term_data [alias] => taxonomy_term_data_name ) [taxonomy_term_data_vid] => Array ( [field] => vid [table] => taxonomy_term_data [alias] => taxonomy_term_data_vid ) [tid] => Array ( [field] => tid [table] => taxonomy_term_data [alias] => tid ) [taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name] => Array ( [field] => machine_name [table] => taxonomy_vocabulary [alias] => taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name ) [field_data_field_logo_taxonomy_term_entity_type] => Array ( [field] => 'taxonomy_term' [table] => [alias] => field_data_field_logo_taxonomy_term_entity_type ) ) [header] => Array ( ) [distinct] => [has_aggregate] => [get_count_optimized] => [pager] => views_plugin_pager_none Object ( [current_page] => [total_items] => 39 [view] => view Object *RECURSION* [display] => views_display Object ( [handler] => views_plugin_display_block Object ( [view] => view Object *RECURSION* [handlers] => Array ( [field] => Array ( [name] => views_handler_field_taxonomy Object ( [field_alias] => taxonomy_term_data_name [aliases] => Array ( [vid] => taxonomy_term_data_vid [tid] => tid [name] => taxonomy_term_data_name [vocabulary_machine_name] => taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name ) [original_value] => Zoeppritz [additional_fields] => Array ( [vid] => vid [tid] => tid [name] => name [vocabulary_machine_name] => Array ( [table] => taxonomy_vocabulary [field] => machine_name ) ) [last_render_index:protected] => 38 [view] => view Object *RECURSION* [query] => views_plugin_query_default Object *RECURSION* [handler_type] => field [table_alias] => taxonomy_term_data [real_field] => name [relationship] => [options] => Array ( [id] => name [table] => taxonomy_term_data [field] => name [relationship] => none [group_type] => group [ui_name] => [label] => [exclude] => 0 [alter] => Array ( [alter_text] => 0 [text] => [make_link] => 0 [path] => [absolute] => 0 [external] => 0 [replace_spaces] => 0 [unwanted_characters] => [path_case] => none [trim_whitespace] => 0 [alt] => [rel] => [link_class] => [prefix] => [suffix] => [target] => [nl2br] => 0 [max_length] => [word_boundary] => 0 [ellipsis] => 0 [more_link] => 0 [more_link_text] => [more_link_path] => [strip_tags] => 0 [trim] => 0 [preserve_tags] => [html] => 0 ) [element_type] => [element_class] => [element_label_type] => [element_label_class] => [element_label_colon] => [element_wrapper_type] => [element_wrapper_class] => [element_default_classes] => 1 [empty] => [hide_empty] => 0 [empty_zero] => 0 [hide_alter_empty] => 1 [link_to_taxonomy] => 0 [convert_spaces] => 0 ) [definition] => Array ( [handler] => views_handler_field_taxonomy [click sortable] => 1 [group] => Taxonomy term [title] => Name [help] => The taxonomy term name. ) [is_handler] => 1 [localization_keys] => Array ( [0] => default [1] => field [2] => taxonomy_term_data [3] => name ) [table] => taxonomy_term_data [field] => name [position] => 0 [last_render] => Zoeppritz [last_render_text] => Zoeppritz ) [field_logo] => views_handler_field_field Object ( [items] => Array ( ) [field_info] => Array ( [translatable] => 0 [entity_types] => Array ( ) [settings] => Array ( [uri_scheme] => public [default_image] => 1 ) [storage] => Array ( [type] => field_sql_storage [settings] => Array ( ) [module] => field_sql_storage [active] => 1 [details] => Array ( [sql] => Array ( [FIELD_LOAD_CURRENT] => Array ( [field_data_field_logo] => Array ( [fid] => field_logo_fid [alt] => field_logo_alt [title] => field_logo_title [width] => field_logo_width [height] => field_logo_height ) ) [FIELD_LOAD_REVISION] => Array ( [field_revision_field_logo] => Array ( [fid] => field_logo_fid [alt] => field_logo_alt [title] => field_logo_title [width] => field_logo_width [height] => field_logo_height ) ) ) ) ) [foreign keys] => Array ( [fid] => Array ( [table] => file_managed [columns] => Array ( [fid] => fid ) ) ) [indexes] => Array ( [fid] => Array ( [0] => fid ) ) [id] => 9 [field_name] => field_logo [type] => image [module] => image [active] => 1 [locked] => 0 [cardinality] => 1 [deleted] => 0 [columns] => Array ( [fid] => Array ( [description] => The {file_managed}.fid being referenced in this field. [type] => int [not null] => [unsigned] => 1 ) [alt] => Array ( [description] => Alternative image text, for the image's 'alt' attribute. [type] => varchar [length] => 512 [not null] => ) [title] => Array ( [description] => Image title text, for the image's 'title' attribute. [type] => varchar [length] => 1024 [not null] => ) [width] => Array ( [description] => The width of the image in pixels. [type] => int [unsigned] => 1 ) [height] => Array ( [description] => The height of the image in pixels. [type] => int [unsigned] => 1 ) ) [bundles] => Array ( [node] => Array ( [0] => filialen ) [taxonomy_term] => Array ( [0] => hersteller_marke [1] => lieferant ) ) ) [multiple] => [limit_values] => [base_table] => taxonomy_term_data [instance] => [field_alias] => tid [aliases] => Array ( [entity_type] => field_data_field_logo_taxonomy_term_entity_type ) [original_value] => [additional_fields] => Array ( [0] => delta [1] => language [2] => bundle [3] => field_logo_fid [4] => field_logo_alt [5] => field_logo_title [6] => field_logo_width [7] => field_logo_height ) [last_render_index:protected] => 38 [view] => view Object *RECURSION* [query] => views_plugin_query_default Object *RECURSION* [handler_type] => field [table_alias] => [real_field] => field_logo_fid [relationship] => [options] => Array ( [id] => field_logo [table] => field_data_field_logo [field] => field_logo [relationship] => none [group_type] => group [ui_name] => [label] => [exclude] => 1 [alter] => Array ( [alter_text] => 0 [text] => [make_link] => 0 [path] => [absolute] => 0 [external] => 0 [replace_spaces] => 0 [unwanted_characters] => [path_case] => none [trim_whitespace] => 0 [alt] => [rel] => [link_class] => [prefix] => [suffix] => [target] => [nl2br] => 0 [max_length] => [word_boundary] => 1 [ellipsis] => 1 [more_link] => 0 [more_link_text] => [more_link_path] => [strip_tags] => 0 [trim] => 0 [preserve_tags] => [html] => 0 ) [element_type] => [element_class] => [element_label_type] => [element_label_class] => [element_label_colon] => [element_wrapper_type] => [element_wrapper_class] => [element_default_classes] => 1 [empty] => [hide_empty] => 0 [empty_zero] => 0 [hide_alter_empty] => 1 [click_sort_column] => fid [type] => image_url [settings] => Array ( [url_type] => 0 [image_style] => hersteller_logos [image_link] => ) [group_column] => [group_columns] => Array ( ) [group_rows] => 1 [delta_limit] => all [delta_offset] => 0 [delta_reversed] => [delta_first_last] => [delta_random] => [multi_type] => separator [separator] => , [field_api_classes] => 0 ) [definition] => Array ( [table] => field_data_field_logo [handler] => views_handler_field_field [click sortable] => 1 [field_name] => field_logo [real field] => field_logo_fid [additional fields] => Array ( [0] => delta [1] => language [2] => bundle [3] => field_logo_fid [4] => field_logo_alt [5] => field_logo_title [6] => field_logo_width [7] => field_logo_height ) [entity_tables] => Array ( [node] => node [node_revision] => node [taxonomy_term_data] => taxonomy_term ) [element type] => div [is revision] => [group] => Field [title] => Logo [title short] => Logo [help] => Appears in: node:filialen, taxonomy_term:hersteller_marke, taxonomy_term:lieferant. Also known as: Content: Logo, Taxonomy term: Logo. ) [is_handler] => 1 [localization_keys] => Array ( [0] => default [1] => field [2] => field_data_field_logo [3] => field_logo ) [table] => field_data_field_logo [field] => field_logo [position] => 1 [base_table_alias] => taxonomy_term_data [last_render] => [last_render_text] => ) [tid] => views_handler_field_numeric Object ( [field_alias] => tid [aliases] => Array ( ) [original_value] => 44 [additional_fields] => Array ( ) [last_render_index:protected] => 38 [view] => view Object *RECURSION* [query] => views_plugin_query_default Object *RECURSION* [handler_type] => field [table_alias] => taxonomy_term_data [real_field] => tid [relationship] => [options] => Array ( [id] => tid [table] => taxonomy_term_data [field] => tid [relationship] => none [group_type] => group [ui_name] => [label] => [exclude] => 0 [alter] => Array ( [alter_text] => 0 [text] => [make_link] => 0 [path] => [absolute] => 0 [external] => 0 [replace_spaces] => 0 [unwanted_characters] => [path_case] => none [trim_whitespace] => 0 [alt] => [rel] => [link_class] => [prefix] => [suffix] => [target] => [nl2br] => 0 [max_length] => [word_boundary] => 1 [ellipsis] => 1 [more_link] => 0 [more_link_text] => [more_link_path] => [strip_tags] => 0 [trim] => 0 [preserve_tags] => [html] => 0 ) [element_type] => [element_class] => [element_label_type] => [element_label_class] => [element_label_colon] => [element_wrapper_type] => [element_wrapper_class] => [element_default_classes] => 1 [empty] => [hide_empty] => 0 [empty_zero] => 0 [hide_alter_empty] => 1 [set_precision] => [precision] => 0 [decimal] => . [separator] => [format_plural] => 0 [format_plural_singular] => 1 [format_plural_plural] => @count [prefix] => [suffix] => ) [definition] => Array ( [handler] => views_handler_field_numeric [click sortable] => 1 [group] => Taxonomy term [title] => Term ID [help] => The tid of a taxonomy term. ) [is_handler] => 1 [localization_keys] => Array ( [0] => default [1] => field [2] => taxonomy_term_data [3] => tid ) [table] => taxonomy_term_data [field] => tid [position] => 2 [last_render] => 44 [last_render_text] => 44 [last_tokens] => Array ( [%q] => node/44 [[name]] => Zoeppritz [[field_logo]] => [[tid]] => 44 ) ) ) [argument] => Array ( ) [sort] => Array ( ) [filter] => Array *RECURSION* [relationship] => Array ( ) [header] => Array ( ) [footer] => Array ( ) [empty] => Array ( ) ) [extender] => Array ( ) [display] => views_display Object *RECURSION* [plugin_type] => display [plugin_name] => block [options] => Array ( [defaults] => Array ( [access] => 1 [cache] => 1 [query] => 1 [title] => 1 [css_class] => 1 [display_description] => [use_ajax] => 1 [hide_attachment_summary] => 1 [hide_admin_links] => 1 [pager] => 1 [pager_options] => 1 [use_more] => 1 [use_more_always] => 1 [open_new_window] => [use_more_text] => 1 [exposed_form] => 1 [exposed_form_options] => 1 [link_display] => 1 [link_url] => [group_by] => 1 [style_plugin] => 1 [style_options] => 1 [row_plugin] => 1 [row_options] => 1 [header] => 1 [footer] => 1 [empty] => 1 [relationships] => 1 [fields] => 1 [sorts] => 1 [arguments] => 1 [filters] => 1 [filter_groups] => 1 ) [title] => [enabled] => 1 [display_comment] => [css_class] => [display_description] => [use_ajax] => [hide_attachment_summary] => [hide_admin_links] => [items_per_page] => 10 [offset] => 0 [use_pager] => [use_more] => [use_more_always] => [use_more_text] => more [link_display] => [link_url] => [group_by] => [field_language] => ***CURRENT_LANGUAGE*** [field_language_add_to_query] => 1 [access] => Array ( [type] => none ) [cache] => Array ( [type] => none ) [query] => Array ( [type] => views_query [options] => Array ( ) ) [exposed_form] => Array ( [type] => basic [options] => Array ( ) ) [pager] => Array ( [type] => full [options] => Array ( ) ) [style_plugin] => default [style_options] => Array ( ) [row_plugin] => fields [row_options] => Array ( ) [exposed_block] => [header] => Array ( ) [footer] => Array ( ) [empty] => Array ( ) [relationships] => Array ( ) [fields] => Array ( ) [sorts] => Array ( ) [arguments] => Array ( ) [filter_groups] => Array ( [operator] => AND [groups] => Array ( [1] => AND ) ) [filters] => Array ( ) [block_description] => [block_caching] => -1 ) [definition] => Array ( [title] => Block [help] => Display the view as a block. [handler] => views_plugin_display_block [theme] => views_view [uses hook block] => 1 [contextual links locations] => Array ( [0] => block ) [use ajax] => 1 [use pager] => 1 [use more] => 1 [accept attachments] => 1 [admin] => Block [help topic] => display-block [module] => views [theme path] => sites/all/modules/views/theme [theme file] => [path] => sites/all/modules/views/plugins [file] => [parent] => parent [name] => block [contextual links] => Array ( [views_ui] => Array ( [parent path] => admin/structure/views/view [argument properties] => Array ( [0] => name ) ) ) ) [is_plugin] => 1 [localization_keys] => Array ( [0] => block ) [default_display] => views_plugin_display_default Object ( [view] => view Object *RECURSION* [handlers] => Array ( ) [extender] => Array ( ) [display] => views_display Object ( [handler] => views_plugin_display_default Object *RECURSION* [display_options] => Array ( [query] => Array ( [type] => views_query [options] => Array ( ) ) [access] => Array ( [type] => perm ) [cache] => Array ( [type] => none ) [exposed_form] => Array ( [type] => basic ) [pager] => Array ( [type] => none [options] => Array ( [offset] => 0 ) ) [style_plugin] => default [row_plugin] => fields [fields] => Array ( [name] => Array ( [id] => name [table] => taxonomy_term_data [field] => name [relationship] => none [group_type] => group [ui_name] => [label] => [exclude] => 0 [alter] => Array ( [alter_text] => 0 [text] => [make_link] => 0 [path] => [absolute] => 0 [external] => 0 [replace_spaces] => 0 [path_case] => none [trim_whitespace] => 0 [alt] => [rel] => [link_class] => [prefix] => [suffix] => [target] => [nl2br] => 0 [max_length] => [word_boundary] => 0 [ellipsis] => 0 [more_link] => 0 [more_link_text] => [more_link_path] => [strip_tags] => 0 [trim] => 0 [preserve_tags] => [html] => 0 ) [element_type] => [element_class] => [element_label_type] => [element_label_class] => [element_label_colon] => [element_wrapper_type] => [element_wrapper_class] => [element_default_classes] => 1 [empty] => [hide_empty] => 0 [empty_zero] => 0 [hide_alter_empty] => 1 [link_to_taxonomy] => 0 [convert_spaces] => 0 ) [field_logo] => Array ( [id] => field_logo [table] => field_data_field_logo [field] => field_logo [relationship] => none [group_type] => group [ui_name] => [label] => [exclude] => 1 [alter] => Array ( [alter_text] => 0 [text] => [make_link] => 0 [path] => [absolute] => 0 [external] => 0 [replace_spaces] => 0 [path_case] => none [trim_whitespace] => 0 [alt] => [rel] => [link_class] => [prefix] => [suffix] => [target] => [nl2br] => 0 [max_length] => [word_boundary] => 1 [ellipsis] => 1 [more_link] => 0 [more_link_text] => [more_link_path] => [strip_tags] => 0 [trim] => 0 [preserve_tags] => [html] => 0 ) [element_type] => [element_class] => [element_label_type] => [element_label_class] => [element_label_colon] => [element_wrapper_type] => [element_wrapper_class] => [element_default_classes] => 1 [empty] => [hide_empty] => 0 [empty_zero] => 0 [hide_alter_empty] => 1 [click_sort_column] => fid [type] => image_url [settings] => Array ( [url_type] => 0 [image_style] => hersteller_logos [image_link] => ) [group_column] => [group_columns] => Array ( ) [group_rows] => 1 [delta_limit] => all [delta_offset] => 0 [delta_reversed] => [delta_first_last] => [delta_random] => [multi_type] => separator [separator] => , [field_api_classes] => 0 ) [tid] => Array ( [id] => tid [table] => taxonomy_term_data [field] => tid [relationship] => none [group_type] => group [ui_name] => [label] => [exclude] => 0 [alter] => Array ( [alter_text] => 0 [text] => [make_link] => 0 [path] => [absolute] => 0 [external] => 0 [replace_spaces] => 0 [path_case] => none [trim_whitespace] => 0 [alt] => [rel] => [link_class] => [prefix] => [suffix] => [target] => [nl2br] => 0 [max_length] => [word_boundary] => 1 [ellipsis] => 1 [more_link] => 0 [more_link_text] => [more_link_path] => [strip_tags] => 0 [trim] => 0 [preserve_tags] => [html] => 0 ) [element_type] => [element_class] => [element_label_type] => [element_label_class] => [element_label_colon] => [element_wrapper_type] => [element_wrapper_class] => [element_default_classes] => 1 [empty] => [hide_empty] => 0 [empty_zero] => 0 [hide_alter_empty] => 1 [set_precision] => [precision] => 0 [decimal] => . [separator] => [format_plural] => 0 [format_plural_singular] => 1 [format_plural_plural] => @count [prefix] => [suffix] => ) ) [filters] => Array ( [machine_name] => Array ( [id] => machine_name [table] => taxonomy_vocabulary [field] => machine_name [value] => Array ( [hersteller_marke] => hersteller_marke ) ) ) [sorts] => Array ( ) [title] => Unsere Marken ) [db_table] => views_display [vid] => 9 [id] => default [display_title] => Master [display_plugin] => default [position] => 1 ) [plugin_type] => display [plugin_name] => default [options] => Array ( [title] => Unsere Marken [enabled] => 1 [display_comment] => [css_class] => [display_description] => [use_ajax] => [hide_attachment_summary] => [hide_admin_links] => [items_per_page] => 10 [offset] => 0 [use_pager] => [use_more] => [use_more_always] => [use_more_text] => more [link_display] => [link_url] => [group_by] => [field_language] => ***CURRENT_LANGUAGE*** [field_language_add_to_query] => 1 [access] => Array ( [type] => perm ) [cache] => Array ( [type] => none ) [query] => Array ( [type] => views_query [options] => Array ( ) ) [exposed_form] => Array ( [type] => basic [options] => Array ( ) ) [pager] => Array ( [type] => none [options] => Array ( [offset] => 0 ) ) [style_plugin] => default [style_options] => Array ( ) [row_plugin] => fields [row_options] => Array ( ) [exposed_block] => [header] => Array ( ) [footer] => Array ( ) [empty] => Array ( ) [relationships] => Array ( ) [fields] => Array ( [name] => Array ( [id] => name [table] => taxonomy_term_data [field] => name [relationship] => none [group_type] => group [ui_name] => [label] => [exclude] => 0 [alter] => Array ( [alter_text] => 0 [text] => [make_link] => 0 [path] => [absolute] => 0 [external] => 0 [replace_spaces] => 0 [path_case] => none [trim_whitespace] => 0 [alt] => [rel] => [link_class] => [prefix] => [suffix] => [target] => [nl2br] => 0 [max_length] => [word_boundary] => 0 [ellipsis] => 0 [more_link] => 0 [more_link_text] => [more_link_path] => [strip_tags] => 0 [trim] => 0 [preserve_tags] => [html] => 0 ) [element_type] => [element_class] => [element_label_type] => [element_label_class] => [element_label_colon] => [element_wrapper_type] => [element_wrapper_class] => [element_default_classes] => 1 [empty] => [hide_empty] => 0 [empty_zero] => 0 [hide_alter_empty] => 1 [link_to_taxonomy] => 0 [convert_spaces] => 0 ) [field_logo] => Array ( [id] => field_logo [table] => field_data_field_logo [field] => field_logo [relationship] => none [group_type] => group [ui_name] => [label] => [exclude] => 1 [alter] => Array ( [alter_text] => 0 [text] => [make_link] => 0 [path] => [absolute] => 0 [external] => 0 [replace_spaces] => 0 [path_case] => none [trim_whitespace] => 0 [alt] => [rel] => [link_class] => [prefix] => [suffix] => [target] => [nl2br] => 0 [max_length] => [word_boundary] => 1 [ellipsis] => 1 [more_link] => 0 [more_link_text] => [more_link_path] => [strip_tags] => 0 [trim] => 0 [preserve_tags] => [html] => 0 ) [element_type] => [element_class] => [element_label_type] => [element_label_class] => [element_label_colon] => [element_wrapper_type] => [element_wrapper_class] => [element_default_classes] => 1 [empty] => [hide_empty] => 0 [empty_zero] => 0 [hide_alter_empty] => 1 [click_sort_column] => fid [type] => image_url [settings] => Array ( [url_type] => 0 [image_style] => hersteller_logos [image_link] => ) [group_column] => [group_columns] => Array ( ) [group_rows] => 1 [delta_limit] => all [delta_offset] => 0 [delta_reversed] => [delta_first_last] => [delta_random] => [multi_type] => separator [separator] => , [field_api_classes] => 0 ) [tid] => Array ( [id] => tid [table] => taxonomy_term_data [field] => tid [relationship] => none [group_type] => group [ui_name] => [label] => [exclude] => 0 [alter] => Array ( [alter_text] => 0 [text] => [make_link] => 0 [path] => [absolute] => 0 [external] => 0 [replace_spaces] => 0 [path_case] => none [trim_whitespace] => 0 [alt] => [rel] => [link_class] => [prefix] => [suffix] => [target] => [nl2br] => 0 [max_length] => [word_boundary] => 1 [ellipsis] => 1 [more_link] => 0 [more_link_text] => [more_link_path] => [strip_tags] => 0 [trim] => 0 [preserve_tags] => [html] => 0 ) [element_type] => [element_class] => [element_label_type] => [element_label_class] => [element_label_colon] => [element_wrapper_type] => [element_wrapper_class] => [element_default_classes] => 1 [empty] => [hide_empty] => 0 [empty_zero] => 0 [hide_alter_empty] => 1 [set_precision] => [precision] => 0 [decimal] => . [separator] => [format_plural] => 0 [format_plural_singular] => 1 [format_plural_plural] => @count [prefix] => [suffix] => ) ) [sorts] => Array ( ) [arguments] => Array ( ) [filter_groups] => Array ( [operator] => AND [groups] => Array ( [1] => AND ) ) [filters] => Array ( [machine_name] => Array ( [id] => machine_name [table] => taxonomy_vocabulary [field] => machine_name [value] => Array ( [hersteller_marke] => hersteller_marke ) ) ) ) [definition] => Array ( [title] => Master [help] => Default settings for this view. [handler] => views_plugin_display_default [theme] => views_view [no ui] => 1 [no remove] => 1 [js] => Array ( [0] => misc/form.js [1] => misc/collapse.js [2] => misc/textarea.js [3] => misc/tabledrag.js [4] => misc/autocomplete.js [5] => sites/all/modules/ctools/js/dependent.js ) [use ajax] => 1 [use pager] => 1 [use more] => 1 [accept attachments] => 1 [help topic] => display-default [module] => views [theme path] => sites/all/modules/views/theme [theme file] => [path] => sites/all/modules/views/plugins [file] => [parent] => parent [name] => default [contextual links] => Array ( [views_ui] => Array ( [parent path] => admin/structure/views/view [argument properties] => Array ( [0] => name ) ) ) ) [is_plugin] => 1 [localization_keys] => Array ( [0] => default ) ) ) [display_options] => Array ( [query] => Array ( [type] => views_query [options] => Array ( ) ) ) [db_table] => views_display [vid] => 9 [id] => block [display_title] => Block [display_plugin] => block [position] => 2 ) [plugin_type] => pager [plugin_name] => none [options] => Array ( [offset] => 0 [items_per_page] => 0 ) [definition] => Array ( [title] => Display all items [help] => Display all items that this view might find [handler] => views_plugin_pager_none [help topic] => pager-none [uses options] => 1 [type] => basic [module] => views [theme path] => sites/all/modules/views/theme [theme file] => [path] => sites/all/modules/views/plugins [file] => [parent] => parent [name] => none ) [is_plugin] => 1 ) [field_aliases] => Array ( [taxonomy_term_data] => Array ( [name] => taxonomy_term_data_name [vid] => taxonomy_term_data_vid [tid] => tid ) [taxonomy_vocabulary] => Array ( [machine_name] => taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name ) [] => Array ( ['taxonomy_term'] => field_data_field_logo_taxonomy_term_entity_type ) ) [tags] => Array ( ) [no_distinct] => [pure_distinct] => [view] => view Object *RECURSION* [display] => [plugin_type] => query [plugin_name] => views_query [options] => Array ( [disable_sql_rewrite] => [distinct] => [pure_distinct] => [slave] => [query_comment] => [query_tags] => Array ( ) ) [definition] => Array ( [title] => SQL Query [help] => Query will be generated and run using the Drupal database API. [handler] => views_plugin_query_default [module] => views [theme path] => sites/all/modules/views/theme [theme file] => [path] => sites/all/modules/views/plugins [file] => [parent] => parent [name] => views_query ) [is_plugin] => 1 [base_table] => taxonomy_term_data [base_field] => tid [count_field] => Array ( [table] => taxonomy_term_data [field] => tid [alias] => tid [count] => 1 ) ) [handler_type] => filter [table_alias] => taxonomy_vocabulary [real_field] => machine_name [relationship] => [options] => Array ( [id] => machine_name [table] => taxonomy_vocabulary [field] => machine_name [relationship] => none [group_type] => group [ui_name] => [operator] => in [value] => Array ( [hersteller_marke] => hersteller_marke ) [group] => 1 [exposed] => [expose] => Array ( [operator_id] => [label] => [description] => [use_operator] => [operator_label] => [operator] => [limit_operators] => [available_operators] => Array ( ) [identifier] => [required] => [remember] => [multiple] => [remember_roles] => Array ( [2] => 2 ) [reduce] => ) [is_grouped] => [group_info] => Array ( [label] => [description] => [identifier] => [optional] => 1 [widget] => select [multiple] => [remember] => 0 [default_group] => All [default_group_multiple] => Array ( ) [group_items] => Array ( ) ) ) [definition] => Array ( [help] => Filter the results of "Taxonomy: Term" to a particular vocabulary. [handler] => views_handler_filter_vocabulary_machine_name [group] => Taxonomy vocabulary [title] => Machine name ) [is_handler] => 1 [value_title] => Options [localization_keys] => Array ( [0] => default [1] => filter [2] => taxonomy_vocabulary [3] => machine_name ) [table] => taxonomy_vocabulary [field] => machine_name [position] => 0 ) ) [relationship] => Array ( ) [header] => Array ( ) [footer] => Array ( ) [empty] => Array ( ) [table] => views_view [type] => Normal [export_type] => 1 [localization_plugin] => views_plugin_localization_core Object ( [export_strings] => Array ( ) [translate] => 1 [view] => view Object *RECURSION* [display] => [plugin_type] => localization [plugin_name] => core [options] => Array ( ) [definition] => Array ( [title] => Core [help] => Use Drupal core t() function. Not recommended, as it doesn't support updates to existing strings. If you need to translate Views labels into other languages, consider installing the Internationalization package's Views translation module. [handler] => views_plugin_localization_core [help topic] => localization-core [module] => views [theme path] => sites/all/modules/views/theme [theme file] => [path] => sites/all/modules/views/plugins [file] => [parent] => parent [name] => core ) [is_plugin] => 1 ) [dom_id] => 64ae1a642ceb47eae819f717da48daba [relationships_fixed] => 1 [inited] => 1 [build_sort] => 1 [plugin_name] => default [build_time] => 0.00050187110900879 [execute_time] => 0.0002899169921875 )